Sir Shootsalot/no

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I love having an owl head!
The Sniper

Sir Shootsalot is a community-created cosmetic item for the Sniper. It hides his default hat and replaces his head with that of an owl, appearing similar to Sir Hootsalot.

The head comes with fully-enabled facial flexing for voice commands and responses, and equipping it enables additional voice lines.

Denne gjenstanden kan bare bli brukt rundt Halloween eller under en Fullmåne; ved andre tidspunkter rundt året, vil den ikke dukke opp når man spiller, om ikke serveren har Halloween modus aktivert. Men, den kan bli brukt når som helst og kan bli sett via utvalgs skjermen selv om den ikke dukker opp i spillet.

Sir Shootsalot was contributed to the Steam Workshop.

Update history

29 oktober 2013 Patch (Scream Fortress 2013)

  • Sir Shootsalot was added to the game.


See also