AI-generated Abstract

The document outlines the general regulations applicable to the Kalutara Urban Council area, focusing on the submission of plans for development permits under the 1982 UDA Amendment Act. It establishes requirements for qualified certification of plans, exceptions for certain types of buildings, and conditions under which development permits may be revoked. Additionally, it details the necessary documentation for obtaining a Certificate of Conformity, emphasizing the need for professional oversight in adherence to approved plans and safety standards.

PART I GENERAL REGULATIONS Introduction : These regulations will be affected within the Kalutara Urban Council area from ……… …………. 2004. Submission of Plans 1. All applications under Section 8J of the Law for the 1982 UDA (Amendment) Act No. 4 purpose of obtaining a development permit to engage in any development activity shall be made to the Authority in the relevant form specified in Schedule (I) of these regulations and be accompanied by the fees specified in “Schedule V”. 2. All plans submitted under these regulations shall :i) To be prepared and certified by a qualified person except the following buildings. (a) (b) (c) Additions and alterations not exceeds 50 sq.m. of floor area and, not affecting to structure of the building. Singular or two storied residential buildings not exceeding total floor area or 250 sq.m. where walls or the columns not abuts to the boundaries of a premises. A non-residential building not exceeding 150 sq.m. floor area where the walls or columns not abuts on to boundaries of the premises. ii) The authority or authorized person of the authority should be satisfied in relation to accuracy and cleanliness. iii) be signed by the owner of the site or premises : and iv) be submitted in triplicate. 3. (1) The Authority may, where it deems necessary require the submission of additional copies of the plans submitted under regulation 2. (2) The Authority may where it deems necessary require production of additional plans and particulars in order to satisfy itself as to the exact nature of development activity envisaged. 4. All plans submit to obtain a development permit for specified development activity, should be comprised with following requirements. (1) Where no building work is involved in the development activity or it is restricted to land development :- 1 (a) (b) a location plan of the site in relation to the adjoining streets to a scale of not less than 1 : 4000; a survey plan of the site to a scale of not less than 1 : 1000 showing :(i) the location of the site including figured dimensions of buildings, if any; (ii) the scale of the Plan, the north point and the assessment numbers of adjoining lots or buildings; (iii)the means of access to the site ; (iv) all existing drains and water courses; and (v) contour or spot levels of the site and levels on the street or street in front of the site, where necessary. (c) (2) A detailed blocking out plan to a scale of not less than 1 : 1000 showing the proposed sub division of lots together with their dimensions, direction, width and levels of all proposed streets, open spaces and space for other amenities to be served and the use to which every site will be put to. Where building work is involved in the development activity :(a) a sketch plan of the surrounding area sufficient to locate the building site ; (b) the approved blocking out plan to a scale of not less than 1 : 1000 ; (c) a floor plan of each storey drawn to a scale of 1 : 100 except where the building is so extensive as to render a smaller scale necessary when the scale of 1 : 200 may be used showing :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) figured dimensions of the building, rooms and different parts of the building and the use for which every room and part of the building is intended to be put to : the positions and dimensions of all doors, windows and other openings; the position of all sanitary appliances and their connection to sewer lines; fire escapes ; clearance from aerial electricity supply lines ; the type of materials and specifications to be used for the walls, super structure and floor slabs and roof structure of the building; (d) cross and longitudinal sectional drawings of the building along appropriate lines, showing :(i) (ii) the thickness of all walls, floors. the position and dimensions of doors, windows or other openings, the height of every storey, the ceiling height and levels of the building in relation to existing ground or street level and the clear 2 distances between the site boundaries and the external walls of the building ; (e) front and side elevations of the building showing elevations of every existing building within the site showing its height, floor level and other external visible features ; (f) means of disposal of rain water :(g) whether the building is to be centrally air conditioned ; and (h) such other particulars or information relating to the building as the Authority may require in order to satisfy itself as to the exact nature of the development activity envisaged ; 5. All plans shall be drawn neatly and accurately in ink or reproduced in print showing all proposals including new building works and all parts of any existing building and features that are to be retained or removed in a distinct manner by colour or notation. Building Categories 6. For purpose of these regulations, buildings shall be categorized as follows :(i) (ii) Category A – means any building consisting of five or more floors including the ground floor or any building the height of which exceeds fifteen meters above the adjoining street. Category B – means any building not being a high rise building which consists of :a. a basement roofs, foundations, beams and other related parts of the buildings; b. two or more floors including the ground floor where a wall or column is situated on the property boundary; c. a place of public assembly or a public building; d. a building which is wind sensitive such as warehouses and factors; and e. any other type of building not covered under categories A and C. (iii) Category C a. includes any residential building which does not exceed three hundred square metres in extent which is not covered under Category B (b) ; and b. includes any building other than a residential building which does not exceed one hundred square metres in extent which is not covered under category B (b). 