Operation Binary Blackout/ko

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Operation Binary Blackout was a community Mann vs Machine tour organized by Moonlight MvM and hosted by Pineapple.TF. A public beta was held for the tour on December 8 to 10, 2021, when the tour officially launched. The tour concluded on March 30, 2022.


On December 8, 2021, Operation Binary Blackout went into public beta, with 20 missions spread across 19 maps. The tour features 7 Intermediate difficulty missions, and 13 Advanced difficulty missions, on both official Valve maps, such as Mannworks and Rottenburg, as well as returning community maps from previous community Mann vs. Machine campaigns. The tour officially launched on December 10, 2021, and concluded on March 30, 2022.

Featured Missions

This table shows the missions available during the event.

Intermediate Missions
임무 공격 Creators
Brugge Frontline Fodder 6 randomguy
Isolation Frostbite 7 the fat
Casino City Jackpot Ultimaximus
Redstone Ridge Reddish Rebellion 6 randomguy
Coastrock Sandtraps 8 Literally A Moth
Shiver Peak Snowy Sunshine CreatorForce
Autumnull Urban Uprising 6 Literally A Moth

Advanced Missions
임무 공격 Creators
Underground Absentia 6 Literally A Moth
Area 52 Australian Christmas 7
Dockyard Cargo Carnage 6 the fat
Coastrock Cycled Overdrive 7 Sntr
Doppler Delta Drop 6
Quetzal Jungle Judgment 5 Anonymous
Downpour Last Stand of Dead Men 1 randomguy
Mannworks Manntenance 6 Anonymous
Hideout Perilous Paradise Athazar
Nox Radiant Dawn CreatorForce
Derelict Shadow Wave randomguy
Cyberia Silver Snow 5 CreatorForce
Rottenburg Township Tussle 7 Literally A Moth


This event had five medals up for grabs: three as rewards for completion of the tour, and two for donations to a charity drive benefiting Child's Play. Clearing at least six of the seven available Intermediate difficulty missions earned the player the Bronze Beginner medal, clearing at least six of the thirteen available Advanced difficulty missions earned the player the Silver Soldier medal, and clearing at least twelve Advanced difficulty missions earned the player the Golden Great medal.

In addition, players were able to donate varying amounts through item or monetary donations to receive donor medals. Donating at least 5 USD earned the player the Juvenile's Jade medal, and donating at least 15 USD earned the player both the Juvenile's Jade and Marvellous Moonstone medals. The charity drive closed on April 30, 2022.

Content creators whose missions were accepted for use in the event were awarded the Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade medal.

The Bronze Beginner, Silver Soldier, and Golden Great player medals all reuse their respective-colored canteen medals from Operation Canteen Crasher, while the Juvenile's Jade and Marvellous Moonstone donation medals reuse the same models as the Grandiose Garnet and Royal Rhodonite medals from Operation Madness vs Machines; however, both donor medals initially drop with custom painted colors which are not otherwise available in-game. The Juvenile's Jade medal drops with a special jade green color, and the Marvellous Moonstone drops with a special diamond blue color.

Each of the donor medals has two styles, named "Normal" and "Gem Only". The "Gem Only" style displays only the gemstones, without the surrounding metal frames.

The player medals were contributed to the Steam Workshop by Colteh, Rev, Swordstone, Wave, Nuke, kratos , Benoist3012, Pelipoika, sigsegv, Hyperion, Hydrogen , sedisocks, Sntr, NeoDement, Star Bright, and Interrobang .

The donor medals were contributed to the Steam Workshop by NeoDement , Sntr , Erikku , sigsegv , Jakapoa , Pelipoika , Interrobang , Rev , Benoist3012 , kratos , Nuke , Hydrogen , Hyperion , Pineapple Medals Bot , DaanBox , and Swordstone .

Backpack Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo Medal 2018.png

진품 Binary Blackout Bronze Beginner 2021
레벨 1 커뮤니티 훈장
Well done rookie! Your bravery in downgrading the robot threat from "major problem" to just "problem" was recognized and has earned you this standard-issue canteen. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's winter charity tour!

( 거래 및 장터 판매 불가 )

Backpack Canteen Crasher Silver Building Medal 2018.png

진품 Binary Blackout Silver Soldier 2021
레벨 1 커뮤니티 훈장
Marketing accidentally wrote "silverware" instead of "silver" when commissioning these canteens. We now have a surplus of canteens made from knives and forks. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's winter charity tour!

