One of the most popular and longest-running characters in the Dragon Ball franchise is Vegeta and, over the many different iterations, he has received a ton of different forms ranging in power.
The first of these forms came in Dragon Ball Z during his earliest appearance, but more recently Vegeta’s power has spiked to god-like levels. Of course, there is a variety of iterations along the way.
To learn the most about Vegeta’s progression you’ll want to check out all of the forms he has taken, but please note we won’t be including video game forms, fusions — outside of Baby Vegeta, or any seen in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Great Ape

The first of Vegeta’s transformations we see takes place in Dragon Ball Z when the Saiyan embraces his heritage and becomes the Great Ape at the sight of the moon.
In this form, Vegeta has increased strength to match the huge size of his Ape form and along with this physical increase, he can still use his ki attacks to beat down foes at range. While this is the biggest form of Vegeta, it isn’t his most powerful as you’ll see when our list continues.
Super Saiyan

After losing his tail, the next form that Vegeta is able to achieve is the most iconic and well know, his Super Saiyan form.
Like all other characters who can achieve this, while in the Super Saiyan state all of Vegeta’s strength is increased including his reaction time making him one tough customer to take off on in battle.
Super Vegeta

During the Perfect Cell saga of Dragon Ball Z while taking on Cell Vegeta emerges with the power to take on a new form aptly called Super Vegeta. In this state, Vegeta has a much larger physique and even more physical strength but his abilities remain the same as they are during his standard Super Saiyan form.
Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan 2 is a form that Vegeta has access to above his regular Super Saiyan mode that appears to be accessible when the Saiyan is enraged.
We see this form used during Dragon Ball Z and later in the first saga of Dragon Ball Super as he leaps to the defense of Bulma. While in this state Vegeta looks the same as his regular Super Saiyan form — with blue lightning also emitting from his person and his power is drastically increased.
Majin Vegeta

Arguably the most popular transformation of Vegeta’s is Majin Vegeta. After falling under the control of Babidi, we see Majin Vegeta take on Goku at the World Martial Arts Tournament and while its appearance is brief, this is a fan favorite battle.
In this state like others, Vegeta simply receives a power increase from his standard Super Saiyan form to around the same level as Super Saiyan 2, but he also has a distinctive “M” appear on his forehead to show that he is under Babidi’s control — for a time.
Super Baby Vegeta

While Dragon Ball GT isn’t considered canon, we have included these forms in this list as they are some of the most unique that Vegeta has ever received.
Also referred to as Super Baby Vegeta, this form is created when Baby absorbs Vegeta and is extremely powerful — more than any character in the Dragon Ball Z series. While this could be considered a form of Vegeta, all of the powers are that of Baby’s despite the influence that Vegeta has on appearance.
Golden Great Ape

During the battle between Baby Vegeta and Goku in Dragon Ball GT, Vegeta is able to assume his Golden Great Ape form, however, Baby is still in control. In this form, the Ape adopts the look of Baby Vegeta and his armor while also bringing in influences of the Golden Great Ape.
As far as powers go this mode has all of the impressive strength that Baby Vegeta has in a larger more physically powerful package.
Super Saiyan 4

The final form that Vegeta gets in Dragon Ball GT and the only one that is his alone is the Super Saiyan 4 mode. Like Goku’s when in this state Vegeta gets a drastic appearance change adopting some factors of the Great Ape in his regular stature and physique.
In this state, Vegeta has a massive power spike but retains the same abilities in his former Super Saiyan modes. Despite this, with the increased strength and reflexes there is no comparison, Super Saiyan 4 is superior.
Super Saiyan God

Back to the canon transformations. In Dragon Ball Super Vegeta gets a form arguably on par with Super Saiyan 4 called Super Saiyan God. In this mode, the Saiyan gets a raging red aura and another jump up in strength from his Super Saiyan forms.
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan

Again, another power-up takes place when Vegeta achieves Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, or as some refer to it, Super Saiyan Blue. The red aura is swapped out for blue in this mode as Vegeta gets another drastic power increase.
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved

During the Tournament of Power arc of Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta is forced to push the limited and attain an evolved state of his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan mode. In this state, Vegeta’s physique grows larger, and his power also spikes, but outside of this, there isn’t a lot of change to note.
Ultra Ego

The latest form that Vegeta has received has only appeared in the Dragon Ball Super manga so far and is called Ultra Ego.
A counterpart to Goku’s Ultra Instinct, Ultra Ego gives Vegeta the power of destruction so he can decimate foes and even create an aura around himself which can reflect incoming attacks. In this mode, Vegeta’s strength seems to grow the more damage he takes making combat against him an impossible task for most.
Published: Aug 31, 2022 12:18 am