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This article is about the secondary weapon for the Heavy. For similar food items, see Sandvich (disambiguation).
The Sandvich is a great tool for a Heavy defending an area, as it gives him the ability to replenish health between enemy waves without having to abandon his post.
Sandvich publicity blurb

The Sandvich, known in full as the Sandvich Edible Device, is an unlockable secondary weapon for the القوي. It is half of a sandwich made with two triangular slices of white bread. Layered inbetween are slices of lettuce, tomatoes, Swiss cheese, ham and bologna, as noted by the Heavy, and a green pimento-stuffed olive is pinned to the top with a toothpick. The Festive version wraps the entire sandwich in team-colored wrapping paper, decorated with several Matryoshka Dolls decals that feature both the Sandvich and the playable classes. It also replaces the olive with a glowing yellow star, attached via a large spring. On consumption, the Sandvich shows a large bite to its side.

The Sandvich can be consumed by pressing either primary fire or taunt key (default keys: MOUSE1 and G, respectively). When eaten, it gradually replenishes up to 300 health over a four second duration with no overheal. While the Heavy is eating, he makes a loud munching sound and the player is forced into the third-person view. As eating the Sandvich is considered a taunt, it cannot be consumed in instances when taunts cannot be used, such as when underwater. If consumed while at maximum health, the Sandvich does not have to recharge, allowing it to be consumed continuously for leisure. Crit-boosted Sandviches have no additional benefits.

Players can use the alt-fire key (default key: MOUSE2) to drop the Sandvich onto the floor. A dropped Sandvich appears on a rotating plate and acts as a medium Health kit that can be picked up by both allies and enemies. Picking up the Heavy's own dropped Sandvich resets the weapon's cooldown timer rather than providing health. A dropped Sandvich from another Heavy, whether friend or foe, restores health and does not reset the cooldown timer. Two sandviches from the same Heavy cannot be dropped on the floor at the same time, as the original disappears as soon as another is thrown.

The recharge time for the Sandvich is approximately 30 seconds. The Heavy can instantly recharge the Sandvich by visiting a Resupply cabinet, picking up his own thrown Sandvich, or collecting any health pickup while at full health. The recharge timer begins as soon as the Sandvich is consumed or dropped. Should the Heavy be killed while holding the Sandvich, the ammo pack that he drops upon death instead restores 50 health for all classes but the Scout, who is healed for 75 health. The Sandvich weapon itself can be collected by other Heavies via weapon switching.

The Sandvich is automatically awarded to any player who obtains 10 Heavy achievements.

Healing and function times

الهيلينج وأوقات العمل
مقدار الهيلينج 300
50 / 75
50% of max health
أوقات العمل
الوقت المستهلك 4.3 s
وقت إعادة شحن 30 s / Instantly
مدة إنتهاء الأيتم المنزل 30 s
القيم تقاس مقربة وتحدد بإختبارات الكوميونتي



:مواضيع متعلقة Crafting


Class Token - Heavy Slot Token - Secondary Scrap Metal النتائج المحتملة
Item icon Class Token - Heavy.png + Item icon Slot Token - Secondary.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Sandvich.png Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png Item icon Buffalo Steak Sandvich.png Item icon Family Business.png
Item icon Panic Attack.png Item icon Second Banana.png

As a crafting ingredient

Sandvich Scrap Metal Dalokohs Bar
Item icon Sandvich.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png = Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png
Sandvich Reclaimed Metal Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Item icon Sandvich.png + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Buffalo Steak Sandvich.png

Strange variant

Related achievements

Leaderboard class scout.png الكشاف

دودجيرس ١ , جيانتس  ٠
دودجيرس ١ , جيانتس ٠
اقتل الهيفي العدو واتخاذ ساندفيشه.

Leaderboard class heavy.png القوي

كونسبيسووس كونسومبشيون
كونسبيسووس كونسومبشيون
أكل ١٠٠ صاندفيتش.

Update history

التصحيحات البرنامج 2008 19 أغسطس (Heavy Update)
  • The Sandvich was added to the game.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2009 25 فبراير

  • Players with full health can now pick up dropped Sandviches.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2009 15 سبتمبر

  • Alt-fire on the Sandvich now drops Sandviches.
    • A single Sandvich can be dropped at a time. Dropping the Sandvich removes it from the Heavy.
    • A Heavy can regain his Sandvich by collecting a healthkit while already being at full health.
    • Eating a Sandvich using the taunt method now heals a Heavy to full health.
    • Dropped Sandviches heal 50% of the collector's health.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2009 14 أكتوبر

  • Added 1/2 Bonus Point for healing a teammate with a dropped Sandvich.
  • Fixed being able to eat your Sandvich (via taunt) and drop it in the same frame.
  • Fixed thrown Sandvich traveling through players before being activated.
  • Fixed Sandviches sometimes spawning inside walls, or being thrown through thin walls.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2009 22 ديسمبر

  • Fixed the Heavy picking up his own thrown Sandvich if it was thrown while running forward.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 28 أبريل

  • Throwing a Sandvich to a teammate now earns a full bonus point (was half a point).