( 거래 및 장터 판매 불가 )

Backpack Canteen Crasher Gold Uber Medal 2018.png

진품 Binary Blackout Golden Great 2021
레벨 1 커뮤니티 훈장
Don't let the name fool you: this canteen is made of 100% pure steel. The best we could do was paint it gold due to budgeting. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's winter charity tour!

( 거래 및 장터 판매 불가 )

Paint Splat 17D58.png
Backpack Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021.png

진품 Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021
레벨 1 커뮤니티 훈장
You have proven that, even in the heat of battle, you can still look out for the children, and for that we award you with this neat little stone we stole from New Zealand! Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's winter charity tour!

( 거래 및 장터 판매 불가 )

Paint Splat B5E8FF.png
Backpack Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021.png

진품 Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021
레벨 1 커뮤니티 훈장
It's rumored that this stone was found somewhere on the moon. A more likely theory is that it's just a chunk of stained glass. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's winter charity tour!

( 거래 및 장터 판매 불가 )

Painted variants

본문: 페인트통
미리보기 사진에 마우스를 가져다 대면 배경이 검은색으로 변합니다.
[hide]Operation Binary Blackout
  • Juvenile's Jade (Normal)
  • Juvenile's Jade (Gem Only)
  • Marvellous Moonstone (Normal)
  • Marvellous Moonstone (Gem Only)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7E7E7E.png
격하게 떡칠된 옅은 색 색상 번호: 216-190-216 유별나게 칙칙한 팅크색 나이 지긋한 콧수염빛 회색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 141414.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 694D3A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7C6C57.png
색다른 색조의 결핍 애프터 에이트 레디건 코내거 갈색 낡고 둔박한 빛깔
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A57545.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 CF7336.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 F0E68C.png
근육남의 갈색 피부 Mann Co. 주황색 오스트레일륨 황금 완만한 신사의 업무용 바지 색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E9967A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7D4071.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 51384A.png
그을린 연어색 지독한 분홍색 자주색에 완전 충실한 색 고결한 모자 장수의 보라색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 424F3B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 808000.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 729E42.png
벼룻돌 비슷한 색 제페니아의 탐욕 국방색 또렷한 녹색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 32CD32.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 BCDDB3.png
라임과도 같은 패배의 쓴 맛 Mann의 박하색
팀 색상
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 839FA3.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 18233D.png
물에 젖은 실험복 (레드) 물에 젖은 실험복 (블루) 발라클라바는 영원히 (레드) 발라클라바는 영원히 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B8383B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 5885A2.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 483838.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 384248.png
단체 정신 (레드) 단체 정신 (블루) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (레드) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 803020.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 256D8D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 654740.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 28394D.png
협동의 가치 (레드) 협동의 가치 (블루) 위풍당당한 분위기 (레드) 위풍당당한 분위기 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B88035.png Painted Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021 UNPAINTED.png
크림 정신 (레드) 크림 정신 (블루) 일반
Gem Only
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E6E6E6 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 D8BED8 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C5AF91 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7E7E7E Gem Only.png
격하게 떡칠된 옅은 색 색상 번호: 216-190-216 유별나게 칙칙한 팅크색 나이 지긋한 콧수염빛 회색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 141414 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2D2D24 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 694D3A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7C6C57 Gem Only.png
색다른 색조의 결핍 애프터 에이트 레디건 코내거 갈색 낡고 둔박한 빛깔
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A57545 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 CF7336 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E7B53B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 F0E68C Gem Only.png
근육남의 갈색 피부 Mann Co. 주황색 오스트레일륨 황금 완만한 신사의 업무용 바지 색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E9967A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 FF69B4 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7D4071 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 51384A Gem Only.png
그을린 연어색 지독한 분홍색 자주색에 완전 충실한 색 고결한 모자 장수의 보라색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2F4F4F Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 424F3B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 808000 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 729E42 Gem Only.png
벼룻돌 비슷한 색 제페니아의 탐욕 국방색 또렷한 녹색
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 32CD32 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 BCDDB3 Gem Only.png
라임과도 같은 패배의 쓴 맛 Mann의 박하색
팀 색상
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A89A8C Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 839FA3 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 3B1F23 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 18233D Gem Only.png
물에 젖은 실험복 (레드) 물에 젖은 실험복 (블루) 발라클라바는 영원히 (레드) 발라클라바는 영원히 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B8383B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 5885A2 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 483838 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 384248 Gem Only.png
