Sunday, May 06, 2012

With baby about a week away, I figured I needed to remember how to do this whole blog thing! Good thing I at least remembered my password, because everything else looks completely different. I'm hoping there is some great iPad blogging app to make this a little easier!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Month of Thankfulness, Day 13

Today I am thankful for the generosity of our church members and the HUGE pile of shoeboxes that were packed and ready to send all over the world to kids in need through Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child.  There were hundreds of boxes!  Amazing.

Month of Thankfulness, Day 12

I'm thankful for good friends, first birthday parties, and fellowship.  Good times!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Month of Thankfulness, Day 11

I am thankful for the sacrifice of veterans past and present, and their families.  So very, very thankful.

Month of Thankfulness, Day 10

Sun.  In Washington.  In November.

Month of Thankfulness, Day 9

I am thankful for an amazing family, the one I was born into, and the one I married into.  Sometimes I think about my friends' or my students' families and I am just so grateful to God for my lot in's hardly fair, but it's something I'm constantly thankful for and appreciate.  When the world is so tipsy-turvy, it's at least settling to know we are bringing a baby into our great families.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Month of Thankfulness, Day 8

I'm so very thankful for my husband, who works hard at his job, is honest and trustworthy, and who makes life better every single day.  He takes on challenges, is diligent and thorough.  He is funny and keeps us laughing, and so far he hasn't called me a crazy pregnant lady once, so there's that.  :-)  Love this guy.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Month of Thankfulness, Day 7

Today I'm thankful for parents who come to parent-teacher conferences, are concerned about their student, and are on my side while still advocating for their child.  It's teamwork.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Month of Thankfulness, Day 6

I am thankful that I can go to any church I choose, whenever I choose to go.  I take this freedom for granted often, but more and more it's something I appreciate in a big way.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Month of Thankfulness, Day 5

I'm thankful for Saturdays full of college football and hanging out with my husband.  I am also very thankful when the Ags win, so let's go - BTHO ou!