3 Submission Of Structural And Service Plans 7. (1) An applicant shall in respect of all buildings other than those buildings falling within Category C, submit before the commencement of any building works, a detailed structural plan of the building with a copy of the design calculations. (2) Detailed structural plans and design calculations shall be prepared and signed by the qualified person who prepared such plans and calculations and shall in respect of all buildings specified in Category A of regulation 6, and where required by the Authority in the case of buildings specified in Category B of regulation 6, shall contain the following ;a. b. c. statements indicating clearly the superimposed load for which each floor system or part there of has been designed. the results of any soil test carried out, the calculations for determination of soil bearing capacity and boring investigations; and the type or types of foundations to be used. (3) Where any air conditioning or mechanical ventilation system is to be installed in a building or part thereof or where such system therein is to be extended or altered the layout and detailed plans of the installation, extension or alteration to be carried out, with information in relation to capacities, shall be submitted to the Authority for approval along with plans of the building in which the system is to be installed, extended or altered. (4) The applicant shall submit in respect of all building mentioned in Category A and where required by the Authority in the case of buildings in Category B, service plans relating to water supply sewerage, drainage and electricity duly signed by the appropriate qualified engineer before commencing building works. (5) The application for the approval to construct a public building, such as a Hospital, Theatre, Grand Stand, Assembly hall, Department Stores or any other building that will be utilized by disabled persons, shall endeavour to take measures so that the entrance/exits; corridors, stairs, elevatory equipment, lavatories and other facilities can be used easily by the above category of persons and shall adhere to section 23 (2) of the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, No. 28 of 1996. Annexure I. Preliminary Planning Clearance And Approval Of Plans 8. (1) The Preliminary Planning Clearance shall be in writing by using Form “C” of Schedule I of the Provisions. It may include restrictions and conditions as imposed. This is only a temporary permit where development activity can allow for such premises. The applicant shall obtain the approval from the Authority by submitting detailed plans on specific activity. 4 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Preliminary Planning Clearance Permit is valid for a period of one year. The Preliminary Clearance will not constitute a permit and shall not entitle the applicant or any person to commence or carry out any Development Activity whatsoever. Every development permit granted shall be in writing and shall be subject to the restrictions and conditions set out therein. Development Permit is valid for a period of one year. The Authority may on application and payment of prescribed fees extend the validity of the permit for a further period of not exceeding two years, if it is satisfied that the development activity referred to in the permit has been commenced but not been completed due to unforeseen circumstances. Appeals Against Refusal 9. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Authority refusing to issue a permit, may within thirty days of receiving notice of such refusal appeal to the Minister. Development To Be In Conformity With The Permit 10. (1) No Development Activity shall be commenced or carried out in contravention of the Development Permit. (2) The Development Permit may be revoked by the Authority if, there is :a. b. c. d. a breach of a term or condition of the permit, a contravention of the provisions of these regulations, a mispresentation of facts in the application, plans or other documents submitted by the applicant, or failure to submit plans and other particulars under regulation 7. 5 PART II PLANNING REGULATIONS Suitability Of Site 11. (1) No development activity shall be carried out in respect of :(a) site which has been filled up with any substance impregnated with faucal, animal or vegetable matter unless such substance has been removed and the site cleared completely, or the whole ground surface has been rendered innocuous and covered with a layer of earth or any other suitable material which is at least thirty centimeters thick. (b) a site subject to flooding until the level of the ground covered by the development or building and beyond it for a distance of three metres all round or to the boundary of the site, whichever is nearer is raised thirty centimeters above the highest known flood level of the site. Use Of Site 12. No site or building whether existing or to be constructed may be used for any purpose other than that approved by the Authority. In deciding which purpose should be approved the Authority shall take into consideration, the provisions of any development plan approved for the development area or the provision of any development plan under consideration. Where no such plans are available, the Authority shall take into consideration the characteristics of the area together with the zoning and future land use of that area. Floor Area Ratio 13. (1) The volume of floor space of a building within a plot is regulated by the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) assigned for the particular plot as specified in Annexure 6, Volume One of the Kalutara Urban Area Development Plan. (2) A basement to be used for parking and for the location of air conditioning or other service machinery may be permitted in addition to the floor area ratio permitted. If a permanent parking space is provided under these regulations, as specified in form “A” of “Schedule II” to these regulations. Such parking space shall be excluded from the calculation of the floor area ratio. Access 14. (1) No site or lot abutting a street less than nine metres (9.0m) in width shall be used for non-residential use or construction of any building for such use except as provided under regulation 14 (2) (b). (2) (a) Every street meant to serve dwelling units shall be in conformity with the specifications set out in Form “A” of Schedule (III); and 6 (b) A street meant to serve one or more lots for construction of any building for non-residential use may be permitted with access less than 9 metres in width and shall be in conformity with the specification set out in Form “B” of Schedule (III). However if the Chairman is of the opinion that an undue hardship will be caused to a person in the case of residential use of a lot if the minimum access requirements for a dwelling house as stipulated in Schedule (III) are to be complied with, the minimum width or access may be reduced by not more than 2 metres on the recommendations of the Head of the Local Authority and in consultation with the Planning Committee subject to the following :(i) (ii) (iii) A minimum width of 3 metres is available for access. This reduction will not apply in case of a new sub division. The area has a semi urban character. (3) Every such street shall connect on to a public street which is not less than nine (9.0) metres in width or a private street of which the owner of such private street has a right of way which connects on to a public street which is not less than nine (9.0) metres in width. (4) Every street which is less than nine (9.0) metres in with and exceeds thirty metres in length, shall be provided with a turning circle of not less than nine (9.0) metres in diameter at the dead end. Specification As To Lots 15. (1) The minimum extent and the minimum width of lots for different classes of buildings, not being high rise