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How does a camera aperture work?

Why is 'depth of field' or 'depth of focus' greater with a smaller aperture on a camera or when the iris in your eye is closed down to a smaller pupil size?

Images taken with a small aperture have a much greater depth of field.

Images taken with a small aperture have a much greater depth of field. In this image the area behind and in front of the flower is in focus. (Source: Flagstaffoto)

Why is 'depth of field' or 'depth of focus' greater with a smaller aperture on a camera or when the iris in your eye is closed down to a smaller pupil size, even when the exposed image remains the same?

Ever since people first noticed that you could see the projection of an upside-down image on a wall opposite a tiny hole in the wall, the two questions that always come up have been: 'What did they see?' And: 'How is this possible?'

While the first question should be left to the imagination, the second led to the invention of the pinhole camera and, much later, an understanding of the mechanics of the human eye and photography as we know it today.

Depth of field — the distance in front of, or behind, an object that still looks sharp — is affected by the amount of light hitting your retina or camera sensor (aperture) and the magnifying power of your lens (focal length).

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The coloured part or iris of the human eye constricts and dilates to control the shape of the pupil and the amount of light hitting the retina. While the eye automatically changes size according to light conditions, a photographer can control the amount of light hitting the camera sensor by increasing or decreasing the aperture setting, known as an f-stop.

The larger the camera aperture (the lower the f-stop number), the worse the depth of field becomes and vice versa, explains Glen Lawson, senior scientific officer and technical manager in the Department of Imaging and Applied Physics at Perth's Curtin University of Technology.

"That's because you are allowing the light to enter the camera from a wider variety of angles. It's coming in from a greater surface area than if you were using a very small aperture or a pinhole camera."

"At very small apertures, say f22, light from the focused object is bent over quite small or acute angles. But at larger apertures, say f1.4, more of the lens area is exposed, and light from the object enters the camera over a wider range of angles."

A camera lens is designed to focus accurately at only one point or one distance. Things just in front, or behind, the focused object may still appear sharp, but as the distance increases, the appearance of foreground and background objects becomes increasingly fuzzy.

This fuzzy or blurry spot is called the circle of confusion.

"Bending of the light over these much larger angles causes the circle of confusion to become larger, and therefore the depth of field becomes poorer," says Lawson.

The human eye works in the same way — your depth of field becomes poorer the more your pupil is dilated, for example at night time, and better when it is constricted.

In really bright conditions the iris closes down to a smaller pupil size of as little as f/8.3 bending the light from the focused object over very small angles. In the dark, the iris opens wider to let more light from more angles in making the pupil bigger up to an f/2.1 allowing circle of confusion to become larger, just like a camera lens.

The smaller your pupil or camera aperture, the greater your depth of field.

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Focal length

Another thing affecting depth of field is focal length of the lens.

The human eye alters focal length by changing the shape of the lens using a band of muscles located just behind the iris, explains Associate Professor Eric Papas from the Brien Holden Vision Institute.

The average human eye has a focal length of about 50 millimetres, but this changes over time.

"When you're young say nine, 10 or 11 you can sharply focus on objects almost as close as the end of your nose. But as you get older that near point drifts away as the lens becomes heavier, stiffer and less flexible, that's because it keeps growing all your life."

"By the time the average person reaches 45", Papas says, "the near point of focal length is about at your arm's length, which explains why people read newspapers that way as they get older".

Cameras can't change the shape of their lens, but you can change focal length by moving the lens in or out, by changing the lens or adding extra lenses.

A wide-angle lens with a short focal length of 35 millimetres will see a very wide field of view, but things will look farther away than they do to the human eye, says Lawson.

"The higher the focal length, the narrower the field of view that you see but it draws faraway objects in closer."

Longer lenses of say 100 millimetres or greater are useful for looking at far away objects. This is where we start to get into the telephoto lens area, the extreme of which is the telescope, says Lawson.

Glen Lawson, Senior Scientific Officer and Technical Manager in the Department of Imaging and Applied Physics at the Curtin University of Technology and Associate Professor Eric Papas from the Brien Holden Vision Institute at the University of New South Wales were interviewed by Stuart Gary.

Tags: photography, physics, anatomy

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Published 29 July 2010