I’ve got the familiar blend of nerves and excitement, because in just six hours, the last few months of writing, rehearsing and workshopping all pay off.
As I wrote the other day:
In this show, we’ve got a fairly complicated stunt to work out, as well: we’re doing this thing where the whole show takes place in one day, and the same characters show up in more than one sketch, with some incredibly hilarious call backs. We were unsure if the audience would get what we were doing, and worried that even if they did, they may not think it’s as clever and funny as we do. But over both previews it’s worked incredibly well, and I think it’s going to reward audiences who are paying attention.
Even though I know my lines, even though I know my characters, and even though I’m confident that we’ll kick all sorts of ass, I’ve been reviewing my sketches, double-checking my costumes, and anxiously passing the time until I leave for my call at 5 this evening.
I love opening a new show! For all of you WWdN readers who have been lining up in front of The Groundlings for the last five weeks, here are the details for our show:
WHAT: ACME A Day In The Life
WHERE: Acme Comedy Theatre
135 N. La Brea
Hollywood, CA 90036
(323) 525-0202
WHEN: Tonight, and every Saturday until the end of June, at 8 pm.
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As many people have mentioned, I’m sure, it sucks that you guys are tucked all the way in that little corner of the country… out here in Denver, there isn’t another real city for hundreds of miles in any direction. 😛
lol… at least Denver is “Real”… L.A. is always mentioned as being Fake, lol. Yes, I live there/here. There’s wall-to-wall fake cities/suburbs radiating outward from L.A. for 70+ miles. But it’s Home. 😉
Break a leg, Wil! You’re gonna slay ’em!
I have to agree with cbergstrom, it does suck that you are way the hell down there in LA. I live south of Seattle, when you coming up here???
I don’t go to LA unless I’m forced to. Last time I was in LA was in 1991, and I was only down there because I lived down that way for just over a year!
If you had a transporter, perhaps I could beam down. But until that happens, you’ll need to take a road trip.
GOOD LUCK TONIGHT! Enjoy the experience!
🙂 Kel
For those of us not in the states, would you be able to put a few pics of the show up on buzznet as we prob wont ever be able to see it in person.
For those of use who live outside the states, would you be able to post a few pics of the show up on buzznet, as we probably wont ever be able to see it in person
Don’t stress Wil, the show’s gonna be great. I just wish I could see it for myself.
Break a leg, baby.
“For all of you WWdN readers who have been lining up in front of The Groundlings for the last five weeks…”
And man, they are totally lined up at the wrong theater, too. 😉
Go out there and kick some ass Wil! Hopefully, sometime in the next year here I can get my tookas out of Vegas and get down there to see one of your shows. In the meantime, we all know you’ll do great.
Break a leg, Wil. I wish I could go see the show, but LA is rather far away.
Hey Wil,
I got your post too late to get tickets for tonight. I’m sure the show is going great. My wife and I are going next week and we are bringing 5 family members with us. Can’t wait to hear how it went. Have a good weekend.
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Cool beans… I hope everything went well. I wish I lived closer so I could have seen the show! 🙂
Wil, Break A Leg and Have A Good One!
Hugs from Lesley.
Wil, I am sure you will be amazing! Have Fun! Jess
What I was going say, has already been said.
But I feel like saying it anyway.
Wil, break a leg bud! Have fun. If I didnt live 2000 miles away I’d come see the show.
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
Break a leg, Wil!
I thought Love Machine was great so this has got to be even better! I’ll definitely be there! How far into June is this going to be playing?
This is kinda late.
Anyway, I’m sure you kicked all sorts of assage last night. Too bad I couldn’t see the show. Can’t wait to hear how it went.
Have a nice day.
Again, I have to say, if people WERE lining up for 5 weeks to see your show, you would write a 3 page post about how amazing it is your work has inspired those people.
How truly incredible it is that they care so much and have been so touched by something you’ve done that they would risk weather and ridicule just to say they were the first to see you doing what they love.
Again, I’m not trying to be a jerk….
I just think if the shoe was on the other foot, you wouldn’t be so quick laugh at these people…continually. Or make t-shirts.
How about a “I waited in line to see Wil Wheaton and all I got was made fun of for it?”
Not as nice, is it.
Again, I’m not one of those people and I never would be. But I actually feel bad about the way they’re being portrayed. Yes, it’s stupid becuase the movie isn’t opening there. But they’d be getting hell even if it was.
Trying another comment. For some reason, the site keeps acting like I’ve never posted before. So here goes nothing, maybe.
Hope the show went well. I wish you guys could take it on the road. Those of us on the East coast would love to see it. Anyway, I’m sure you all did great!
Hope catch the show next week, but I gotta ask. Could that be “The Shirt” in your picture?
I’m in The Land Of No Opportunity, and the only time I’ll be in LA is on my way to Hawaii where I will BE MARRIED ON THE BEACH AT SUNSET IN 4 SHORT WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d love to catch on of the shows, but I don’t believe we’ll have time. So sorry.
Off the suject, I just read that Star Wars thing. HYSTERICAL!!! They remind me of people who sit in coffee shops and argue about issues that don’t matter to a bum, much less anyone of importance. Are you still selling those shirts, cause they are really funny and I’d love to get one.
Is anyone else having trouble with comments? Ive logged into typekey and the comments dont seem to get through.
Noel Burke: Yeah. Me and typekey? We’ve got beef. Like just now, I tried to comment on your problems. It said I was logged in, but then, when I hit post, it said I wasn’t. I’m posting on a page I’ve never seen before. It’s just text and doesn’t look anything like wwdn. Typekey and I go around and around and I never seem to win.
Hope all went well last night. Man, I love the feeling of opening night jitters. I hope it was brilliant.
If your not a little nervous, about performing nights, it may be time to find a new job. Just remember to breath.