Archive Fellowship ProgramsJanuary 2019 — His Good NewsJanuary 1, 2019September 23, 2021By Major Cathi Boyd Introduction If life gives you lemons, make friends. Invite the women to bring a friend to the lemonade tea. Decorations...
Archive Fellowship ProgramsDecember 2018 — The Good Gift of GodDecember 1, 2018September 23, 2021By Captain Audra Whipple Gift Exchange The gift exchange can be done in a number of ways. “Stealing”: Using Post–its® number the gifts as...
Archive Fellowship ProgramsOctober 2018 — Reaping His GoodnessOctober 1, 2018September 23, 2021By Major Lawry Smith Preparation Ask the women to bring an apple pie that they have baked. Cover a table with a red and...