"No man can be a genius in slapshoes and a flat hat." -Buster Keaton -

The Love Nest (1923)

In “The Lovenest” (1923), Buster embarks on a long sea voyage to help mend his broken heart, trying to leave behind the memories of his lost love. During the journey, he finds himself aboard a whaling ship under the command of a stern captain.

Produced, directed, and featuring Buster Keaton, The Love Nest (1923), marks his 19th and concluding production under Buster Keaton Productions, and it serves as his farewell to the world of silent short films.

*P.S: The names jotted down on the clipboard for the ship’s crew were those of comedians and actors from Buster Keaton’s time.

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  • Buster Keaton as Buster Keaton
  • Joe Roberts in the role of the Whaler Captain
  • Virginia Fox portraying “The Girl”

The Love Nest (1923) – Story line

Seeking escape from heartbreak, Keaton sets sail on his tiny boat Cupid, only to be shanghaied onto the whaler Love Nest, captained by a merciless tyrant. This brutal captain tosses crewmen overboard for the slightest offense.

When the steward accidentally spills hot tea on the captain’s hand, he too is flung into the sea. Keaton is brought on as the replacement steward, narrowly dodging the fate of his predecessors despite several mishaps.

Longing to break free, Keaton chops a hole in the hull to sink the ship and escapes on a lifeboat with no land in sight.

He docks at a platform unaware it’s a naval target. A direct hit from gunnery practice sends Keaton flying skyward on angel wings.

Keaton awakens on his boat, still docked – the ordeal just a dream.

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