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— Soldier-sensei castigating a heisotsu (private)
” |
The Half-Zatoichi is a community-created promotional melee weapon for the Soldier and Demoman. It is a katana with a circular crossguard with rounded notches, adorned with brown grip wrapping.
Upon killing an enemy, the blade becomes blood-stained and the wielder's health increases by 50% of their max health, potentially granting overheal (100 HP is granted to the Soldier, 110 HP to a Soldier with the Battalion's Backup equipped, 88 HP to a Demoman, and 100 HP to a Demoman with the Bootlegger or the Ali Baba's Wee Booties equipped). Like its description suggests, Soldiers and Demomen wielding a Half-Zatoichi can instantly kill each other in one hit. However, the weapon is Honorbound: attempting to switch away from the sword (when completely deployed) without killing another player results in a loss of 50 health. If the player's health falls and becomes less than or equal to 50 HP, the weapon cannot be holstered until the player gets a kill or recovers enough health. The Half-Zatoichi is also unable to deal random Critical hits.
The Half-Zatoichi has a 50% larger melee range and a 75% longer deploy/holster time, like the other swords for the Demoman. This makes it the Soldier's only weapon with extended melee range other than the Disciplinary Action.
Taunting as a Demoman with the Half-Zatoichi equipped results in the Barbarian Swing kill taunt. Successfully killing someone with the taunt grants the healing, and allows the Demoman to sheath the weapon without taking damage.
This item was awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Total War: Shogun 2 on Steam before March 15, 2011.
Damage and function times
Skade og funksjonstider | ||
Damage type | Melee | |
Ranged or Melee damage? | Melee | |
Skade | ||
Base damage | 100% | 65 / 300% |
Kritisk | 195 | |
Mini-crit | 88 | |
Helbreding | ||
Self-healing | 50% | |
Function times | ||
Attack interval | 0.8 s | |
Effect duration | ∞ | |
Values are approximate and determined by community testing. |
Øyelender | Gjenvunnet metall | Halv-Zatoichi | ||
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Klassepollett – Soldier | Plasspollett – Nærkamp | Vrakmetall | Mulige Resultater | |||||||||||||||||||
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Klassepollett – Demoman | Plasspollett – Nærkamp | Vrakmetall | Mulige Resultater | |||||||||||||||||||
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As a crafting ingredient
Halv-Zatoichi | Vrakmetall | Persisk overtaler | ||
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Strange variant
Related achievements
Update history
- The Half-Zatoichi was added to the game.
- Fixed players getting a health bonus based on the weapon they're currently holding instead of the weapon that dealt the killing blow.
- Fixed a server crash caused by using the Half-Zatoichi to hit someone not holding a weapon.
- Fixed the Soldier/Demoman taunts not working correctly when the Half-Zatoichi is the active weapon.
- Fixed a bug where players could switch weapons after deploying the Half-Zatoichi before they killed someone with it.
- The item became tradeable.
- All Half-Zatoichis crafted before this patch have been upgraded to Vintage quality.
- [Udokumentert] The Half-Zatoichi was given a unique crafting recipe.
- Updated honor-bound weapons so that they can be holstered within a second of touching a supply cabinet.
14 april 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)
- Fixed taunt kills made with a Katana not counting towards honorbound kills.
- Fixed a bug where killing a Katana wielder with a Katana was incorrectly causing an increased Crit chance.
- Added community contributed response rules to the Half-Zatoichi.
- Fixed a problem with honorbound weapons not allowing themselves to be holstered after killing a Spy using the Dead Ringer.
23 juni 2011 Patch (Über Update)
- [Udokumentert] Half-Zatoichi was added to the Persian Persuader blueprint.
- Fixed a bug with honorbound weapons allowing themselves to be holstered before getting a kill.
- [Udokumentert] The honorbound attribute wording was changed from "This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills" to "Honorbound: Once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills".
- [Udokumentert] Added Strange quality.
- Fixed missing forces for Demoman swords.
- Fixed the Half-Zatoichi using the wrong RED team arms skin while on the BLU team.
- [Udokumentert] Added Collector's quality.
7 februar 2014 Patch #2
- Reverted the changes to the Half-Zatoichi until the effects on the Soldier can be investigated.
17 desember 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)
- Changed attributes:
- Now considered a sword (increased holster and deploy time and increased range).
- Honorbound changed. Deals 50 self-damage on holster if no kill was made. Cannot be holstered if player is below 50 life and no kill was made.
- 100% life restore on kill changed to 50% health gain on kill that can result in overheal.
- No random Crits.
- Fixed the Half-Zatoichi giving more overheal then(sic) intended. Max overheal is 1.5x base health.
Unused content
- An unused kill icon exists for Half-Zatoichi duel kills.
- The loadout screen shows the Demoman wielding the Half-Zatoichi with one hand instead of with both hands. A Spy disguised as a Demoman wields the Half-Zatoichi one-handed as well. It may also appear invisible when selected as the active weapon wielded by a Spy disguised as a Soldier or Demoman.
- In Mannpower, the Grappling Hook can be used via the action key when below 50 Health, killing the player.
- Taunting with Shred Alert, Fresh Brewed Victory, Rocket Jockey, or Spent Well Spirits while using the bloodied Half-Zatoichi taunts with the RED version of the weapon, irrespective of the player's team.
- Getting a kill with the Half-Zatoichi sometimes gives back one extra health than normal.
- Contrary to the item's description, it is possible to survive a hit from a Half-Zatoichi while wielding the Half-Zatoichi with enough resistance effects.
- Zatoichi is a fictional blind swordsman who appears in many Japanese films. The term "Half-Zatoichi" is a reference to the Demoman having only one eye, and the Soldier having his helmet over his eyes as opposed to being completely blind.