buildings, should be in conformity with the specification set out in Form “C” of Schedule (III) unless the Authority has stipulated a higher or lower minimum extent and/or higher or lower width of lots in a Development Plan already approved for the area or proposed for the area. (2) Every lot or site which abuts on to the end of dead end street may have a frontage less than the width in Form “C” of Schedule (III), but have a frontage which is not less than 3.0 metres wide perpendicular to the line of the street. (3) The Authority may relax the requirements of the specified site, extent and width in the case of an existing lot provided that a building satisfying the other regulations can be built on the site. 7 Height Of Buildings 16. (1) The maximum height of a building on an existing lot which is six (6.0) metres or less in width and or has less than one hundred and fifty (150) square metres in extent shall not exceed seven and a half (7.5) metres or two floors unless the Authority directs otherwise. (2) The maximum height of a building in other cases not being a high rise building shall not exceed 15 metres or twice the distance between any storey of a building and the further edge of the abutting street; whichever is less. (3) If the lot is situated in a corner, the height of the building shall be regulated by the wider of such streets so far as it abuts or will abut on the narrower street to a depth of twenty (20) metres from the wider street. (4) In measuring the height under this regulation the lift or motor room not exceeding a height of six (6) metres and not exceeding fifty five (55) square metres in extent or a staircase room not exceeding a height of 5 metres and not exceeding 25 square metres in extent or a water tank not exceeding a height of 1.5 metres shall be ignored. Street Lines And Building Lines 17. (1) Where no street lines have been determined for any street under any act or regulations the authority may determine a street line for such street taking into account the existing and proposed character of development and the nature and volume of traffic anticipated in such street. (2) The building line for every lot on the side abutting the street shall be in conformity with the specifications and categories set out in Form “D” of Schedule (III) and shall be determined according to whether the street on to which it abuts is categorized as a local, secondary or principal street by the Authority. (Map No. 01) In the case of local roads, a lesser width than what is stipulated in Form “D” of Schedule (III) may be permitted provided that such a reduced width is in conformity with the development plan approved for the area or the development plan proposed for the area. (3) No building shall extend beyond the building line provided that balconies,sunshades or eaves, not exceeding 1.0 meter in width may be permitted between the building line and the street line and a fence or boundary wall not exceeding two metres in height may be permitted on the street line. (4) Any street line approved or sanctioned by a local authority shall not be varied without the prior approval of the Authority. 8 Sub Division Of Land 18. (1) (a) No parcel of land or lot destined or proposed for any use other than agriculture or horticulture shall be sub divided unless a plan relating to such sub division has been approved by the Authority. (b) Any person intending to sub divide a land shall submit to the Authority an application which is in conformity with the requirements of regulation 4 (1). (2) The Authority in approving the plans for sub division of land may require the applicant to modify the plan, as it may consider necessary. The sub division on the site shall be carried out only after the approval of the Authority is given. (3) The minimum extent and width of lots shall be in accordance with the provisions of regulation 15. (4) No lot in such sub division shall be less than 12 metres in depth. (5) No new sub division shall have the effect of reducing the open space, light and ventilation and other requirements of any existing building on the site to less than those required under these regulations. (6) No lot in sub division plan shall be utilized for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was approved. 19. (1) Every lot in a sub division shall abut on an existing or proposed public street or a street in accordance with the provisions of regulation 18. (2) The minimum width of a carriageway reservation for the streets shall be as approved by the Authority but in no case shall be less than 3.6 metres for streets up to 9.0 metres in width and 6.0 metres for streets wider than the 9.0 metres. 20. (1) Where the parcel of land or site to be sub-divided exceeds 1.0 hectare an area of not less than ten percentum of the land or site excluding streets shall be reserved for community recreation and open space uses in appropriate locations except in the following instances :(a) In commercial and industrial land sub divisions, if the minimum and parcel of the sub division is not less than 2.024 sq.m. (80 perches) and all the road widths are not less than 9 meters the land may be sub divided without reserving 10 percent of the land for open space uses but subject to the condition that in the event of further sub division of any of the parcels the developer should either – 9 (i) (ii) reserve the 10 percent of the land so sub divided; or deposit the market value of 10 percent of the land so sub divided at the Urban Council, Kalutara. (b) In Residential land sub divisions, if the minimum land parcel of the sub division is not less than 1,012 sq.m. (40 perches) and the development is limited to two housing units per lot the land may be sub divided without reserving 10 percent of the land for open space uses but subject to the condition that in the event of further sub division or construction of more than two housing units per lot, the developer should deposit the market value of 10 percent of the land so sub divided or developed at the U.C. Kalutara. (c) When the land to be sub divided is located within 0.5 kilometers from a open space such as a lake, public playground, etc., which is more than 4.047 sq.m. (one acre) in extent and if the Authority directs the developer, the developer should deposit at the Municipal Council, Kalutara the market value of the area land for the open space requirement, instead of providing the open space physically within the site. (d) When the open space requirement of a sub division is not more than 506 sq.m. (20 perches) in extent or if the local authority directs the developer to do so with the approval of the Chairman of the Urban Development Authority, the developer should deposit at the Urban Council, Kalutara the market value of the area of land of the open space required for the sub division instead of providing the open space physically. (e) In unauthorized land sub divisions where the reason for not approving is the non provision of 10 percent open space, the individual land parcels may be permitted for development or further sub division subject to depositing at the Urban Council, Kalutara the market value of 10 percent of the land parcel, or reserve 10 percent of the land parcel so developed or sub divided. (2) Such reserved space shall be vested with the Kalutara free of all charges. 