Wellington Pride Festival is happening from 7 – 23 March this year and it’s time to get excited! The first Pride celebrations in Te Whanganui-ā-Tara were organised as part of campaigning for Homosexual Law Reform in 1986, and honestly you only have to read the Facebook comments (don’t read the Facebook comments) to see exactly […]
Remember how I promised to post more often and I haven’t really delivered on that? Well I’m trying to get less busy so I can. Truly I am. And one of the ways I’m doing that is by closing the House of Boom. Please tolerate me while I cut’n paste this in third person rather […]
Fairtrade Fortnight may be over, but that doesn’t mean it’s not something to still think about. When someone else is making the coffee for you, you may be drawn to particular beans because of their fair trade status. Why not apply the same criteria when you’re drinking it at home or work? Handily the good people […]
Last week, we gave away a pass t0 Raybon Kan’s comedy show as a favour to a friend. On hearing about what his show contained, I am so very sorry we did. Jokes about Chris Brown beating his girlfriend? Not okay. Here are some handy New Zealand statistics from Women’s Refuge One in three women […]
Everyone who’s a drinker knows that the best conversations happen when you are plied with good food and good drinks, so I’ve decided I’m going to interview some choice Wellingtonians after we have been imbibing together. First on the plate is Beth from Eat and Greet which launched last year and is doing a really great […]
It’s that time of year when people will call us buzzkills for not enjoying having our streets extra-clogged with vomit and having all of our female friends feel extra unsafe on the streets because of all the douchecanoes who think that because they’re wearing a costume they can harass with impunity. But we’re not buzzkills, […]
It’s that special time again! For the fourth year in a row, we’d like to invite you to come and have a drink with us before the Webstock conference. Once again, we’ll be at the Fork and Brewer, upstairs in Bond Street, from 5.30pm on Wednesday February 13. Spot us by our Webstock satchels, Instagramming […]
So many surfaces in Wellington are crammed with posters trying to sell us something, so we thought it might be nice to look at some of the advertising that actually looks good. This week, our favourite piece of advertising are these posters from Wellington Zoo. These absolutely gorgeous animals (there’s a red panda in the […]
Ages ago we saw an ad in the paper for The Portlander at Rydges Wellington in the paper, and after looking at pictures of their burgers, we headed along there for lunch. The lamb burger was slow-cooked in duck fat, and it was delicious, crispy bits spilling out everywhere. The onion rings were heaven too, second only to […]