- When performing the Barbarian Swing taunt kill as Demoman, the swing that decapitates the victim is performed with the dull side of the sword.
- In the censored version of Team Fortress 2, the weapon is not bloodied after a kill.
- Even though the katana is a two-handed weapon, the Soldier wields it with only one hand.
- Soldier
- Demoman
- Annet
First-person view with Chargin' Targe.
First-person view with BLU Festive Chargin' Targe.
First-person view with Splendid Screen (Classic Style).
First-person view with Tide Turner.
See also
Våpen | ||||||||||
Primær | Avsagd hagle | Rakettkaster | Flammekaster | Granatkaster | Mitraljøse | Hagle | Sprøytepistol | Snikskytterrifle | — | |
Naturkraft Håndbrems Brushane Barneansiktets bankraner Ryggspreder |
Fulltreffer Svart boks Raketthopper Frihetskaster Ku-kvester 5000 Original Bomsens bazooka Luftangrep |
Bakbrenner Avfetter Flogistonator Regnbueblåser Nostromo-napalmkaster Dragens vrede |
Loch Nesestyver Ali Babas spisse støvler Trebeint Løs kanon Basehopper Jernbomber |
Natascha Jernteppe Messingbeist Tomislav Ilddrake |
Pionerjustis Enkemaker Pomson 6000 Redningspatrulje Panikkanfall |
Blutsauger Korsfarerens armbrøst Overdose |
Jeger Sengevæter Basarkupp Machina Leiemorderens lykketreff AWPetitt Trimmet trinsebue Klassiker Stjerneskudd |
— | ||
Sekundær | Pistol | Hagle | Hagle | Klisterbombekaster | Hagle | Pistol | Helsepistol | Maskinpistol | Revolver | |
Bonk! Atomenergi Lugermorph Krit-a-Cola Mannevond melk Vingspiller Kjeltringens colt Flyvende giljotin Mutert melk C.A.P.P.E.R |
Motivasjonsbanner Vernesko Bataljonens bistand Erobrer Mannstøvler Reserveskyter Rettskaffen bison Basehopper Panikkanfall |
Signalpistol Detonator Reserveskyter Mannesmelter Svidd skyter Panikkanfall Bensinkanne Termisk oppdrift |
Våpenskjold Skotsk motstand Klisterhopper Praktskjerm Styrbord Hurtigbombekaster |
Smørbrød Dalokohsplate Biffsmørbrød Fiskekake Familiebedrift Robo-Smørbrød Panikkanfall Trøstebanan |
Lugermorph Sensortemmer Kortslutning C.A.P.P.E.R Gigerteller |
Kritzkrieg Kvikk-fiks Vaksinatør |
Jarate Skarprygg Darwins fareskjold Koselig camper Krypskytterens karabin Selvbevisst skjønnhetsflekk |
Ambassadør Big Kill L'Étranger Håndhever Diamantrygg | ||
Nærkamp | Balltre | Spade | Brannøks | Flaske | Knyttnever | Skiftenøkkel | Beinsag | Kukri | Kniv | |
Jon Blund Stekepanne Milde makrell Bostonbanker Polkagris Sol-på-pinne Krigsvifte Trippelrune-kniv Saxxy Atomkraft Militærnekter Uarmert kamp Gavesmekk Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Ballsabel Prinny-machete |
Utjevner Splitter pine Stekepanne Halv-Zatoichi Saxxy Disiplinærstraff Flyvende feltspade Militærnekter Rømningsplan Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Brannslakter Brakmaker Stekepanne Kraftjekk Ryggskraper Slipt vulkanfragment Slegge Saxxy Postpryler Militærnekter Tredjegrads Slikkepine Neontorpedo Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete Håndvarmer |
Øyelender Splitter pine Skottens skallekløyver Stekepanne Hesteløse Hodeløse Hestemannens halshugger Claidheamh Mòr Ullapool-staur Halv-Zatoichi Saxxy Persisk overtaler Nessies nierjern Militærnekter Skotsk håndtrykk Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Kameraters gromme boksehansker Stekepanne Grådig raske unionshansker Knyttnever av stål Kampånd Saxxy Utkastelsesvarsel Militærnekter Apoka-never Julebukk Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Brødbit Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Gyllen skiftenøkkel Jernhånd Sørlig gjestfrihet Skrustikke Saxxy Aha-opplevelse Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Prinny-machete |
Übersag Stekepanne Vita-sag Amputerer Saxxy Høytidelig løfte Militærnekter Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Stammekniv Buskebasker Stekepanne Saxxy Shahanshah Militærnekter Frihetsstav Balltreet fra helvete Minneskaper Skinkeskaft Gyllen stekepanne Nekroklubbe Krysningsvakt Prinny-machete |
Din evige belønning Konspiratørens kunai Saxxy Storkar Voodoo-prikk Skarpt kledd Sniktapp Svart rose Gyllen stekepanne Prinny-machete | ||
Primær-PDA | — | — | — | — | — | Konstruksjons-PDA | — | — | Forkledningssett | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | ||
Sekundær-PDA | — | — | — | — | — | Rivings-PDA | — | — | Usynlighetsklokke | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Snikmorder Dobbeltgjenger Entusiastens urverk Quäckenbirdt | ||
Bygning | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Sapper | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Byråkratisk opptaker Ap-Sap Matmons | ||
Hån | Grand Slam | Grenade | Hadouken Armageddon Execution Gas Blast |
Barbarian Swing | High Noon | Arm Blender Guitar Smash |
Oktoberfest Uberslice Medicating Melody |
Arrow Stab | Fencing |