Proteins - Tissue growth – known as the body's building blocks., Carbohydrates - Source of energy. Divided into: simple carbohydrates – sugars and complex carbohydrates – starches., Fats - Source of energy. Four types: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated (omega 3 and 6), saturated and trans fats., Minerals - Essential for many processes, eg bone growth/strength, nervous system, red blood cells, immune system. Need small amounts only., Vitamins - Essential for many processes, eg bone growth, metabolic rate, immune system, vision, nervous system. Need small amounts only., Water/fluids - The body needs to be hydrated to stay healthy. Failing to replace lost fluids can result in dehydration., Fibre - Keeps the bowel healthy, eg wholemeal cereals, wholemeal bread, nuts, Diet - Diet is the variety of foods that are eaten over a period of time., BMR or basal metabolic rate - is the amount of energy needed just to keep the body systems working normally., PAL or physical activity level - is the amount of energy needed for any activity (sporting or everyday such as housework).,

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