Abdominal Ultrasound Pictures
See What A Scan Result Looks Like!

We bring you these abdominal ultrasound pictures to help you visualise what a scan result looks like.

You will be able to see the pictures of abdominal scans posted by others as well as post your very own pictures here if you have one or more.

The first picture here is the abdominal ultrasound scan of a patient with right upper abdominal pain that comes on after foo. Thought to have gallstones, the scan result came back to be normal. There is no stone in the gallbladder, and no liver abnormality.

Ultrasound scan is a very inexpensive, quick and non-invasive way of taking a look at the internal organs by means of sound waves of sonar.

Commonly requested abdominal ultrasound scans include those of the kidney, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and aorta or large blood vessels in the abdominal cavity. The suspicion of the presence of abnormal fluids or tumour in the abdomen or even of hernia could lead to your doctor requesting for scans of your abdomen.

Another commonly requested abdominal ultrasound picture is on done with the pelvic - abdominal and pelvic scan.

Renal scan is a form of abdominal ultrasound scan, though with emphasis on the kidneys, the ureters or tubes that drain urine from the kidney to the urine bladder, and the prostate in males. A renal ultrasound scan is also able to detect defect in the flow of urine through the kidney system.

Abnormal Abdominal Ultrasound Pictures

The picture to your left here shows an abnormal scan of the gallbladder, showing the presence of one big stone!

Abdominal Ultrasound Scan: Tell Us Your Story!

Have you or are you booked to have a scan of your abdomen? Any concerns, or perhaps did you get a scan report of your abdomen and wondering what it means? Post your abdominal ultrasound scan findings here and get help with interpretation of the jargons.

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pain in upper left abdomen under rib cage Not rated yet
I had pain in upper left abdomen under rib cage. I had an ultrasound and the report states, Heterogeneous mostly increased hepatic echotexture which may …

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