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“ | Much obliged, pardner.
إضغط لسماع الصوت
— The Engineer receiving his prize
” |
The Prize Plushy is a community-created promotional cosmetic item for the Engineer. It is the pink teddy bear from the video game The Cave; a team-colored plush bear placed in the Engineer's front belt pocket. It also places a handkerchief in the Engineer's back pants pocket.
When players equipped with this item kill an enemy unassisted by another player, the killfeed shows everyone in Pyroland that it gets the assist, with its custom name if it has one.
This item was awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Cave on Steam before January 24, 2013.
The Prize Plushy was later contributed to the Steam Workshop, at Valve's request.
Pyroland Demonstration
Painted variants
Update history
التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 8 يناير
- The Prize Plushy was added to the game.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 16 يناير
- The Prize Plushy can now get assists in Pyrovision.
التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 24 يناير
- [Undocumented] The Prize Plushy was made craftable and was added to the Mann Co. Store.
See also