We will never have another hair era like the 80s. That’s a good thing and a tragic thing all at the same time. Without the 80s, words like “crimping” and “mullet” may never have reached their full potential. And what would we do without all those tight leathery pants and contrasting neon jackets accosting our vision in 80s movies and old yearbook photos? It’s hard to top the 80s hair styles in this gallery. From crimped to cow-licked, they’ve done it all. 80s hair was destined to defy gravity and harrass Russian spies with fashion faux pas. This list will have you screaming “AHHH MY EYES” along with similar exclamations like “WOW,” “YUCK,” “HOLY HELL,” and “YOWZA!” Check out these ill-advised 80s hair styles and let us know what you think in the comments below!
INTERMISSION: With all these horrifiying hair nightmares front and center, it’s easy to forget all the good things brought to us by the 80s. Micheal Jackson’s solo career, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), gene therapy, the personal computer, NASA’s discovery space shuttle, the DeLorean, Back to the Future, and so much more! (really not much more). END INTERMISSION.
Before you laugh too hard at these poor pomade-soaked souls, remember: in 30 years, you’re going to look back on pictures from this era and cringe just as hard. Yeah that’s right. I’m from the future and Jesus, what did you do to your hair?! It’s all over the place and all in one place at once! I don’t know whether to cage it or kill it. For the record, the manbun will be ridiculed like no other in 2040. But bomber jackets? Those babies will be coming back. I’m praying to the denim gods that 90s style does NOT return when I’m 80.
If you liked these bad hairdays, check out this list of Celebrities with Donald Trump hair.