Blessed opportunity. Don't pass it up!
O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the LORD! Isaiah 2:5
I learned from attending Mass every day at my parish church that God’s special people are here. Some people come to weekday Mass now and then, others come to Mass a couple of times a week, but certain ones come every day.
Not that non-daily Mass goers are any less loved by God or love God any less themselves but it’s those daily Mass goers that I classify as God’s special people.
I noticed God’s special people after I started going to Mass every day, but it took me probably 1 ½ to 2 years to realize that I was one of them. Others might see daily Mass goers as different, fanatical, people who have issues or maybe even refer to us as “a little off.” But more likely people don’t think one way or the other and possibly I’m projecting.
When I started coming to daily Mass, I noticed God’s special people every day. I thought, “I’m not like them. Not one of them.” Then one day Father was away and the weekday Mass was canceled. I traveled to the next county for Mass. I felt compelled to go. When I arrived a couple of other’s from our parish had come to Mass also. That’s when I must have crossed the line. I realized that, yes indeed, I am one of God’s special people.
We need Jesus. We’re all very needy, spiritually needy. We need to be here at Mass. We need to be with Jesus. It’s become the best part of our day. We want Jesus. We don’t want to pass up this beautiful gift. We understand how blessed we are to have the opportunity to be with Jesus this way, this often, this close to Jesus every day. We believe and understand the miracle that happens on the altar. The miracle Jesus gave us at the Last Supper.
Jesus hung out with the outcast, the rejected, the sick, the lonely, the poor, the lost, the people who needed him most. Jesus wants to be with us and we want to be with him.
As we greet each other coming into church one or two at a time, as we turn around during the Sign of Peace and smile and wave at one another since we’re so spread out or reach across aisles to shake hands, and as we celebrate the miracle of Jesus together, we become supernatural people. We believe we’ll be together for eternity.