Willow and Sage is a quarterly publication that features homemade bath and body products, as well as ideas for packaging them, and easy bath-inspired gifts to give to love ones.
Willow and Sage offers readers the opportunity to be published in a variety of ways. Project submissions may include:
- Packaging ideas that focus on how to artfully wrap and present homemade bath and body products.
- Bath-inspired gifts that are easy to create and can be given alongside bath and body products.
- Soap recipes, including, but not limited to cold-compress and melt and pour.
- Beauty recipes, including hair treatments, dry shampoos, spray-in conditioners and more.
- Bath products, including salts, soaks, and more.
- Toiletries, including deodorant, toothpaste, and more.
- Lifestyle stories that touch on adopting a natural lifestyle.
artwork submission guidelines
Willow and Sage is released on a quarterly basis, summer, fall, winter, and
spring. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis, but submissions
for specific issues much be received on or before these deadlines:
February issue deadline: September 15
May issue deadline: December 15
August issue deadline: March 15
November issue deadline: June 15
physical submission requirements
We accept physical submissions to be photographed in our offices. All submissions must be identified with your name, address, email, and phone number clearly printed on a label attached to each sample. As submissions often get separated from instructions during our selection process, we ask that you also inscribe your name and address somewhere on each submission. If you desire acknowledgment of submission receipt, please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard.
All digital submissions should be sent to
willowandsage@stampington.com. Please note that if accepted for publication, we will need them as hi-res images (300 dpi, at least 6″ x 6″). It is imperative that they are saved in the proper manner in order for our graphic designers to work with them. If you use a digital camera, check your settings before taking photos to ensure you are saving the best-quality images possible. If you cannot provide large enough photos, we may not be able to print your photo, no matter how much we like it.
You may also send a CD with your high-resolution images to:
Stampington & Company
Editor, Willow and Sage
22992 Mill Creek, Suite B
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
In your submission, include a brief paragraph describing your project. Please include your name and mailing address in all emailed submissions. We need your mailing address so that we can send you a complimentary issue of the magazine in which your submission is published.
Failure to follow all submission requirements may result in your work not being considered.
artwork management policy
Sometimes, something submitted for one issue may be better suited for an upcoming issue. Other times, submissions are forwarded for consideration to the editors of our sister publications. For these reasons we may hold your sample for an extended period of time — 9–12 months is common. Rest assured that we will take excellent care of your work. In the meantime, if you move, please send a postcard or email to the editor with your new address.
Due to the large volume of submissions we receive, Stampington & Company will return only those submissions accompanied by sufficient postage in the form of cash, check or money order made out to Stampington & Company. If you wish to have your artwork insured for the return journey, please include sufficient funds and indicate your preference in a postcard or letter enclosed with your submission. Please do not attach postage to packaging, and do not send loose postage stamps. Contributors from outside the U.S., please send check or money order in U.S. funds to Stampington & Company.
Writers’ Submission Guidelines
We are always interested in proposals for articles. If you have a unique story, project, or technique, please send samples of your work accompanied by a letter outlining your idea to address below.
Please note that the work itself often sells the article; we encourage writers and artisans who have not published articles before to submit ideas, as editorial assistance will be provided. If a technique you wish to share was learned in a class, workshop, book, or other publication, we require that you give credit to the author, source, or teacher and obtain permission to publish his or her technique prior to submitting it to us. Competitive editorial compensation is provided for all published articles.
Send all samples to:
Willow and Sage
22992 Mill Creek, Suite B
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
The editor also welcomes brief email queries:
No telephone calls, please.
Copyright Infringement
Stampington & Company only accepts original submissions for publication consideration. All images used in submissions must be copyright free. Any techniques featured in submissions that are not the artist’s own must be attributed to the proper instructor, book, artist, workshop, etc. It is the responsibility of the submitting artist to ensure that no copyright infringement has occurred and that all submitted work is their own.
Simultaneous Submission Guidelines
Stampington & Company will not accept simultaneous submissions. While your work is under consideration we ask that you do not submit the same idea to competing Web or print publishers. Likewise, artwork that has already been featured in other competing publications or sites will not be accepted. Publishing on your personal blog is permitted, but we ask that you adhere to our reproduction guidelines. Any questions can be directed to our editorial staff.
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