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“ | I've seen better sides of beef been run over by a combine.
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— The Engineer
” |
The Buffalo Steak Sandvich is a community-created secondary weapon for the Heavy. It is a slab of raw rib-eyed steak from a buffalo.
The Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be consumed by pressing either the primary fire or taunt key (default keys: MOUSE1 and G, respectively). When eaten, it temporarily increases the Heavy's movement speed to 299 Hammer units per second (roughly 20.4 km/h or 12.7 mph, 30% faster than his regular walking speed), locks him to his melee weapon, causes him to deal Mini-Crits with his attacks, and increases the damage he takes by 20%. If a player under the effect of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich has their speed increased by another weapon (such as by the Gloves of Running Urgently or Eviction Notice), their speed only increases by 3%, as the Buffalo Steak Sandvich caps Heavy's movement speed at 310 HU/s. These effects last for 16 seconds (although the buff actually lasts 18 seconds when including the Heavy's eating animation).
While the Heavy is eating, he makes a loud munching sound and the player is forced into the third-person view. If the Heavy is interrupted while eating (such as by an airblast), the effect of the Steak applies immediately.
Players can use alt-fire (default key: MOUSE2) to drop the Buffalo Steak Sandvich onto the floor. The normal effects are not applied on dropped steaks; a dropped Steak functions as a medium-sized Health kit that can be picked up by both allies and enemies (exactly the same as the Sandvich). The Heavy cannot use his own Steak to heal himself; picking up a dropped Steak simply resets the cooldown timer. A dropped Steak from another Heavy, whether friend or foe, can only be used to restore health and does not reset the cooldown timer.
The recharge time for the Buffalo Steak Sandvich is 30 seconds. The Heavy can instantly recharge the Steak by visiting a resupply cabinet, picking up his own thrown Steak, or collecting any health pickup while at full health. Should the Heavy be killed while holding the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, the ammo pack that he drops upon death instead restores 50 health for all classes but the Scout, who is healed for 75 health. The Buffalo Steak Sandvich weapon itself can be collected by other Heavies via weapon switching.
Healing and function times
Healing and function times | ||
Effect | Grants increased move speed and mini-crits. Increases damage taken by 20%. Restricts player to melee weapons. | |
Helbreding | ||
Healing amount | 50 / 75 50% of max health | |
Function times | ||
Consumption time | 4.3 s | |
Recharge time | 30 s / Instantly | |
Effect duration | 16 s (18 seconds when including the eating animation) | |
Dropped item expiry | 30 s | |
Values are approximate and determined by community testing. |
Item set
Sovende bjørn | |
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Effekt |
Ingen effekt |
Gjenvunnet metall | Smørbrød | Biffsmørbrød | ||
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Klassepollett – Heavy | Plasspollett – Sekundær | Vrakmetall | Mulige Resultater | |||||||||||||||||||
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Related achievements
Dodgers 1, Giants 0 Kill an enemy Heavy and take his Sandvich. |
Update history
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich was added to the game.
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich was added to the Mann Co. Store, made craftable, and included in random drops.
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich's speed boosting effect no longer stacks on any other speed boosting effect (i.e., the effect of the Gloves of Running Urgently).
- Added a plate model to be used when a Heavy throws the Buffalo Steak Sandvich. Previously, a Sandvich on a plate dropped when the Steak was thrown.
- Fixed players getting set bonuses applied on tournament servers when the server is restricting the player's weapons using the item_whitelist.
- The crafting cost of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich was changed from a Sandvich and a Crit-a-Cola to 1 Reclaimed Metal and a Sandvich.
- All Buffalo Steak Sandviches crafted before this patch were upgraded to Vintage quality.
- Added community contributed response rules to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
- Fixed an exploit with the Heavy's Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
- [Udokumentert] Fixed Buffalo Steak Sandvich allowing the user to switch to a primary weapon.
13 oktober 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)
- Fixed the Buffalo Steak Sandvich now having a cooldown when used at full health.
- Fixed touching a resupply cabinet removing the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich but not the melee restriction.
- [Udokumentert] Updated the Buffalo Steak Sandvich so it will only resupply ammo if the owner picks it up after dropping it.
- Fixed The Sandvich and The Buffalo Steak Sandvich using the wrong models when thrown.
- Changed attributes:
- Removed Damage taken Mini-Crits.
- Added Damage taken increased 25%.
- Fixed being able to incorrectly earn the Scout achievement "Retire the Runner" by killing a Heavy who had just eaten The Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
- [Udokumentert] Added Collector's quality.
2 juli 2015 Patch #1 (Gun Mettle Update)
- Changed attribute:
- Updated description to note that lunchbox items can be thrown (alt-fire) to supply players with a medkit.
- [Udokumentert] Fixed an exploit related to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich and dropping Powerups in Mannpower mode.
7 juli 2016 Patch (Meet Your Match Update)
- Fixed "damage taken" multiplier accidentally being +10%, instead of the listed +25%.
20 oktober 2017 Patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)
- Fixed some of the Heavy's edible secondary items not having the model update when the item is eaten.
- [Udokumentert] Increased effect duration from 15s to 16s.
- [Udokumentert] Reduced damage taken penalty from +25% to +20%.
- Updated the drop plate for the Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
18 juli 2024 Patch #1 (Summer 2024 Update)
- Changed attribute:
- Updated the description of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich to display the increased damage vulnerability while active.