21. No lot in a sub division shall be put to use or built upon unless the streets are demarcated, opened out to their full width and developed with infrastructure to the satisfaction of the Authority. 10 Layouts For Flats And Housing Units 22. (1) The Authority may approve any project for construction of flats or construction of housing units and other integrated projects which is in conformity with the development plan for the area in question. (2) The Authority may approve any layout or project for housing or re-housing of slum and shanty dwellers or housing of low income persons, which is in conformity with the development plan for the area in question. Open Spaces Around Buildings 23. The maximum plot coverage permissible on any site for any of the purposes specified in Form “E” of Schedule (III) shall be as in conformity with the requirements specified therein. 24. (1) There shall be in the rear of every building and belonging exclusively to it an open space of not less than three (3) metres extending along the entire width of the building unless the rear of the building abuts on to a public street not less than six (6) metres in width; Provided, that where the building consists of a ground floor and the first floor only and no further storeys are proposed to be added the width of such rear open space may be reduced to 2.25 metres. (2) For the purpose of this regulation the rear of the building shall be deemed to be the face which is further from any street on which the building is situated. Provided that where the building is situated on more than one street, the rear of the building, unless the Authority otherwise directs shall be deemed to be the face which is furthest from the widest of such streets. (3) No building or structure other than cantilevered sunshades or overhanging balconies not exceeding one metre in width may be allowed in such open space. (4) In sites of irregular shapes where it is impracticable to provide an open space to the entire width of the building in the rear, the Authority may direct that the open space in the rear shall be left as it deems appropriate having regard to the circumstances of the case. (5) In the case of buildings where an open space is intended to be provided on the site for purpose of access, maintenance of the building, in separating it from adjoining properties, such open space shall in no case be less than 80 centimetres in width. 11 Additional Requirements For Highrise Building 25. No plan of the site shall be approved for the construction of a high rise building unless :(1) the site does not exceed 1000 square metres in extent and has a dimension of at least 20 metres along the shortest side and (2) the site abuts on a street which is not less than 12 metres in width. 26. The Authority may permit the construction of high rise buildings in any such site, if it is satisfied that :(1) the building will not interfere with the supply of amenities to the neighbourhood or mark the harmony of the area, (2) The building will not create traffic problems and hazards, (3) Sufficient arrangements can be made for provision of water supply, sewerage, power, safety from fire and other hazards for parking of vehicles. 27. (1) The maximum height of the building shall not exceed twice the horizontal distance between any storied of the building and the farther edge of the abutting street. (2) If the lot is situated in a corner, the height of the building shall be regulated by the wider of such streets so far as it will abut on the narrower street to a depth of 20 metres from the wider street. 28. (1) There shall be in the least on the side of the building, not being the front or rear side, between the building and the boundary of the site a minimum open space of at least one quarter of the height of the building or 5.5 metres whichever is less. (2) There shall be in the rear of every building an open space of at least one quarter the height of the building extending alone the entire width of the building. (3) The open spaces required under these regulations shall belong exclusively to the building provided that the width of open space belonging exclusively to it may be reduced to the extent of the width of any public street which is not less than 6.0 metres on which the full length of the rear of the building abuts. (4) The total area covered by all buildings on any site shall not exceed 80 percent of the total area of the site and the area not so covered shall belong exclusively to the building and shall be retained as part and parcel thereof. 12 Parking & Traffic Control 29. (1) Every plan submitted along with the application for the purpose of obtaining a development permit to carry out development activities, shall provide for a minimum number of parking spaces within the site at the standards specified in Schedule (II) Form (A) to these regulations. (2) The dimension of car parking stalls shall be as specified in Form B of Schedule II. (3) The minimum width of aisles shall conform to the requirements specified in form “C” of Schedule (II). (4) The width of access to car parking are shall not be less than 3 metres clear of footways and other obstructions if entry and exit are separately provided and 5.5 metres if entry and exit are provided together. (5) The maximum gradient of ramps shall not be steeper than 1 in 8. (6) Every such ramp shall start only beyond a distance of 6.0 metres from the street edge. (7) Where the owner cannot provide the required number of parking spaces on the site or the Authority is of opinion that satisfactory car parking cannot be provided on the site, a service charge of Rs. 15,000 shall be paid. (8) “In issuing development permits the physical width of the road or the proposed street line, whichever is less shall be considered as the road width available for the development”. The authority may take into consideration the full width of the street line as the physical width of the road where the access road to the development site is demarcated with an approved street line, if the owner donates the land within the street line by deed to the Local Authority or the Road Development Authority as the case may, but without any expense being incurred by either of the authorities. (9) To ensure efficient control of traffic, any development shall provide for the following :a. Only one entrance and exit point for sites with a road frontage width less than 12.0 metres is to be permitted : provided that the Authority may consider permitting not more than two entrance and exit points for sites if the frontage width exceeds 12.0 metres; b. Where the parking requirement within the site is more than 100 parking stalls for a residential development, and 50 parking stalls for non residential development a traffic merging lane, or a traffic holding bay as may be necessary in circumstances, suitably designed so as to have the least impact on the free flow of traffic on the access road; c. Where it is necessary to provide for more than 50 parking stalls