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“ | Yeah, next time, try two eyes!
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— The Scout on gibus upgrades
” |
The Ghastlierest Gibus (/'gæstliərɛst /ˈdʒaɪbəs/ gast-lee-er-est jahy-buhs) is an unlockable cosmetic item for all classes. It is an upgraded version of the Ghastlier Gibus. The item is very similar to the Ghastlier Gibus, but with the addition of a miniature MONOCULUS resting on a small red platform inside it.
Players that had earned the Ghastlier Gibus before the Very Scary Halloween Special update had their Ghastlier Gibus upgraded to a Ghastlierest Gibus.
Painted variants
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Update history
27 oktober 2011 Patch (Very Scary Halloween Special)
- [Udokumentert] The Ghastlierest Gibus was added to the game.
- [Udokumentert] Changed Ghastlier Gibuses that were obtained before the Very Scary Halloween Special to Ghastlierest Gibuses.
26 oktober 2012 Patch (Spectral Halloween Special)
- [Udokumentert] Added "Ghostly" style.
29 oktober 2014 Patch (Scream Fortress 2014)
- [Udokumentert] Added Strange quality.
- "Ghastlierest" is not a standard English word, but a humorous misspelling of the real superlative adjective for "ghastly", being: "ghastliest".
- Miss Pauling wears the Ghastlierest Gibus in the comic Gargoyles & Gravel.
See also