- The speed boost still stacks with the speed boost of other items, but they only make the Heavy very slightly faster.[1]
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich's speed boost does not stack with the Eviction Notice's on-hit speed boost, but does with the passive speed boost.
- If the Buffalo Steak Sandvich is the active weapon during Humiliation, it can still be thrown by using alternate fire, and taunting still eats the Steak Sandvich and give its effects.
See also
- ↑ Video showing off speed boosts stack. Another video showing it off. Top right corner is the velocity.
Våpen | ||||||||||
Primær | Avsagd hagle | Rakettkaster | Flammekaster | Granatkaster | Mitraljøse | Hagle | Sprøytepistol | Snikskytterrifle | — | |
Naturkraft Håndbrems Brushane Barneansiktets bankraner Ryggspreder |
Fulltreffer Svart boks Raketthopper Frihetskaster Ku-kvester 5000 Original Bomsens bazooka Luftangrep |
Bakbrenner Avfetter Flogistonator Regnbueblåser Nostromo-napalmkaster Dragens vrede |
Loch Nesestyver Ali Babas spisse støvler Trebeint Løs kanon Basehopper Jernbomber |
Natascha Jernteppe Messingbeist Tomislav Ilddrake |
Pionerjustis Enkemaker Pomson 6000 Redningspatrulje Panikkanfall |
Blutsauger Korsfarerens armbrøst Overdose |
Jeger Sengevæter Basarkupp Machina Leiemorderens lykketreff AWPetitt Trimmet trinsebue Klassiker Stjerneskudd |
— | ||
Sekundær | Pistol | Hagle | Hagle | Klisterbombekaster | Hagle | Pistol | Helsepistol | Maskinpistol | Revolver | |
Bonk! Atomenergi Lugermorph Krit-a-Cola Mannevond melk Vingspiller Kjeltringens colt Flyvende giljotin Mutert melk C.A.P.P.E.R |
Motivasjonsbanner Vernesko Bataljonens bistand Erobrer Mannstøvler Reserveskyter Rettskaffen bison Basehopper Panikkanfall |
Signalpistol Detonator Reserveskyter Mannesmelter Svidd skyter Panikkanfall Bensinkanne Termisk oppdrift |
Våpenskjold Skotsk motstand Klisterhopper Praktskjerm Styrbord Hurtigbombekaster |
Smørbrød Dalokohsplate Biffsmørbrød Fiskekake Familiebedrift Robo-Smørbrød Panikkanfall Trøstebanan |
Lugermorph Sensortemmer Kortslutning C.A.P.P.E.R Gigerteller |
Kritzkrieg Kvikk-fiks Vaksinatør |
Jarate Skarprygg Darwins fareskjold Koselig camper Krypskytterens karabin Selvbevisst skjønnhetsflekk |
Ambassadør Big Kill L'Étranger Håndhever Diamantrygg | ||
Nærkamp | Balltre | Spade | Brannøks | Flaske | Knyttnever | Skiftenøkkel | Beinsag | Kukri | Kniv | |
Jon Blund Stekepanne Milde makrell Bostonbanker Polkagris Sol-på-pinne Krigsvifte Trippelrune-kniv Saxxy Atomkraft Militærnekter Uarmert kamp Gavesmekk Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Ballsabel Prinny-machete |
Utjevner Splitter pine Stekepanne Halv-Zatoichi Saxxy Disiplinærstraff Flyvende feltspade Militærnekter Rømningsplan Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Brannslakter Brakmaker Stekepanne Kraftjekk Ryggskraper Slipt vulkanfragment Slegge Saxxy Postpryler Militærnekter Tredjegrads Slikkepine Neontorpedo Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete Håndvarmer |
Øyelender Splitter pine Skottens skallekløyver Stekepanne Hesteløse Hodeløse Hestemannens halshugger Claidheamh Mòr Ullapool-staur Halv-Zatoichi Saxxy Persisk overtaler Nessies nierjern Militærnekter Skotsk håndtrykk Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Kameraters gromme boksehansker Stekepanne Grådig raske unionshansker Knyttnever av stål Kampånd Saxxy Utkastelsesvarsel Militærnekter Apoka-never Julebukk Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Brødbit Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Gyllen skiftenøkkel Jernhånd Sørlig gjestfrihet Skrustikke Saxxy Aha-opplevelse Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Prinny-machete |
Übersag Stekepanne Vita-sag Amputerer Saxxy Høytidelig løfte Militærnekter Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Stammekniv Buskebasker Stekepanne Saxxy Shahanshah Militærnekter Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Din evige belønning Konspiratørens kunai Saxxy Storkar Voodoo-prikk Skarpt kledd Sniktapp Svart rose Gyllen stekepanne Prinny-machete | ||
Primær-PDA | — | — | — | — | — | Konstruksjons-PDA | — | — | Forkledningssett | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | ||
Sekundær-PDA | — | — | — | — | — | Rivings-PDA | — | — | Usynlighetsklokke | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Snikmorder Dobbeltgjenger Entusiastens urverk Quäckenbirdt | ||
Bygning | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Sapper | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Byråkratisk opptaker Ap-Sap Matmons | ||
Hån | Grand Slam | Grenade | Hadouken Armageddon Execution Gas Blast |
Barbarian Swing | High Noon | Arm Blender Guitar Smash |
Oktoberfest Uberslice Medicating Melody |
Arrow Stab | Fencing |