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Koth rotunda.png
Základní informace
Typ mapy: King of the Hill
Název souboru: koth_rotunda
Vydáno v: Patch z 12. července 2023
(Summer 2023 Update)
Tvůrce: Paul „Brokk“ Clausen
Rhafael „Rhamkin“ Oliveira
Alex „FGD5“ Stewart
Roman „FanCyy“ Malashkevich
Bertrand „Tails8521“ Penguilly
Louie „bakscratch“ Turner
Christoph „Gadget“ Manschitz
Kevin „Ravidge“ Brook
Aeon „Void“ Bollig
Jesse „Custard1“ Budd
Prostředí: Alpine, industrial
Zasazení: Daylight, sunny
Nebezpečí: Trains, crushing
Předměty na mapě
Healthico.png Lékárny: Smallhealth.png ×2  •  Mediumhealth.png ×12
Ammoico.png Náboje: Smallammo.png ×4   •   Mediumammo.png ×10
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Rotunda overview.png
Známka mapy
Item icon Map Stamp - Rotunda.png
Tabulka lidí, jež podpořili tuto mapu
Welcome to Rotunda, a steam engine workshop turned secret doomsday storage facility, now abandoned. Fight on trains, fight around trains, and fight for trains!
Rotunda publicity blurb

Rotunda is a community-created King of the Hill map. The map is set in a dilapidated, full rotunda railway roundhouse in southeast Germany, with the teams fighting over a reactor called The McGuffin on a flat car on the turntable with a team-colored steam locomotive coupled to each end. This map is partially inspired by the open layouts of Nucleus and Harvest. When a team captures the point, the respective locomotive emits steam and blows its whistle, with distinct sounds for RED and BLU.

Rotunda was contributed to the Steam Workshop.


  • Spawn Yard: The Yard outside the Spawn room.
  • Train: A slow, continuously-passing train protecting one Spawn gate.
  • Outer Rotunda: The outer ring of ground floor rooms and routes.
  • Inner Rotunda: The open platform around a Turntable.
  • Turntable: The ground level approaches to control point.
  • The McGuffin: The control point.
  • Basement: From the yard, an entrance under a "secret" hatch leads to a maze of basement rooms to the Pit.
  • Pit: The level below the Turntable.
  • Catwalk: The platform overlooking the Turntable, connecting to a small control shack that houses a medium health pack.


Původní článek: Komunitní strategie pro Rotunda

Update history

Patch z 12. července 2023 #1 (Summer 2023 Update)

  • Added Rotunda to the game.

Patch z 20. července 2023 #1

  • Aligned various textures and fixed cubemap issue
  • Improved clipping
  • Improved lighting and reduced visual noise on some textures
  • Raised gate to flank route for ease of access
  • Aligned some props
  • Fixed out-of-bounds exploit related to func_tracktrain (Thank you, The Nubing!)
  • Added missing collision to some props
  • Sealed the map more


  • Several props and parts of the map can be seen fading in and out from a distance.[1]


  • A Wiki Cap along with some Soldier gibs and an Intelligence briefcase can be found in BLU's tunnels. This is a reference to one of the creators owning a Wiki Cap.[2]
  • Outside the RED spawn, a room can be found out of bounds containing an Engineer and Heavy doing the Kazotsky Kick and credits to the map developers.
  • A small blue locomotive can be found riding around the upper depot catwalk, which also follows the same track as one of the spectator cameras for the main area.
  • A summit cross can be found on the top of the mountain in the skybox, which is common in Germany and almost all Europe.
  • The locomotive model on the point are DRG Class 81.[3]
    • In German practice, the model's locomotive number plate starts with the DRG locomotive class, 81 in this case. The remainder of the full plate number on RED side, 6745, is the signature of FGD5, the model's creator.[3]



  1. Fading prop example 1, fading prop example 2, fading prop example 3
  2. Creator confirming the reference
  3. a b Creator confirming the reference (the number in the post by the creator is a typo. FGD5's signature and the RED train number plate is 6745).