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Magru data center

From Wikitech
Magru data center

Map of Wikimedia Foundation data centers.

Nearby airport Guarulhos International Airport (GRU)
Location São Paulo, Brazil
Datacenter number #7
Usage Edge caching

Magru (pronounced MAH-groo) is a caching data center located at Ascenty São Paulo 3 in São Paulo, Brazil.


Magru is the first Wikimedia data center not to follow the traditional Data center naming conventions of vendor initials + airport code. In December 2023, after two months of debate (SPGRU, BRGRU, CSGRU, IMGRU, GRU01, AAGRU), SRE DC Ops have decided on Magru as the location's name.[1]

The datacenter came online on 2024-06-11.[2]

Read about some of the setup process in "The journey to open our first data center in South America".


  1. P&T Weekly Status Updates: 2023-12-04, Wikimedia Foundation, Google Docs (restricted)
  2. task T346722