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Bu makalenin ele aldığı konu: the stock building item for the Spy. Görmek istediğiniz konu other sappers ise, buraya da bakınız: Sapper (disambiguation).
"Sapped" sizi bu makaleye getirmektedir. the unusual effect makalesini kast etmiş olabilirsiniz.
The silhouette shows that a Sapper can be applied to the building. Note the needle gauge is in the red.
A level 1 Sentry being sapped.
Spy's sappin' mah sentry!
The Engineer

The Sapper, mentioned in the Sentry Operating Manual as the AM/FM Ultra-Sapper, is the default building weapon for the Spy. It is a small electric generator inscribed 'ELECTRO-SAPPER', with a carrying handle, two long yellow wires and a meter. It also features two clamps that are deployed when used.

The sole function of the Sapper is to destroy an Engineer's buildings. Should the player select the weapon and stand near an enemy structure, they are able to see a white outline of the Sapper on the building, indicating that it is in range and can be sapped. Additionally, the needle on the gauge moves to the right red zone. Pressing the primary fire key (varsayılan: MOUSE1) attaches the weapon, and the building is slowly damaged until it is destroyed. A sapped building immediately ceases to function; Sentry Guns do not fire, Dispensers do not heal or dispense ammo, and Teleporters do not teleport. The Engineer is also unable to use his Destruction PDA to self-destruct a sapped building. When applied to buildings, the Sapper produces electrical sparks and a loud hissing noise. When a Sapper is attached to one end of a Teleporter, another Sapper is automatically placed on the other end of the Teleporter, if it exists and is not in building progress. If the Spy is disguised, the disguise class plays a distinct, unique animation of placing the device on the building. Unlike the Spy's other weapons, using a Sapper does not cause him to lose his disguise.

For each building the Spy player places a Sapper upon, a small window in their HUD appears showing both the remaining health of the building sapped and the health of the Sapper on that building.

Once the building is being sapped, the Engineer owner is alerted to it in his HUD, and automatically plays a voice clip alerting nearby players of the building's predicament. Engineers can remove a Sapper with two hits from their melee weapon (three with the Jag). When a Sapper is attacked, the Spy player is notified by a similar alert in their HUD. If an Engineer removes a Sapper from a Teleporter, the Sapper at the other end is also removed. If a Medic is healing the Engineer, he can get an assist for the Sapper kill. Pyros equipped with the Homewrecker or the Maul can destroy Sappers in one hit (two with the Neon Annihilator). Enemies focused on removing Sappers may leave themselves open to a backstab or headshot, allowing the Spy or a teammate to distract and dispose of enemies in addition to the building in question.

The Sapper has infinite ammunition and no discernible "cooldown" time; Sappers can be placed on a building faster than an Engineer can repair the damage each one causes, which guarantees the building's destruction if the Spy is not dealt with.

Sapped Sentry Guns take 33% less damage from the Spy who applied the Sapper, such as when shooting them with a Revolver. Dispensers and Teleporters take normal damage.

Damage and function times

Ayrıca bakınız: Hasar
Hasar ve işlev süreleri
Ana hasar 100% 25 / s
İşlev süreleri
Şarj süresi
15 s
Yapı imha süresi
Level 1:
6.00 s
Level 2:
7.20 s
Level 3:
8.64 s
4.00 s
Değerler topluluk testlerinde kaydedilmiştir ve yaklaşık değerlerdir.

Tanıtım videosu

In Mann vs. Machine

In Mann vs. Machine, Sappers can be attached to robots, stunning them (and, if upgraded, any other robots nearby). Robots stunned this way can be backstabbed from any angle. Sappers do not damage robots - they only disable them for 4-7 seconds depending on how many Robot Sapper Power upgrades have been purchased. Giants, being immune to stun, are only slowed down and can still attack players. Sapping an Engineer Robot's buildings works as usual, however only one building can be sapped at a time.

Unlike regular multiplayer, sapping either a robot or a building requires the Sapper to recharge for 15 seconds before another one can be deployed.

The Sapper can be instantly recharged with a Ammo and Clip Refill canteen; however, if the Spy has placed a Sapper on a robot or building, he is unable to deploy it until the previous Sapper is no longer active (either all the objects it was applied to are destroyed or the effect time expires).

Sapper Power Upgrade Points Stun/Slowdown Duration Radius of Effect
0 4 s 0 HU
1 4 s 200 HU
2 5.5 s 225 HU
3 7 s 250 HU

Tanıtım videosu

Strange variant

Related achievements

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Ateşli Güvenlik
Ateşli Güvenlik
Takım arkadaşının yapısı üzerine elektro bozucu yerleştiren 5 Spyateşe ver.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Emeğe Saygı
Emeğe Saygı
20 Spy'ı takım arkadaşının yapısına bozucu yerleştirdikten sonraki 5 saniye içinde öldür.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Avuç Dolusu Bozucu
Avuç Dolusu Bozucu
Takım arkadaşlarının yapılarına yerleştirmiş 25 bozucuyu yok et.

Acele Et!
Acele Et!
Yapılarına uzak bir bölgeden yetişerek, yapına yerleştirilmiş olan bir bozucuyu yok et.
Hızlı Davran
Hızlı Davran
10 saniye içinde bir Spy'ı öldür ve iki bozucuyu yok et.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Karma Harekat
Karma Harekat
Takım arkadaşın bir tareti bozduğunda sen de 3 saniye içinde başka bir tareti boz.

