You are about to subscribe to the Australian Art Sales Digest, a comprehensive listing of art sold by public auction in Australia and New Zealand from the 1970s to the present time. We have over 600,000 lots listed of which about 400,000 have accompanying images. Lot descriptions, images and prices are included for reference purposes only.
As well as past auction results, the site lists forthcoming auctions, provides market statistics and graphs as well as art market news and opinion.
We do not buy, sell or auction works of art. The site is not an online gallery, and the only items that will be available for sale are those listed as coming up in forthcoming auctions.
The service is available by subscription. Fees:
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The above subscription rates are applicable to private individuals. We offer library subscriptions at competitive rates for both in-library access via IP address and off-library access through EZproxy software or similar. For library, public gallery and museum subscription rates please contact us.
All subscription levels allow unlimited use of the site during the subscription period for the Single User or Company or Institution based on the subscription level selected.
Access for a "Single User" is for the single subscriber's personal use only and cannot be shared. We monitor subscriber access for unusually frequent usage and/or simultaneous logins, and reserve the right to cancel or uplift subscription rates when multiple unique logins are detected.
We do not automatically renew subscriptions, however you will be contacted prior to the expiry date and you may choose to renew if you wish.