We believe that Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (OSHE) and its law is not complex since we make it simple for each and every job, to comply and manage our operations in every project that we operate. Good OSHE practices, standards and legal compliances makes our operations simple and easier to identify, assess and control risks in the workplaces.

Our goal is to have zero work related injuries and illnesses in all our operations..

At WNR, we ensure that all our work sites are safe to work where risks to the employee’s health and safety are properly controlled. We hire staff who are competent to execute the assigned jobs, or be in the process of obtaining them. For the worker who do not have the full range of competency, WNR provides them with the training and supervision that enables them to carry out their work safely and without risk to health

WNR is the choice to work progressively with the companies that believe in their work force as an asset. We convey unsurpassed, exceptional value of professional services to all our customers through our safety culture and expertise of each employee that make us unique in Kurdistan.
Our HSE Commitment
WNR is committed to provide all our employees and stake holders with the highest standards of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment. We are also committed to protect the communities where we work and live in.