Otomatik Bozucu
Otomatik Bozucu
1000 Engineer yapısını Elektro Bozucu ile yok et.
Enayileri Bozma
Enayileri Bozma
Bir yapıyı boz ve 5 saniye içinde sahibini sırtından bıçakla.

Bir Adam Ve Bozuk Silahları
Bir Adam Ve Bozuk Silahları
Bir Engineer'ı sırtından bıçakla, sonraki 3 saniye içerisinde 3 yapısını boz.

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machine başarımları

Kurnaz Voltaj
Kurnaz Voltaj
Spy olarak, tek bir seferde 10 robot boz.

Update history

2 Ekim 2007 Yaması
  • Fixed server crash related to Spy Sappers.

7 Kasım 2007 Yaması

  • Fixed Spies being able to attach Sappers through thin walls.

20 Aralık 2007 Yaması

  • Sapped buildings now take slightly less damage from the Spy who sapped them.

1 2008 Mart Yaması (Xbox)

  • Fixed exploit attaching Sappers to buildings through walls.

23 Haziran 2008 Yaması

  • Fixed Sapper viewmodel animation popping.

8 Haziran 2009 Yaması

  • Fixed Spies not being able to sap a building if an enemy player was colliding with the building.

13 Ağustos 2009 Yaması (Classless Update)

  • Sappers attached to a teleporter automatically place another Sapper on the other end of the teleporter, if it exists.

2 Aralık 2010 Yaması

  • Fixed Spies being able to destroy Sappers by using the "destroy 3 0" command.

22 Mart 2012 Yaması

  • [Belgelenmemiş] Added Strange quality.
  • [Belgelenmemiş] Made the Sapper nameable.
  • [Belgelenmemiş] The Sapper now appears in backpack when viewing stock items.
  • [Belgelenmemiş] Fixed Sapper needle animation not properly playing.

2 Ağustos 2012 Yaması

  • Fixed Sappers attaching incorrectly to Teleporters that are still building.

14 Şubat 2013 Yaması

  • Fixed "Buildings Sapped" strange counter sometimes incrementing when buildings were destroyed without a Sapper attached.

12 Mart 2013 Yaması

  • [Belgelenmemiş] Converted the Sapper and buildings to use c_sapper models.

19 Mart 2013 Yaması

  • Fixed the Spy not holding Sappers correctly in third person.

20 Aralık 2013 Yaması (Smissmas 2013)

  • [Belgelenmemiş] Added Festive variant.

9 Ocak 2014 Yaması

  • Fixed not being able to gift wrap the Festive Sapper.

17 Temmuz 2014 Yaması

  • Fixed the Festive Sapper not having a skin for the Blu team.

7 Ocak 2015 Yaması

  • Updated the Vampire powerup to give health for damage done by Sappers.

2 Temmuz 2015 Yaması #1 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Decreased the damage penalty on Sentry Guns sapped by the Spy from -66% to -33% (i.e. shooting a Sentry the Spy sapped with a Revolver is now more effective).

24 Eylül 2015 Yaması

17 Aralık 2015 Yaması (Tough Break Update)

  • After removing a Sapper from a Sentry Gun, there is now a 0.5s delay before the sentry is active again.

18 Aralık 2015 Yaması

  • Fixed a bug where the Sapper preview would disable buildings when removed.

29 Ağustos 2016 Yaması

  • Fixed Sappers sometimes only being applied to one Engineer teleporter.

2 Kasım 2016 Yaması

  • Sappers can no longer be used while a truce is active.

21 Aralık 2016 Yaması (Smissmas 2016)

  • Fixed not being able to transfer Strange stats between versions of the Sapper.

23 Eylül 2019 Yaması

  • Fixed the Festive Sapper not playing a timer sound while attached to buildings.

Unused content

  • The game files have referenced a taunt for the Sapper since the game's launch; however, the animation is not present in the Spy's animation set.
  • Prior to the 12 Mart 2013 Yaması, the Sapper would drop gibs when destroyed; however, this feature was removed, leaving the gib models unused.


  • If the Sapper is placed on a building as it upgrades to the next level, an additional Sapper can be placed on the building for a brief period of time. Doing so causes the second Sapper to disappear, and renders the first Sapper indestructible by melee attacks from both Engineers and Pyros equipped with the Homewrecker, Maul, or Neon Annihilator. Additionally, the sapped building functions as normal, albeit with draining health. Hauling the affected building corrects the problem.
  • The idle animation does not play during a replay, causing the needle to remain still.
  • Occasionally, if a Spy saps repeatedly one end of a Teleporter while an Engineer attempts to destroys the Sappers on the other end, the Sapper is removed from the Engineer's end and not from the Spy's end.
  • The Sappers and Sapper placement outlines on robots currently do not render, though the bomb carrier's objective border still draws around the invisible model.
  • No matter how many buildings the player has sapped, the HUD only shows one sapped building notification at a time.


  • Sappers are considered by the game to be buildings with 100 health. As such, they are immune to Critical hits (they are not destroyed in one hit by a single critical Wrench swing) and can be created with the build console command.
  • The Festive variant has a note on the right side in French roughly translating to "Merry Smissmas, my friend!".


See also