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The following dictates the Medic voice commands.
These commands can also be spoken by the Medic Robot. To hear these versions of the commands, press this button next to the desired command.
Unused responses
المسعف |
| Weapons |
برايمري | | | سكندري | | | ميلي |
Bonesaw ( Frying Pan, Saxxy, Conscientious Objector, Freedom Staff, Bat Outta Hell, Memory Maker, Ham Shank, Golden Frying Pan, Necro Smasher, Crossing Guard, Prinny Machete) · Ubersaw · Vita-Saw · Amputator · Solemn Vow | | | | | | |
| | قدرات | | | Cosmetics | | | اليتم سيتس | | | Special taunts | | | أتشيفمنتس | | | شَخْصِيَّة | | | أستراتيجية | | | أخرى | |