USS Ranger

From Bravo Fleet

The USS Ranger (NCC-74658) is an Intrepid-class light explorer assigned to the Fourth Fleet under the command of Captain Juliette Yves. She is part of Sirius Squadron's Science and Exploration Division, which provides the expeditionary unit with scientific expertise and support, while independently conducting deep space exploratory missions outside of critical deployments.

The Ranger's responsibility is to support the two larger ships of the division, the Liberty and the Memphis, in their duties of research and exploration. With Liberty as the dedicated explorer and Memphis following up findings and data with long-term study, Ranger conducts reconnaissance and scouting missions. Alongside either ship, she identifies key locations for study or scopes out possible threats. Alone, she relies on her speed and versatility to conduct initial surveys of areas and locations, or contributes to survey operations of under-explored regions within or near to Federation space.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers