Blythe Daniel is a literary agent, author, and marketer. Her agency markets books through podcasts, blogs, and launch teams and represents books to publishers including adult nonfiction, select adult fiction and children’s fiction and non-fiction titles. Blythe has been the publicity director for Thomas Nelson Publishers and has spent the last 16 years as a literary agent. The agency represents new and bestselling authors primarily in the Christian market. Blythe and her mother have co-authored two books: Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters (Harvest House) and I Love You Mom: Cherished Word Gifts from My Heart to Yours (Tyndale). She is married and lives in Colorado with her family.
I'm acquiring books that meet a felt need for men, women, mothers, fathers, and children. In fiction, I represent books for adults (women’s, historical, historical romance, romantic comedy, romantic suspense and bookish fiction) and children (creative picture books – no rhyme – early readers and middle grade). For nonfiction, I am looking at books written by leaders for leaders in addition to books on evangelism, discipleship, mental health, the present and future of the church, lifestyle books from a spiritual perspective, devotionals, gift books, and women’s issues. Overall I’m looking at themes and concepts that we have not heard before with a message that is faith-based.
I am not acquiring anthologies, short stories, speculative fiction, thrillers, or young adult fiction. I’d like to see the author’s connection to the book and the target market and how they already and will continue to build their reach to that audience. A marketing plan would be helpful to include in a book proposal.