If you think that working as a truck driver is only to sit and drive, you are totally incorrect. Usually, there are several administrative tasks that any truck drivers have to fulfill in the start, in between or the end of their journey.
Several of those duties and responsibilities are :
- Loading and unloading goods
- Picking up or delivering goods from or to the customers
- Following the rules of Department of Transportation
- Passing through the Commercial Driving License or CDL
- Understanding the route of their shipment
- Understanding the truck route and the way to find the fast and safe route
- Calculate the preparation time to deliver the goods on time
- Able to sit on the truck up to 11 hours
- Creating a good relationship with the customers, other drivers, and vendors
- Working in weekday, weekend, and even holiday
- Ready to deliver whether it is non essential products or essential products
- Ready to take the job even in bad weather or disaster
- Able to drive commercial motor vehicle
- Pass the driving skill training to improve driving skill
- Able to drive any kind of truck including truck driving school
- Ready to drive the truck in the morning, afternoon, and even at night
- Ready to assist loading and unloading goods at the warehouse if it is needed
- Coordinating repair if there is a problem with the truck
- Receiving radio or telephone contact from the supervisor to receive a clear instruction
- Up to date with federal or state regulations related to goods transport
- Cleaning, inspecting, and service the vehicles
- Have the record of material or goods which are transported
- Collecting the signature of the customers including the payment if it is asked to do so
These item above are only samples. Read your job description carefully before you start to drive in your new company or you will be penalized because of something that you are unaware of. The truck driver job description template below is written in Microsoft Word, so you can download and customize it to match your company job description.
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