108 Moore Street

Liverpool, NSW 2170

Level 2
178 Queen Street

Campbelltown, NSW 2560

[email protected]

Refer a client

02 8778 1200

Monday: 9-5pm
Tuesday: 9-5pm
Wednesday: 9-5pm
Thursday: 9-1pm
Friday: 9-5pm



This Program is no longer running.

Our PeerLink program is social wellbeing community program. Our PeerLink programs are designed by our community to create a community network, breaking down the isolation that many of us often face. We have two PeerLink programs, one for men and one for women.

By you, for you

Co-designed by our community members, PeerLink meets their needs and wants.

One-2-one sessions can provide you with
guidance on specific concerns or areas
where you need additional support.

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