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 12 مايو

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 8 يوليو (التحديث إينجينير)

  • The Sandvich now uses a cooldown timer, instead of the health pack recharge mechanic.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 30 سبتمبر (تحديث المانكونومي)

  • [Undocumented] Removed the cooldown timer from the Sandvich and the Dalokohs Bar when eating.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 6 أكتوبر

  • Fixed the Sandvich cooldown not occurring when the Heavy is hurt.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 27 أكتوبر (Scream Fortress Update)

  • Fixed the Sandvich charge meter.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2010 21 ديسمبر

التصحيحات البرنامج 2011 10 مارس (مجموعة الشوجون)

  • Updated model with optimizations and LODs.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2011 15 مارس

  • [Undocumented] The crafting blueprint for the Dalokohs Bar was changed from Bonk! Atomic Punch and Sandvich to one Scrap Metal and Sandvich.
  • [Undocumented] The crafting blueprint for the Buffalo Steak Sandvich was changed from Crit-a-Cola and Sandvich to one Reclaimed Metal and Sandvich.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2011 23 أغسطس

  • Added simplistic bot behaviors for the Sandvich.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 14 فبراير

  • Updated the Heavy's Sandvich so it will only resupply ammo if the owner picks it up after dropping it. This means the only way to gain health from the Sandvich is by eating it.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 5 يوليو

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 20 ديسمبر (Mecha Update)

التصحيحات البرنامج 2012 21 ديسمبر

  • Fixed Strange Festive Sandviches leveling up multiple times in a single use.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 16 يناير

  • Fixed Strange Festive Sandvich not always tracking usage.
  • Added Festive Sandvich to the list of items allowed in Medieval mode.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2013 12 نوفمبر

التصحيحات البرنامج 2015 2 يوليو # 1 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Changed attribute:
    • Updated description to note that lunchbox items can be thrown (alt-fire) to supply players with a medkit.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2015 8 يوليو #1

  • Fixed an issue with the Sandvich where consuming it at full health would consume it forever.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2015 10 سبتمبر

  • Strange Sandviches can now accept Allies Extinguished strange parts.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2016 7 يوليو #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

التصحيحات البرنامج 2017 20 أكتوبر #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

  • Fixed some of the Heavy's edible secondary items not having the model update when the item is eaten.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2017 24 أكتوبر

  • Fixed the charge meter for the Sandvich not resetting to 100% when the player picks up a health kit.

التصحيحات البرنامج 2017 13 ديسمبر

  • Fixed the Festive Sandvich not counting towards the Heavy achievement "Konspicuous Konsumption".

التصحيحات البرنامج 2017 21 ديسمبر #1 (Smissmas 2017)

  • Fixed the Festive Sandvich not showing the bite mark when eaten.

Unused content

The Festive Sandvich is set up for paint to be applied, but the ability to do so is disabled.

Unused painted variants
:المقالة الأساسية Paint Can
Mouseover cells to preview the images on a dark background. Click on the images to enlarge them.
Single colors
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich E6E6E6.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich D8BED8.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich C5AF91.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 7E7E7E.png
An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge Color No. 216-190-216 Peculiarly Drab Tincture Aged Moustache Grey
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 141414.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 2D2D24.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 694D3A.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 7C6C57.png
A Distinctive Lack of Hue After Eight Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich A57545.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich CF7336.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich E7B53B.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich F0E68C.png
Muskelmannbraun Mann Co. Orange Australium Gold The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich E9967A.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich FF69B4.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 7D4071.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 51384A.png
Dark Salmon Injustice Pink as Hell A Deep Commitment to Purple Noble Hatter's Violet
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 2F4F4F.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 424F3B.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 808000.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 729E42.png
A Color Similar to Slate Zepheniah's Greed Drably Olive Indubitably Green
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 32CD32.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich BCDDB3.png
The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime A Mann's Mint
Team colors
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich A89A8C.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 839FA3.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 3B1F23.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 18233D.png
Waterlogged Lab Coat (الأحمر) Waterlogged Lab Coat (الأزرق) Balaclavas Are Forever (الأحمر) Balaclavas Are Forever (الأزرق)
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich B8383B.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 5885A2.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 483838.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 384248.png
Team Spirit (الأحمر) Team Spirit (الأزرق) Operator's Overalls (الأحمر) Operator's Overalls (الأزرق)
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 803020.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 256D8D.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 654740.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich 28394D.png
The Value of Teamwork (الأحمر) The Value of Teamwork (الأزرق) An Air of Debonair (الأحمر) An Air of Debonair (الأزرق)
Unused Painted Festive Sandvich C36C2D.png Unused Painted Festive Sandvich B88035.png RED Festive Sandvich.png BLU Festive Sandvich.png
Cream Spirit (الأحمر) Cream Spirit (الأزرق) Unpainted (الأحمر) Unpainted (الأزرق)


  • If the Sandvich is the active weapon during Humiliation, it can still be thrown by using alternate fire, and taunting still restores the player to full health.
  • The Festive variant does not glow when Crit boosted.
  • The light on the Festive Sandvich may appear red or blue when thrown instead of the typical yellow.
  • The Festive Sandvich does not appear when inspecting it from the backpack menu.


  • The Sandvich was first introduced to the community in Meet the Scout, months before it was released as an in-game item.
    • Scout receiving more health from a dropped Sandvich is a direct reference to this.[1]
  • The user manual for the Sandvich contains a typo. The word "Health" relating to the cheese and dairy group is misspelled as "Heatlh". This is corrected in the actual poster available through the Valve Store.
    • The user manual also still mentions healing 120 health (or "nutritional points") it used to heal, rather than the 300 health it currently heals.


Related merchandise

See also


  1. game\server\tf\tf_ammo_pack.cppL:315

External links