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“ | It's a miracle. It's an Australian Christmas bloody miracle!
إضغط لسماع الصوت
— The Sniper beholding his Festivized Australium Sniper Rifle
” |
The Festivizer is a tool item. It is represented by a coil of Christmas lights powered by a pair of Bonk batteries, a roll of masking tape, and a yellow staple gun.
The Festivizer allows the user to Festivize either a Decorated weapon or a few other select weapons. Applying a Festivizer to an eligible weapon wraps it with a coil of flashing yellow, green, and team-colored Christmas lights, in a similar fashion to Festive weapons. A weapon retains its current quality when Festivized (e.g. a Strange Minigun would remain in Strange quality after the tool is used). However, when applied to Stock weapons, they are converted from Normal quality to Unique quality. Applying a Festivizer also adds the prefix "Festivized" to the front of a weapon's name, changes its backpack icon to reflect its new in-game appearance (wrapped with festive lights), and adds "Festivized" in purple text to the weapon's description.
List of possible Festivized weapons
Update history
- The Smissmas 2015 Festive Gift can now be opened to find a Gun Mettle and Tough Break Festivizer.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2016 7 يناير
- Added the ability to restore festivized weapons via the context menu.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2016 29 أغسطس
- [Undocumented] Updated the item type strings for the Gun Mettle and Tough Break Festivizer.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2016 21 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2016)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case.
- Added a few weapons to the list of items that can be Festivized: Fire Axe, Jag, Kritzkrieg, Pistol, Quick-Fix, Natascha, Sandman, Spy-cicle, Kukri, Shovel and Scottish Resistance.
- [Undocumented] Gun Mettle and Tough Break Festivizer was renamed into the Festivizer.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2017 21 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2017)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case.
- Expanded list of weapons that can be Festivized: Ubersaw, Dragon's Fury, Amputator, Air Strike, Back Scratcher, Scotsman's Skullcutter, Bazaar Bargain, Black Box, Claidheamh Mòr, Crusader's Crossbow, Degreaser, Loose Cannon, Persian Persuader, Detonator, Brass Beast, Holy Mackerel, Loch-n-Load, Powerjack, Iron Bomber, Reserve Shooter, Disciplinary Action, Family Business, Shahanshah, Scorch Shot, Shortstop, Soda Popper, Rescue Ranger, Tomislav, Panic Attack, and Winger.
- [Undocumented] Australium weapons can now be Festivized.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2018 4 يناير
- Updated festivized items to use "Festivized" in the name instead of "Festive".
- This will help disinguish the original Festive weapons from weapons that have had a Festivizer applied to them.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2018 28 مارس #1
- Fixed Festivized items ignoring any other quality for their name (i.e. "Collector's").
- Fixed Festivized Australium weapons not using the correct skins for players on the BLU team.
- Fixed Festivized Holy Mackerels, Soda Poppers, and Wingers not drawing the festive lights for the BLU team.
- Fixed the Steam Community Market icons for several Festivized weapons.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2018 19 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2018)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2019 16 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2019)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2020 3 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2020)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2021 2 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2021)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2022 5 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2022)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2023 7 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2023)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2023 Cosmetic Case.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2024 11 ديسمبر (Smissmas 2024)
- The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2024 Cosmetic Case.
- Applying a Specialized or Professional Killstreak Kit on a Festivized item causes the sheen to appear in the backpack icon.
- If the Festivized item has the Decorated quality, and the player dies, the lights use the texture of the weapon, rather than using their own texture.
- Occasionally, backpack icons for Festivized weapons are affected by certain console commands that affect lighting, such as
mat_phong 0
. - The item description is missing a period at the end.