in any development, such development shall not be permitted within 50 metres 13 from the intersection of any two roads which have an average traffic flow of 10,000 vehicles per day, on each road, or 20,000 vehicle at the junction; d. In building facing the road “mirrored glass” shall not be used for the ground, first and second floors of the building. (10) The Authority may request the Police to enter upon and inspect at all reasonable times, any building, where they suspect any deviations from the approved parking and traffic control requirements for the permitted development. (11) The Authority shall levy a service charge of Rs. 5000 per month in respect of each vehicle parking stall reduced from the approved number of parking stalls if the areas approved for vehicle parking are found to be used for any other activity other than vehicle parking. The levy of such charges, shall be continued until the space which had been used for the other activities is converted to a vehicle parking stall as approved in the development permit. Splaying Of Streets Corners 30. The Authority may require the corner of any buildings including boundary walls or fences to be erected at the corner of two streets be rounded off or splayed to such extent and height as may be necessary in the interests of the safety of the users of the streets. Architectural Control 31. (1) The Authority may in the interest of harmonizing the development activity with the surrounding development, direct the owner to make such modification as it deems necessary in the height, architecture, architectural features or façade of any building. (2) The Authority, may in any street wholly or mainly occupied by shops or commercial buildings may require as a condition of its approval, provision of a public arcade along the face of the building of such character and such width as it may direct. (3) The Authority may direct any mechanical or other equipment located on the top of the buildings to be visually screened in such manner as is necessary to provide protection. Conservation Of Places Of Historical, Architectural Interest Of Landscape Value 32. (1) If any premises or area or monument not covered by the Antiquities Ordinance is in the opinion of the Authority, of historical or architectural interest, the Authority may give directions as it deems fit for the conservation of such buildings, group of buildings, area or monument as the case may be. 14 (2) If any premises or area, in the opinion of the Authority is of scenic or landscape interest, the Authority may give directions as it deems fit for the conservation and maintenance of such premises or area as the case may be. Landscape And Tree Preservation 33. (1) The Authority may, in the interest of amenity prohibit the felling, lopping or willful destruction of any tree, group of trees or vegetation or altering any significant landscape feature of an area. (2) The Authority may direct an owner to landscape the site of development and maintain it with planting in the manner approved by it. Advertisement Control 34. 1. Prior approval of the UDA should be obtained before exhibiting an advertisement or a name board in accordance with the UDA regulations. 2. Such advertisements should be erected only in a location permitted by the authority (excepting in a building) (Annexure II). 3. Before exhibiting an advertisement or a name board, a sketch plan of same should be submitted to the UDA and prior approval obtained and thereafter the advertisements and name boards prepared only in accordance with the conditions stipulated by the Authority be permitted to be installed in the relevant approved locations. 4. After the erection of such name boards and advertisements, they should be maintained in good condition and if the maintenance is unsatisfactory, the UDA has the power to remove such installations within 2 weeks. 5. Permission shall not be granted for the installation of any advertisement (hoarding) or name board, access to the road and within the street line in a manner that would obstruct pedestrian and traffic circulation.(see sketch 1 of Annexure II) 6. No name board or an advertisement shall be erected at a road junction where four streets are converging excepting road direction boards. (see sketch 2 of Annexure II) 7. No advertisement or name board should be erected in a manner that would directly obstruct the view of public places (eg. schools, temples, churches, hospitals, cemeteries, courts, open areas, scenic areas, mountains) However 15 approval may be given for the erection of such advertisement boards beyond 250 meters of such places. 8. Permission shall not be granted for the display of advertisements which contain messages which are detrimental to the inherent qualities and characteristics of the proposed development zones or containing nude/obscene pictures. 9. Permission shall not be granted for the display of an advertisement on the top of a roof of a building. 10. In the case of name boards displayed horizontally on the shop fronts of a row of commercial shops abutting streets of a town center, they should conform to a uniform height and also meet the following requirements:     Name boards should be erected parallel to the street line. In the case of buildings which consist of four floors, the area covered by the name boards should not exceed 1/40th of the building frontage. Name board should be displayed at a height not less than 2.5 meters from the level of the pavement. (see sketch 4 of Annexure II) The shape of the name board and the size and the style of the lettering should be in harmony with the building façade. In the case of bill boards projecting out side the wall of a building, such projections should not exceed 0.5 meters. Where a multi-storeyed building owned or rented by different tenants or owners, the name boards displayed in such buildings should conform to the requirements of regulation 10. (See Sketches 5 of Annexure II). 11. No hoarding or name board shall be erected projecting to or across a street. (See Sketch 7 of Annexure II). 12. No name board or a hoarding shall be erected at a bend of a roadway (See Sketch 8). 13. Notice Board should be exhibited on the right hand edge of the all roads except on the pedestrianized roads to the driver, such notice boards should be displayed at an angle of 60 degrees to the road. (See Sketch 9 of Annexure II). 14. No name boards or bill boards shall be permitted to be displayed on road bridges (See Sketch 10 of Annexure II). 15. Name boards and bill boards shall not be turned out of materials which increase the heat such as steel and reflecting material and the dimensions of such hoardings should have a minimum square area coverage. 16 16. Excessive reflecting colours shall not be used for bill boards and notice boards displayed in the town and its periphery. 17. No advertisement shall be displayed on the surface of the following:  trunk or branch of a tree  parapet wall or wall of a building  bridge, lamp post or telephone post  culvert or a natural rock  on either side of a rail track (See Sketch 11 of Annexure II) 18. No hoarding, bill board shall be erected in front of a commercial building or a public building, in a manner that would cover appearance of the building. (See Sketch 12 of Annexure II) 19. No hoarding or notice board shall be permitted on either side of a mountainous Stretch of a road way.