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Exciting News and Thanks To You!

Share The Wilde Escape

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post, but this does NOT cost you anything extra! Check out my full disclosure for more info.

I wanted to take a moment to say thanks for reading my blog. I have learned a lot, and I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have written it.

And before we get to the good stuff, sharing with you my exciting news, I cannot wait to continue writing for this blog.

As always, if you have any ideas, let me know in the comment section anywhere on the blog!

With that said, thank you for being here, offering suggestions, leaving comments, and sending me emails. I really do appreciate it, so keep it up.


Things I’ve Learned From Blogging

This blog started as a way to hold myself accountable to do the things that bring me joy.

During that time, I also learned much more:

  • Research, but in a good way (not like back in school)
  • It takes a lot of work to have a blog
  • Learning about building a website
  • How affiliate marketing works
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • I need to travel more!
  • What brings me joy

This blog has also led me to create a community of like-minded people, and I really think it might be taking shape.

It has been amazing getting in touch with you.

Speaking of that, a few people have wondered if there is anything they can do to help this blog out, which has got me thinking.

Ultimately my goal is to have this site pay for itself. And to do that, we need to make some money to keep it afloat. But money isn’t all that is needed.

Spreading Wilde Escape to others, you know, is the only way we can truly build this blog into a community.

Not in any order, but I have come up with a few ways you can help.

  • Share any site section by using the buttons at the top and bottom of each post.
  • Leaving a comment about what you liked or disliked about the post. In fact, those comments give me other ideas for more content.
  • Along those same lines, let me know if you have any questions about any content on this site. I want to help, and that includes answering all questions.
  • Clicking on any of the links in the posts. I am affiliated with a few products but only suggest and link to things I truly like, use, and stand behind.

I also know some people don’t like leaving comments. If that is the case, feel free to contact me anytime. My email is listed at the bottom of the page.

Spreading The Word

Going back to spreading the word of this “Epic Blog.” I feel that reaching more people will also bring many more opportunities to expand and grow.

The goal is to have a place where we can come to for sharing thoughts, asking questions, and, most importantly, reading some epic content.

Additionally, I will try and start working more on the Wilde Escape Facebook group (also, @WildeEscapeBlog).

This is something new, social media in general, so we shall see how it goes.

I’ve never been into social media, but I think Facebook might be the way to grow the blogs’ reach.

many-question-marksIf you have any questions, Ask!

So, if you read any of the posts and have questions, I am all ears.

The best example I can give is the questions I received about my easy platform build.

And that brings me to ask if you ever have a piece of gear you are interested in buying?

Let me know.

I’ll get it if it aligns with what I’m doing! Then we can learn together.

It’s been a passion of mine to help others find excitement about getting outside. I’ve mentioned this before, but you cannot be in a bad mood when you are out on a hike.

If you don’t believe me, try it.

Change can be a good thing

As you may know, I haven’t posted as much as I normally do. But that is because sometimes life gets in the way.

I think we can all relate to that.

And if I’m honest, I wasn’t going to share my latest project. I don’t know if it’s because if I share it, it becomes reals: fear or uncertainty of what people will think.

But then I thought, I’m putting in the work, may as well share it. Right?!?

So here we go…

My Latest Project

I’m calling it my latest project, but the truth is I’ve done this off and on for a bit now. And many people close to me don’t even know about it.

Another reason I decided to share is because of this blog. It’s funny how I can share the random things I’m thinking about, things I use daily, but not about something I’ve found I really enjoy doing.

Well, here it is. I’m happy to share with you that I created a freelance website.

Freelance Content Writer

I have always liked the thought of freelance work but have never really pursued it. As for having some projects here and there, it’s mainly been for friends and one company.

I’ve found that I enjoy it, which made me want to take it further.

I recently created my freelance website!

One of the things I noticed I was stuck on was getting the “Perfect” domain name. After thinking about this for longer than I could admit, I realized I was overthinking it.

So, getting one that is easy to remember is key, so why not my name,

If you like it, click the link to check it out!

I only have one thing to ask of you: please look around and tell me what you think.

Just remember, it’s still a work in progress. I decided to get the word out before fully building it. I still need to write samples, which will mainly redirect back to this blog.

If you are familiar with this site, which I am sure you are, you will see that has the same structure. I did this because I’m familiar with this layout and really just wanted to get the site live.

And remember, this is a very new site, and I’m still in the process of creating it.


Your Input is Helpful in Many Ways!

If you have time to check it out, remember I am open to suggestions.

Some of the suggestions might include:

  • Is it easy to navigate?
  • Do you like the setup?
  • Does the search bar work?
  • Are there things I should add or remove?
  • Are there any questions I should add to the FAQ?
  • Does it work on your computer, mobile phone, or other divides you use to look at stuff online?

And, if you, or someone you know, requires a freelance writer, let me know or send them to my new website (!

If you have any feedback, leave it on this post, or the new site, or email me.

Share The Wilde Escape

4 thoughts on “Exciting News and Thanks To You!”

  1. Wow, this is exciting news!

    To be honest, I’m surprised because it is time consuming; only fellow authors can appreciate the time and energy it take to write.

    I’m going to check it out right now!

  2. I really like the new website!

    Personally, I find many sites way to busy.
    It can be a challenge to find a search option [some don’t even have one]. Often you have to look REALLY hard to figure out how to contact them.

    I love the clean look on your site. The ease of moving around is appreciated.

    It is refreshing to see you encourage people to reach out to you. When I read your postings, it is clear that you value input from others and want to engage. It’s refreshing.

    All the above can also be said about this website, which is why it is one of my favorites to visit!

    • Well, thanks. But you have always been the #1 cheerleader.

      I’m excited to see what happens with this site and my new ambitions. Time will tell, but it’s been a fun path to go down regardless.


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