단체 정신 (레드) 단체 정신 (블루) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (레드) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 803020 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 256D8D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 654740 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 28394D Gem Only.png
협동의 가치 (레드) 협동의 가치 (블루) 위풍당당한 분위기 (레드) 위풍당당한 분위기 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C36C2D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B88035 Gem Only.png Painted Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
크림 정신 (레드) 크림 정신 (블루) 일반
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7E7E7E.png
격하게 떡칠된 옅은 색 색상 번호: 216-190-216 유별나게 칙칙한 팅크색 나이 지긋한 콧수염빛 회색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 141414.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 694D3A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7C6C57.png
색다른 색조의 결핍 애프터 에이트 레디건 코내거 갈색 낡고 둔박한 빛깔
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A57545.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 CF7336.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 F0E68C.png
근육남의 갈색 피부 Mann Co. 주황색 오스트레일륨 황금 완만한 신사의 업무용 바지 색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E9967A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7D4071.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 51384A.png
그을린 연어색 지독한 분홍색 자주색에 완전 충실한 색 고결한 모자 장수의 보라색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 424F3B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 808000.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 729E42.png
벼룻돌 비슷한 색 제페니아의 탐욕 국방색 또렷한 녹색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 32CD32.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 BCDDB3.png
라임과도 같은 패배의 쓴 맛 Mann의 박하색
팀 색상
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 839FA3.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 18233D.png
물에 젖은 실험복 (레드) 물에 젖은 실험복 (블루) 발라클라바는 영원히 (레드) 발라클라바는 영원히 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B8383B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 5885A2.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 483838.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 384248.png
단체 정신 (레드) 단체 정신 (블루) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (레드) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 803020.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 256D8D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 654740.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 28394D.png
협동의 가치 (레드) 협동의 가치 (블루) 위풍당당한 분위기 (레드) 위풍당당한 분위기 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B88035.png Painted Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021 UNPAINTED.png
크림 정신 (레드) 크림 정신 (블루) 일반
Gem Only
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E6E6E6 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 D8BED8 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C5AF91 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7E7E7E Gem Only.png
격하게 떡칠된 옅은 색 색상 번호: 216-190-216 유별나게 칙칙한 팅크색 나이 지긋한 콧수염빛 회색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 141414 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2D2D24 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 694D3A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7C6C57 Gem Only.png
색다른 색조의 결핍 애프터 에이트 레디건 코내거 갈색 낡고 둔박한 빛깔
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A57545 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 CF7336 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E7B53B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 F0E68C Gem Only.png
근육남의 갈색 피부 Mann Co. 주황색 오스트레일륨 황금 완만한 신사의 업무용 바지 색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E9967A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 FF69B4 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7D4071 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 51384A Gem Only.png
그을린 연어색 지독한 분홍색 자주색에 완전 충실한 색 고결한 모자 장수의 보라색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2F4F4F Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 424F3B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 808000 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 729E42 Gem Only.png
벼룻돌 비슷한 색 제페니아의 탐욕 국방색 또렷한 녹색
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 32CD32 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 BCDDB3 Gem Only.png
라임과도 같은 패배의 쓴 맛 Mann의 박하색
팀 색상
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A89A8C Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 839FA3 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 3B1F23 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 18233D Gem Only.png
물에 젖은 실험복 (레드) 물에 젖은 실험복 (블루) 발라클라바는 영원히 (레드) 발라클라바는 영원히 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B8383B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 5885A2 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 483838 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 384248 Gem Only.png
단체 정신 (레드) 단체 정신 (블루) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (레드) 기술자의 멜빵바지 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 803020 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 256D8D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 654740 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 28394D Gem Only.png
협동의 가치 (레드) 협동의 가치 (블루) 위풍당당한 분위기 (레드) 위풍당당한 분위기 (블루)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C36C2D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B88035 Gem Only.png Painted Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
크림 정신 (레드) 크림 정신 (블루) 일반


본문: 양식
[hide]Operation Binary Blackout - Styles
  • Juvenile's Jade
  • Marvellous Moonstone
Painted Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Normal Gem Only
Painted Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Normal Gem Only

Update history

2021년 11월 15일 패치

  • [언급되지 않음] The Binary Blackout medals were added to the game.

External links