(See Sketch 13). 20. Locations where notice boards are permitted/not permitted are given in Annexure II. Airport And Other Zones 35. (1) (2) (3) A written permission from the Civil Aviation Authority should be obtain in relation to lighting, colouring and height of building to be constructed within vicinity of Katukurunda Airport. The Authority may restrict the height of buildings falling in the line of the transmission path of telecommunication, radio, television or similar services in consultation with appropriate agencies. Miximum height of the construction within the take off, access, transit areas mention in zoning map, restricted to stipulated maximum height. Clearance From Electric Lines 36. All buildings shall be separated from any overhead electric supply line vertically by a distance of at least 2.5 metres and horizontally by a distance of 1.5 metres in the case of low tension lines and by not less than 4.5 metres and 2.5 metres respectively in the case of high tension line. 17 PART III BUILDING REGULATIONS 37. The internal clear dimensions of every room in a building other than the rooms specified under regulation 38 shall not be less than the minimum specified in Form (F) of Schedule (III). 38. The internal clear dimensions of bathrooms and toilets shall not be less than the minimum specified in Form “G” of Schedule (III). 39. (1) Storage rooms not requiring legal ventilation shall not have an area in excess of 2.25 square metres nor have its width or length exceeding 1.5 metres. (2) The aggregate area of all storage rooms of the dimensions specified above shall not exceed 5% of the floor area of the building. 40. The minimum height of rooms shall be : (1) For toilets, bathrooms and corridors, not less than 2.1 metres. (2) For all other rooms in any building, not less than 2.7 metres, provided that beams, trusses and similar supporting structures extending beyond the level of the roof shall not be such as to reduce this height below 2.4 metres at any point. (3) In the case of rooms in a building that is Air Conditioned through a central air conditioning system 2.4 metres. 41. In the case of rooms with sloping roof the heights shall not be less than those mentioned in Regulations 40 at the mid point of the slope of the roof and in no part of the room shall the height be less than 2.1 metres. Staircase 42. (1) The minimum width of stairs and the minimum dimensions of treads and risers shall be as specified in From “H” of Schedule (III). In the case of circular or geometric stairs the widths of the treads measuring at the middle shall not be less than the widths specified in Form “H” of Schedule (III). Riser height and tread width shall be constant in any flight of stairs from storey to storey. (2) (a) There shall be no obstruction in any staircase between the top most landing and the exit door on the ground floor. (b) Every staircase, staircase landing, balcony or varandah shall be protected on any side overlooking a courtyard, void or external air space, by either a hand rail balustrade or parapet which shall have a height of not less than 1.0 metres and shall be of a suitable design and type of construction to 18 prevent any person from falling over the side of such staircase, staircase landing balcony or varandah. Lighting And Ventilation 43. Every room in a building shall be provided with natural light and ventilation by means of windows, doors or any other approved openings. Every such room of a building to be lighted and ventilated shall have windows and opening through which natural light and ventilation can be obtained, so located that they face and open upon, (a) A public street or a street on which the owner or the building has a right of way; (b) A courtyard or open space located in the building site. 44. (1) In the case of rooms other than warehouses and factories no part of the room served by such lighting and ventilation openings shall be more than 10 metres away from such opening in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the opening. Further, no part of such room shall be 3 metres away from the edge of the opening in a direction parallel to the plane of the opening. (2) In case of warehouses and factories no part of the room served by such lighting and ventilation openings shall be more than 12 metres away from such opening in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the opening. Further, no part of such room shall be 3 metres away from the edge of the opening in a direction parallel to the plane of the opening. 45. The sources of natural light and ventilation may open upon and enclosed or partly enclosed balcony verandah or porch, if, (a) (b) (c) such balcony, verandah or porch faces upon a street or upon a courtyard or open space; the maximum depth of the room served by such source does not exceed the distances specified under regulation 44 from the outer face of the balcony, verandah or porch; and the front of the balcony, verandah or porch has an opening to external air, of not less than 2/3 the height between the floor level and ceiling level of such balcony, verandah or porch. 46. (1) Every room in any building where the aggregate area of openings is short of the specifications contained in Form “I” of Schedule (III) shall be provided with natural light and ventilation by means of one or more sources. (2) Corridors and passages may be lighted and ventilated by providing openings in the interior walls of the rooms abutting the corridor or passage provided that 19 the area of the openings conform to the specifications set out in Form “I” of Schedule (III). (3) Any room used as a parking garage for more than 5 motor vehicles shall have at least 50 per centum of the area of two or more sides of the room as openings to allow for cross ventilation. 47. For the purpose of determining light and ventilation requirements, any room may be considered as a portion of an adjoining room when one half of the area of the common wall is open and unobstructed. 48. There shall also be provided in the case of buildings without openings on the sides of a depth greater than 12 metres, permanent ventilation from front to rear by suitable vents in all front, back and cross walls at each floor. 