: Who is the cute employee girl in the Subway Guacamole commercial?

A: Libe Barer

Libe is an LA actress, who has appeared on several TV shows. Check out more information on her IMDb profile, Twitter, and Instagram pages.


(Source: youtube.com)

Q: Who are the cute girls in the hilarious Heinz Mustard commercial?

A1: Rebecca Larsen (Off-Brand Mustard)

Rebecca is an LA actress, who has appeared in many commercials. She can be also seen in current commercials for Cascade and for Diet Dr. Pepper.



A2: Ingrid Haas (Heinz Mustard)

Ingrid is a comedic actress, that has been on WITHAG several times before. Here is Ingrid’s IMDb profile, Instagram page, and her commercial work.


Check out more of this funny ad campaign at Heinz’s YouTube page.

: Who is the hot redhead girl in the CarMax ‘Barista’ commercial?

A: Whitney Hoy

Whitney is an LA actress, originally from Arlington, TX. Find out more about Whitney on her IMDb profile, and her Facebook, and Twitter pages.



(Source: youtube.com)

Q: Who is the hot girl in the Verizon Galaxy S6 “Finally” commercial?

A: Victoria Park

Victoria is a LA actress, originally from Chicago, IL. Check out more info on Victoria’s official site, IMDb profile, Twitter, and Instagram pages.


(Source: youtube.com)

Q: Who is the hot redhead girl in the Buick Encore “Wrong Car” commercial?

A: Kelly Frye

Kelly is an actress, originally from Houston, TX. She has appeared on various TV shows. Here are Kelly’s IMDb profile, Instagram, and YouTube pages.


: Who is the cute girl in the Verizon ‘Multipe Choice’ #NeverSettle commercial?

A: Jessica McKee

Jessica is a Los Angeles actress, who has appeared on several TV shows and commercials. Here are Jessica’s IMDb profile, Twtter, and Instagram pages. 


(Source: youtube.com)