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“ | Unicorn power.
Kattints ide, hogy meghallgasd!
— The Sniper with his new buddy
” |
The Reindoonicorn is a cosmetic item for all classes. It is an inflatable reindeer-unicorn based on the Balloonicorn that floats behind the player. This item can only be seen in-game by users who are in Pyroland.
When equipped, players see the world through Pyrovision; some maps are transformed into a Pyroland version, gibs and pickups are replaced with their counterparts from birthday mode, low-violence mode is activated, other players' voices become high-pitched, and all players laugh when injured or killed. Additionally, certain cosmetic items show up in the killfeed.
Ha a játékos ezt a tárgyat viseli és más játékos segítsége nélkül öl meg valakit, mindenki aki Piróföldön van, látni fogja hogy az adott tárgy (saját nevével, ha el van nevezve) segítette a játékost az adott ölésnél.
Pyroland Demonstration
Related achievements
Általános teljesítmények
Update history
2012. December 20-i Javítás #1 (Mecha Update)
- The Reindoonicorn was added to the game.
- Fixed the achievement "The Great Deflate" not counting certain Reindoonicorn items.
2013. Július 10-i Javítás (Summer Event 2013)
- [Nem dokumentált] Added the Reindoonicorn to the item drop system.
2016. Július 7-i Javítás #1 (Meet Your Match Update)
- [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange quality.
- The description is referring to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, a popular fictitious reindeer with a glowing red nose.
- "Reindoonicorn" is a portmanteau between the words "reindeer", "balloon", and "unicorn".
See also