49. (1) Every window or other opening except for toilets and bathrooms must open to a standard light plane and the whole space above such plane must be open to the sky and free from any obstruction other than eaves of sunshades projecting to an extent of not more than 10 metre. (For the purpose of this regulation “standard light plane” means a plane drawn upwards and outwards from the exterior face of the building at the lowest floor level of the room and not being a basement floor for car parking or for a air conditioning plant or other service machinery only at an angle of 63 ½ degrees to the horizontal and not impinging on any building wall or other obstruction.) In any case in which there is any obstruction other than an authorized obstruction over any plane so drawn, the plane may be drawn from the line of inter section of the plane of the floor level of the room and the perpendicular plane of the extreme edge of the obstruction. (2) Where a window or other opening is situated on the side or interior face of a building, the external open space, shall ; (a) (b) (c) be of such width that no portion of such face shall intersect any of a series of imaginary lines drawn across the open space from the limit opposite to such face at the level of its lowest floor level not being a basement floor for car parking or for air conditioning plant or other service machinery only, at an angle of 63 ½ degrees to the horizontal ; not be less than 2.25 metres; and be exclusively attached to the building or be dedicated to public use. (3) In case of toilets and bathrooms the standard light plane may be relaxed by the Authority provided a minimum unobstructed width of open space of one metre is available within the premises abutting the opening. 20 50. When any room is located in a basement and is to be naturally lighted and ventilated such room shall have at least one third of the height of its external wall above the outside ground level and shall have all its required sources of natural light and ventilation above the outside ground level. 51. The provisions of regulation 50 shall not apply to a room as a photographic dark room or cold storage room where by the nature of the use of the room it cannot have direct openings to external light and air, so long as it shall be artificially lighted and mechanically ventilated to the satisfaction of the Authority. Mechanical Ventilation And Air Conditioning 52. (1) Where the Authority, taking into account the type and size of the building, is of the view that a central air conditioning plant is necessary for the building, the provisions of these regulations relating to natural light and ventilation and the height of rooms may be so modified in accordance with the prevailing circumstances so that the ventilation and lighting system will be designed and maintained according to the conditions laid down by it while granting of the development permit, under section 8J of the Law and a stand by generator of such capacity as specified by the Authority will be installed and operated at times of interruption of the public electric supply; and (2) Where windows or other openings of water closets and bathrooms cannot open out on to an exterior or interior open space of the required width they may open out on to a ventilation shaft the size of which shall in the case of buildings up to a height of 15 metres be not less than 1 square metre with the minimum dimension 1 metre of any side and in the case of buildings exceeding 15 metres in height not less than 3 square metres with the minimum dimensions of any side being not less than 1.5 metres. Provided that, in the case of buildings of more than two storeys the water closets and baths shall be mechanically ventilated with exhaust fans of appropriate capacities placed both in the window openings as well as on the top of the shaft. (3) The owner of the building which is subject to mechanical ventilation and air conditioning shall give an undertaking affirming that he will comply fully with the relevant provisions or, mechanical ventilation system or artificial lighting is no longer in use and such building shall be deemed to be unfit for occupation and shall not continue to be occupied until the owner complies with the relevant regulations. Foundations 53. (1) Every building shall be supported by foundations in order to safely sustain and transmit to the ground the combined dead load and imposed load of the building in such a manner so as not to cause any settlement or other 21 movement which may impair the stability of, or cause damage to the whole or any part of the building or to nay adjoining building or works. (2) No part of the ground which supports or helps to support any building shall be subjected to any pressure (whether exerted by any part of the building itself or otherwise) other than such pressure as may be acceptable to the Authority with a view to ensuring safety of the inhabitants of such buildings. (3) If the ground adjacent to any proposed building exerts pressure upon or causes the application of an undue load to any part or the building that building or part thereof shall be so constructed as to be capable of safely sustaining and transmitting the pressure or load without exceeding the appropriate limitations of permissible stresses. 54. The foundations of any building shall not extend beyond the boundary lines of the building site except in the case of the foundation of a party wall which is being built with the mutual consent of the owners of the sites on which such party wall stands. 55. (1) Whenever any foundations or related earth works such as the driving of piles, compaction of soil and excavations, which may impose loads on adjoining property or cause movements in the grounds or in any way adversely affect the structural stability of any part of the adjoining effects of such works on the adjoining property shall be carefully considered by the qualified person at the time of preparation of the plans and designs as required under these regulations before any such works are commenced on the site. (2) The qualified person and the owner shall at all times and at there own expense be responsible for preventing any damage to any adjoining building or property. (3) The entire construction site including foundation excavation, and temporary retaining works shall be separated from any adjoining road or property by a suitable fence or enclosure as may be required by the Authority. Lifts 56. The number of passenger and goods lifts to be provided in any building and their design, construction, installation, testing, inspection and operation shall comply with such requirements as may be specified in Form “j” of Schedule (III) to these regulations. Water Supply 57. (1) Every building shall be provided with a protected water supply system connected to an existing public system. 22 (2) Where it is not possible to provide connection to the public water supply system, a system connected to private service shall be provided. (3) Every building shall be provided with water storage tanks and pumps of such capacity as may be specified in each case, where the Authority has reason to believe that the supply of water shall not be continuous taking into consideration the situation of the building and other land marks of the area. (4) No well used for the supply of drinking water shall be closer than 15.0 meters of a cesspit or a soakage pit of a septic tank. Sewerage 58. (1) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one water closet while every other type of building shall be provided with an adequate number of water closets, urinals, wash basins and other sanitary conveniences; Provided that the number of water closets, urinals, wash basins and other sanitary conveniences to be provided in any building specified in Schedule (IV) shall conform to the specifications contained in that Schedule. (2) All sewerage and waste water outlets shall be connected to an existing public sewerage system and the Authority may in any particular case require the sewerage and waste water to be pre-treated to bring them to acceptable standards before being connected on to a public sewerage system. (3) (a) where a public sewerage system does not exist, or in other cases where the Authority is of the opinion that the outlets cannot be connected to the public system, sewerage shall be disposed through a septic tank; and (b) waste water shall be suitably disposed of through a soakage pit. (4) In addition to above sewerage, toilet waste or solid waste from residential units, hotels, service stations, industrial plants or any buildings belong to above category or not, should not be discharged to common or private water sources such as rivers, canals, rills, lakes, ponds, wells. If found violation of above the authority has power to take legal action in this regard. 