Various projects were completed on multiple of Portland Community College’s campuses including ADA upgrades, building construction and other improvements.
ADA Upgrades
As part of an on-call contract, 3J worked for PCC on various ADA upgrades at several of their Metro-area campuses.
Rock Creek Campus: 3J designed an ADA accessible route utilizing pervious concrete to reduce water quality impacts. PCC students and faculty constructed the sidewalk as part of their vocational classes.
Metropolitan Workforce Training Center: 3J upgraded the ADA routes that connect the main building with the accessory buildings and the main parking lot, including the addition of ramps, crossings, and upgraded signage.
Cascade Campus: 3J upgraded several ADA entrance ramps to bring them up to code at Jackson Hall and the Technology buildings.
2001 Bond Projects
3J’s staff worked on several projects that resulted from the 2001 Bond. Team members provided civil engineering services for 11 phases of improvements and new buildings at the Cascade Campus as well as designing the SE Center Campus.
Portland Community College