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Fixing the Potassium Deficiency in Plants at Home(Natural Way)

With this Method you can make 100% pure potassium at Home!
Cgnf by Joseph!

Potassium Deficiency occurs in the Plants,whose soil has less Potash.
It mainly occurs in the Beans.because it fixes nitrogen naturally!
So,beans needs more Potassium while growing.

Uses of Potassium
You'll get more yield than you expected.
It helps the plants to utilise the water carefully.
It resists the pests.
It'll helps to prevent the diseases.
Also Read : Fix the Calcium Deficiency in Plants

Symptoms of Potash Deficiencies in Plants
This will occur in every plant. but here I shown Some Plants

In Pea Leaves

In Grape Leaves

In Raspberry Leaves

In Tomato Leaves

Things Needed
 Dried Tobacco stems

Water and Bowl

Also Read : DIY Gardening Hacks
How to Make
All you need is dried Tobacco Stems and Water.

1:4 ratio

1 kg tobacco stems and 4 litres of water!

You can make small amount of potash according to your requirement for garden.

Break the Stems into Small Pieces(Don't make it Powder)

Take Water into the Bowl

Dip the Stems into water.

After dipping,  stems float on water but the process is started.

Cover it with White Paper only.
It helps to flow the air freely into water.
Don't use the News Paper.

This is how it looks after 12 hours.
It started dissolving in water.

After 24 hours.
Water is turning to thick Brown.

Some stems will go down and some still float.

After 4 days the Pure Potash is Ready.
We have to Filter it and use it.

This is how it looks after Filtration.

How to Use
Spray 1 or 2 ml per liter of Water
You can add to soil also.
But , Remember  excess of Potassium will create the deficiency of  Nitrogen,Calcium & Manganese.

Prepared Potassium is Purely Natural .
Watch the Video that How I make Potash

Also Read : How to Build a Worm Tower at Home
Thank you for Reading!

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