City Government

City Charter

The Westmoreland City Charter was established in 1951 as a Tennessee Private Act Charter. The Tennessee House of Representatives has to ratify any changes made to the charter.

2021 Charter--MTAS Copy

City Council

The Westmoreland City Council is the governing body of Westmoreland and is composed of a mayor and five aldermen.

Mayor David Leath

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (615) 476-0482

Vice-Mayor Doug Brown

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (615) 655-3983

Alderman Alex Jones

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (615) 670-2686

Alderman Cameron Calvert

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (615) 922-0882

Alderman Adam Borders

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (615) 388-3018


Alderman Obern Staples

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (720) 273-4214

City Council Meeting Information & Minutes

Industrial Development Board

The Industrial Development Board is responsible for the building and its well-being and to promote growth and industry.

The Industrial Development Board meets the 3rd Monday of every month unless there are no new agenda items. The meetings are at 6:30 PM in the Industrial Development Board Conference Room of the Westmoreland Expo Center located at 4011 Fleetwood Drive, Westmoreland, TN 37186.

The members of the Board are:

Industrial Development Board Meeting Minutes

Municipal Court

Westmoreland City Court is held at:

Address: 3012 Thompson Lane Westmoreland, Tn 37186
Phone: (615) 644-3382 or (615) 644-2223

The Court Staff:

Planning & Zoning

The Planning & Zoning board meets the 4th Thursday of every month unless there are no new agenda items.

The meetings are at 6:30 p.m. in the community room at 5300 Austin Peay Highway.

Westmoreland Planning & Zoning Board Members:

Westmoreland Zoning Board of Appeals (WBZA):

Contact Information

City Hall
Phone: 615-644-3382

View Permits, Licenses, & Forms

Planning & Zoning Mission Statement

The Mission of the Planning and Zoning Department is to guide the Physical development of the City in a manner that will preserve its unique characteristics and enhance the quality of life for the City's present and future residents.

This will be accomplished by reviewing development proposals for consistency with the goals, objectives, and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; through the preparation of special studies, plans and reports addressing development and growth related issues; and by periodic updates to the Comprehensive Plan in order to ensure that it continues to reflect the needs and desires of the community.

We are guided by a desire to serve the public with the highest professional and ethical standards, and take pride in knowing that our efforts are helping to make Westmoreland Tennessee a great place to be.
