Neon Annihilator/ar

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Mhhph mh mh mhhp mh mhp mhpph mhhpp!
The Pyro on using public banners as weaponry

The Neon Annihilator is a community-created promotional melee weapon for the Pyro. It is a neon sign with the Chinese word for "bar" (酒吧, Cantonese: Zau2Baa6, Mandarin: jiǔbā) that appears to have been torn from its permanent fixture on a wall, judging by the orientation of the characters and the fact that the base also has four thick, crooked bolts. The neon tubes on the sides of the weapon are team-colored (hydrogen for RED and mercury for BLU) and glow in the dark, as do the neon tubes inside the outer tubes, which slowly pulse between light and dark. A yellow-coloured plastic wire is seen strung from the neon lights to the back of the weapon, where it is connected via a small power compartment. The weapon releases an electric sound when striking a player or object.

The weapon deals 20% less damage to players and cannot deal random Critical hits. However, any attack on an enemy soaked by Mad Milk, Jarate, the Gas Passer's gas cloud, swimming, or standing in water of any depth electrocutes them, dealing critical damage. As enemies are considered wet for five seconds after leaving a water source, the Neon Annihilator also deals Critical hits for that duration. Dealing any kind of Critical hit breaks it visually, which does not impact gameplay. Furthermore, the Neon Annihilator can remove Sappers, an ability it shares with the Homewrecker and Maul, although it requires 2 hits to remove them instead of 1.

Enemies killed by the Neon Annihilator suffer a distinctive death by vaporization: they turn black, hover in mid-air while surrounded by team-colored particles, and then disappear into ashes. Like backstabs and headshots, there is a 25% chance of opponents performing a specific disintegration animation if killed in this way. This vaporization effect is shared among the energy weapons.

Taunting with the Neon Annihilator plays a bass guitar sound alongside the Pyro's usual mumbling.

This item was awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-ordered Sleeping Dogs on Steam before August 14, 2012, or August 17, 2012 in Europe.

The Neon Annihilator was later contributed to the Steam Workshop, at Valve's request.

Damage and function times

:مواضيع متعلقة الضرر
الضرر و أوقات العمل
Damage type Melee
Ranged or Melee damage? Melee
الضرر قاعدي 100%
كريتيكال 156
الميني كريت 70
أوقات العمل
Attack interval 0.8 s
القيم تقاس مقربة وتحدد بإختبارات الكوميونتي



:مواضيع متعلقة Crafting


Third Degree Reclaimed Metal Neon Annihilator
Item icon Third Degree.pngx2 + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Neon Annihilator.png
Class Token - Pyro Slot Token - Melee Scrap Metal النتائج المحتملة
Item icon Class Token - Pyro.png + Item icon Slot Token - Melee.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Axtinguisher.png Item icon Homewrecker.png Item icon Back Scratcher.png Item icon Powerjack.png
Item icon Sharpened Volcano Fragment.png Item icon Maul.png Item icon Postal Pummeler.png Item icon Third Degree.png
Item icon Lollichop.png Item icon Neon Annihilator.png Item icon Freedom Staff.png Item icon Ham Shank.png
Item icon Bat Outta Hell.png Item icon Conscientious Objector.png Item icon Hot Hand.png

Strange variant

Related achievements

Leaderboard class pyro.png المشعل

قتل 6 أشخاص باستخدام الفاير أكس.
قتل 3 أشخاص الذين يعانون مع الفاير أكس الخاص في حياة واحدة.

Update history

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 2 أغسطس (Triad Pack)
  • The Neon Annihilator was added to the game.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 10 أغسطس

  • Materials now animate.
  • Damage penalty only applies to players (not buildings).
  • Can damage Sappers.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 15 أغسطس

سبتمبر 13, 2012 [Item schema update]

التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 12 مارس

  • [Undocumented] Added Strange quality.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 19 مارس

  • Fixed the Neon Annihilator sometimes floating in the world after death.
  • The Neon Annihilator can now accept Sappers Destroyed strange parts.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 3 أبريل

  • Fixed the guitar sound not always playing when taunting with the Neon Annihilator.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 12 نوفمبر

التصحيحات البرنامج 2014 9 يناير

  • Fixed not being able to apply Killstreak Kits to the Sleeping Dogs promo items.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2014 18 يونيو (Love & War Update)

  • [Undocumented] Added unused broken model for the Neon Annihilator.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2014 30 يوليو

  • Fixed teammates blocking the removal of Sappers when using the Homewrecker, Maul, and Neon Annihilator.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2017 20 أكتوبر #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

  • Fixed the Neon Annihilator not having its models break on Critical hits.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2024 18 يوليو #1 (Summer 2024 Update)

  • Fixed the Neon Annihilator not getting Crit-attacks when hitting players covered with gas.


  • The battery's texture has a nod to the Facepunch forums on it ("def2fp"). The BLU team skin was originally going to read "props2fp" but was changed by Valve.[1]
  • On the Triad Pack Update Page, the damage penalty is incorrectly labeled as a firing speed penalty.


See also
