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How can you get premium vehicles? Warbonds!
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We continue our tradition and present to you once again, an updated assortment of Warbonds for April.

Everything is as before: fulfill Battle Tasks, earn warbonds, improve the shop and get the rewards.

This assortment will be available until the 30th of April!

Battle Tasks will be available to you after reaching and purchasing a 3rd rank vehicle in any nation in-game. You can read more about Warbonds and Battle Tasks in the War Thunder wiki.

New item in the Warbond shop!



Trophy “Vehicle” - in this trophy you can find one coupon for purchasing of one of the vehicles mentioned in the description of the trophy. You can open the trophy or sell it on the War Thunder Market without opening it and earn GaijinCoin's.

The “G” that appears on some items means that they can be bought and sold on the  Market. Click on it to go to the item page.

What is War Thunder Market

Attention! PS4 players that receive a vehicle coupon can currently only use it to obtain a vehicle. In the future we will create a mechanism through which it will be possible to exchange the coupon for an already owned vehicle for an alternative Trophy vehicle or  for part of its value in the Warbonds.

Detailed list of the Warbond items in the shop this month:

🔸 Premium vehicles: 

  • Boomerang Mk.I (Britain)
  • Nb.Fz. (Germany)
  • Bf 109E-7(Japan)
  • T14 (USA)
  • Hurricane Mk.IIB (USSR)

🔸 Decal “Atomic Jaws”. Decal by Colin 'Fenris' Muir.

🔸 Supply boxes for  50%, 150%, 300%, 500%, 700% RP and SL for 1 battle.

🔸 Vehicle rent: AC IV Thunderbolt, Do 335B-2, B-17E (Japan), Super Hellcat, SU-122P.

🔸 3d decorations (camouflage).

🔸 3d decorations (other).

🔸 “Order” trophy.

🔸 Trophies “Avatar for tankers”.

🔸 Trophy “Vehicles” (CR.32 bis, XF5F, DB-7, Bf 109E-7/U2, SU-76M 5th Guards Cavalry Corps).

🔸 Sets of universal back-up vehicles. A player can activate this item to backup any one vehicle of their choice.

Decal “Atomic Jaws”

Interesting premium vehicles this month:

T14 (USA)


The T14 assault tank is a join Anglo-American program designed to get up close and personal and lead the charge into battle! Whilst the Americans were rather new to this concept, the British had experience due to their tank doctrine and this would be reflected by their input into the project. Those familiar with the M4, will be at home with the T14. Think of it as an M4 thats not afraid of taking a few shots, whilst rapidly responding with a few of its own thanks to its fast firing 75mm cannon. Lead the charge into battle with the T14!

Hurricane Mk.IIB (USSR)


The most widely produced British fighter which has now been introduced to its Russian comrades! Soviet mechanics have been busy making this British thoroughbred their own! Only 7.7mm machine guns you say? Now the vehicle has two 20 mm ShVAK cannons and two 12.7 mm machine guns. Yet still the same classic Merlin engine at the heart of this War Thunder classic.

Enjoy the new items available and see you on the battlefield!

Where can you find Warbonds??

Click on the 'Daily Tasks' icon from the War Thunder in-game hangar.



On the menu that opens, click on the 'Warbond Shop' icon in the bottom right corner.



You can now view the range of Warbonds available by clicking on on the various icons.
Purchases can be made with the 'Purchase' icon in the bottom right corner.


Battle tasks: These individual tasks bring variety to your gameplay and prevent situations where all the players in a battle try to complete one specific task, effectively ignoring mission objectives that are needed for a victory. They are available for players that have reached the 3rd rank of any nation. On completion, players will receive Silver Lions, and Warbonds - a special in-game currency with their own specific shop, where you can purchase many different items.

You can read more about battle tasks and war bonds in our devblog and on War Thunder wiki.

The War Thunder Team

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