Brainiac Hairpiece/no

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Look smart and clever at the same time.
Brainiac Hairpiece publicity blurb

The Brainiac Hairpiece is a cosmetic item for the Engineer. It is a set of mutton chops, and features a frizzy white hairpiece and mustache.

This item has two styles, named "Med hjelm" and "Uten hjelm". The "Med hjelm" style retains the Engineer's default hardhat, while "Uten hjelm" hides the Engineer's default hardhat.

The Brainiac Hairpiece was later contributed to the Steam Workshop, at Valve's request.

Item set

Hovedartikkel: Item sets
Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack
Item icon The Brainiac Pack Bundle.png

Ingen effekt


Se også: Crafting


Foredlet metall Brainiac Pack weapon Mulige Resultater
Item icon Refined Metal.pngx4 + Item icon Pomson 6000.pngItem icon Eureka Effect.png =
Item icon Brainiac Hairpiece.png Item icon Brainiac Goggles.png


Hovedartikkel: Stiler
Brainiac Hairpiece Helmet.png
Brainiac Hairpiece No Helmet.png
Med hjelm Uten hjelm

Update history

15 desember 2011 Patch #1 (Australian Christmas 2011)

  • The Brainiac Hairpiece was added to the game.

21 desember 2011 Patch #1

9 februar 2012 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] The Brainiac Hairpiece was moved to the hat slot.

10 februar 2012 [Item schema update]

  • Reverted back into a miscellaneous item.
  • The Brainiac Hairpiece no longer hides Engineer's default helmet.
  • Removed "hat" equip_region.

23 januar 2014 Patch

  • Updated The Brainiac Hairpiece so it can be equipped with items like The Grizzled Growth and added a "no helmet" style.


See also