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RED-owned Control Point.
Control Points (also known as capture points or simply points) are used as the main objective in Control Point, Territorial Control, and King of the Hill maps, a secondary objective in Arena and Versus Saxton Hale maps, and a similar variant appears in Payload maps. In appearance, they are circular metallic platforms with a team-colored light in the center with their team logo hologrammed above it (neutral points have a white light and a question mark above them).
There are three statuses for a Control Point:
Neutral: The Control Point can be taken by either team (usually the central point in a standard CP map).
Captured: The Control Point is currently owned by the RED team, but can be retaken by the BLU team.
Locked: The Control Point is currently owned by the RED team and cannot be retaken by the BLU team.
Control Points are captured by standing on top of them. The speed at which a Control Point is captured depends on how many players from the capturing team are present on the point: two BLU players capturing a RED point capture that point faster than only one BLU player would. Scouts count as two players, as do Soldiers and Demomen wielding the Pain Train, and Saxton Hale counts as three players. There is a limit on how fast a Control Point can be captured (see Control Point timing). A Spy is allowed to capture a point while disguised as a friendly player but do not gain the aforementioned capture rate buffs from disguises.
If players from both teams are on the same, unlocked Control Point, that point is said to be contested, which means no progress is made toward the point changing team control. When players from the offensive team are removed from the point, all of their progress is lost gradually over time, not immediately.
Reverting a capture
When a Control Point is neutral and both teams are trying to capture it, captures can be reverted. If a team begins, but does not finish, to capture a neutral point and then is driven off, when the other team begins to capture that point, they first have to "revert" the progress that the first team made before they can begin to make progress of their own. The revert rate increases in speed with more players of the second team standing on the point.
- Disguised Spies cannot block a capture if they are disguised as the team capturing the point, and cannot capture a point if they are disguised as the enemy team.
- Cloaked Spies can not defend or capture a Control Point.
- ÜberCharged players cannot capture points, but can block enemy captures. Note that Quick-Fix ÜberCharged players can neither capture or block points; Kritzkrieg and Vaccinator ÜberCharged players can still capture and defend points.
- Scouts under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch can neither block enemy captures nor capture points themselves.
- The Rocket Jumper and Sticky Jumper do not block point capture, they only prevent the wielder from carrying the intelligence.
A neutral Control Point on Granary.
A RED-owned Control Point on Granary.
A BLU-owned Control Point on Granary.
Related achievements
Murtumaton Puolustus Puolusta Dustbowlia onnistuneesti ilman yhdenkään komentopisteen menettämistä.
Mahdoton Puolustus Puolusta Gravel Pitiä onnistuneesti ilman yhdenkään komentopisteen menettämistä.
Ankara Taistelu Voita Hydro ilman yhdenkään komentopisteen menettämistä.
Kata pöytä Laita alulle 10 onnistunutta pisteen valtausta.
Kärkkyminen kannattaa Aloita pisteen valtaus sekunnin kuluessa siitä, kun piste tulee saataville.
Kolmoisvoitto Valtaa kolme pistettä peräkkäin yhden elämän aikana.
Kollaa kestää Puolusta valtauspistettä 30 kertaa.
Puhdistus Tapa 15 vihollista, jotka ovat valtaamassa hallitsemaasi komentopistettä.
Triplatappaja Tapa yhdessä elämässä 3 vihollista, jotka ovat saavuttamassa tavoitetta.
Salamavakooja Aloita pisteen valtaus sekunnin kuluessa siitä, kun piste tulee saataville.
Teurastaja pisteellä Tapa 15 vihollista, jotka seisovat hallussaan olevalla komentopisteellä.
Täyttä rautaa Voita erä, missä vihollistiimi on yrittänyt vallata viimeisen komentopisteesi.
Tahtojen taisto Suunnista edestakaisin taistelukentällä kerätäksesi yhteensä 15 pisteenvaltausta yhdessä erässä.
Laske viiteen Valtaa viimeinen komentopiste viidessä sekunnissa tiimisi edellisestä komentopistevaltauksesta.
Voiman tasapaino Voita erä, jossa vastatiimi on yrittänyt vallata viimeistä komentopistettä.
Tehoja pienemmälle Tapa 15 komentopisteen valtausta yrittävää vihollista.
Tehokas reissu Valtaa viimeinen komentopiste 15 sekunnin sisällä siitä, kun tiimisi valtasi sitä edeltävän komentopisteen.
Update history
29. huhtikuuta 2008 -päivitys (Gold Rush Update)
- Spies disguised as their own team can now capture Control Points
- Fixed rare client crash on level change during Control Point capturing
1. maaliskuuta 2012 -päivitys
- Fixed a case where capturing a point in Overtime would end the round before time could be added
29. marraskuuta 2012 -päivitys
- Fixed missing materials in the Control Point HUD on attack/defend maps
17. joulukuuta 2015 -päivitys (Tough Break Update)
- Players can no longer capture objectives while under the effects of Quick-Fix ÜberCharge.
12. huhtikuuta 2018 -päivitys
- Fixed being able to capture Control Points during setup time.
- Despite not contributing to the progress of capturing a point, ÜberCharged players and Disguised Spies still gain credit for capping the Control Point if they are on it when the capture completes.
See also