
Genesis means beginnings or origins.
In Genesis we will see the beginning of the world, man, sin, death, conflict, murder, pain, sadness, betrayal, love, grace, faithfulness, righteousness, hope and salvation.
We will look at the line of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
We will see the beginning of languages, races, God’s promises, and God’s chosen nation.
We will see the beginning of the twelve tribes of Israel and the family line through which the Messiah would come.
We have only just begun.
In Genesis the earth is created, in Revelation the earth will pass away.
In Genesis the sun governs the day, in Revelation there’s no need for the sun – Jesus is the lamp of heaven!
In Genesis sin begins, in Revelation sin ends.
In Genesis the curse is pronounced, in Revelation the curse is no more.
In Genesis death enters, in Revelation there is no more death.
In Genesis there is sorrow and suffering, in Revelation there are no more tears.
In Genesis we see the marriage of the first Adam, in Revelation we see the marriage of the last Adam.
This is our God and He is our great hope!
If you have not read your Bible cover to cover yet – then now is the time. All 66 books of the Bible are a gift. Let’s savor every word of God.

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