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While you're here, did you know that the Organic Garden harvested and donated 611 pounds of campus-grown produce in 2023?
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While you're here, did you know that Converse Hall used to be painted pink?
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While you're here, did you know that more than 50 Olympians have studied at and graduated from Westminster?
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While you're here, did you know that Payne Gymnasium was built in 1928?
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While you're here, did you know Westminster University became a 4-year college in
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While you're here, did you know there are 10 ski resorts within an hour’s drive of
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While you're here, did you know that Westminster was founded in 1875 as a preparatory
school called the Salt Lake Collegiate Institute?
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While you're here, did you know that Westminster moved to its current location in
Sugar House in 1911?
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While you're here, did you know that Foster Hall was built in 1926?