59. Every building shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities to drain off and convey the rain water from the roof to a street drain or other approved outlet without causing dampness or damage to the walls or foundation of the building or those of adjacent buildings. 23 Waste Disposal 60. Waste generated within any premises shall be collected and disposed of in a manner which the Authority considers essential, so as to safeguard the health of the inhabitants therein. Electrical And Plumbing Work 61. All electrical and plumbing work in any building or premises shall be carried out by a Registered Electrician and a Licensed Plumber as the case may be and these works shall conform to such standards and specifications as the Authority may require with a view to ensuring maximum safety and sanitary conditions within any such building or premises. Fire Safety 62. Every building shall conform to fire safety requirements applicable to the area or type of building or as may be specified by the Authority with a view to providing a greater measure of safety to the inhabitants of such buildings. 63. All high rise buildings, public assembly buildings, factories and warehouses of more than 400 square metres in extent the installations therein shall conform to any additional fire safety requirements as may be recommended by the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade. 64. All buildings which have two or more floors and 280 sq. meters in extent and which are located in areas where pipe borne water supply is available, should provide for a sump to store water to be used in an event of fire. The dimensions of the sump will be determined by the Planning Authority in relation to the size and use of the buildings. Certificate Of Conformity 65. Every application for a Certificate of conformity under section 8 K of the Urban Development Authority Amendment Act No. 4 in 1982 shall be substantially in the form “D” set out in Schedule (I) and shall be accompanied by the following :(a) (i) (ii) in the case of land development or sub division of land : a certificate from a Town Planner and or a Licensed Surveyor that the sub division has been carried out as per the approved plans and permit; a certificate from a Chartered or Registered Civil Engineer or person whose qualifications have been recognized for employment as an Engineer under the Government, where engineering works are involved in the development such as construction of roads and culverts, that the development works have 24 been carried out under his supervision in accordance with the approved plans specifications and permit. (b) In the case of construction of buildings falling within a Category A of regulation 6 : (i) a certificate from a Registered or Chartered Architect or a person whose qualifications have been recognized for employment as an Architect under the Government to the effect that the development has been carried out under his supervision in accordance with the approved Plan and Permit; (ii) a certificate from a Chartered or Registered Civil Engineer or a person whose qualifications have been recognized for employment as an Engineering under the Government to the effect that the foundations and super structure and other works have been carried out according to the approved plans, permit and according to designs submitted under regulation 7, under his supervision and the Buildings are structurally safe; and (iii) a certificate from a qualified Electrical Engineer, qualified Sanitary or a Chartered Civil Engineer, qualified Refrigeration Engineer or a person whose qualifications have been recognized for employment as an Electrical, Sanitary, Civil or Refrigeration Engineer that the Electrical, Sanitary and air conditioning systems have been installed under their supervision in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and satisfy all safety requirements. (c) In the case of construction of buildings falling within Category B of regulation 6 a certificate from a Registered or Chartered Architect or Civil Engineer or a person whose qualifications have been recognized by Government for employment as an Architect or Engineer under Government to the effect that the works have been carried out in accordance with the approved plan and permit under his supervision and that the building is structurally safe. (d) In the case of construction of buildings falling within Category C of regulation 6, a certificate from the builder or the owner where the owner is also the builder to the effect that the works have been carried out in accordance with the approved plans and permit under his supervision, and that all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the structural safety of the building. 66. The Authority or its authorized representative or representatives may enter upon and inspect at all reasonable times any building, before a certificate of conformity for the occupation thereof is issued or at any stage of development for the purpose of determining whether all the provisions of the regulations have been complied with. 25 Unsafe Buildings 67. The Authority may direct the owner of any building that may constitute a danger to its occupants or to public safety to repair or demolish or deal with otherwise to remove the danger, if the building is certified as unsafe by the Director, Buildings Department. 26 PART IV DEFINITIONS 68. In this regulations : “apartment” means a unit as defined in the Apartment Ownership Law No.11 of 1973 “access” includes any street used as means of access to buildings or other premises whether the public have a right of way thereof or not “authority” means the Urban Development Authority constituted under the Urban Development Authority Law No.41 of 1978 “basement” means that part of the floor below the ground floor which is wholly below ground level or to an extent of 2/3 of its height below the adjoining ground level. “high-rise building” means any building with more than four floors including the ground floor whose height at any part of it above the ground level exceeds 12.0 meters excluding a lift or motor room not exceeding 56 sq. meters in extent or staircase room not exceeding a height of 3 meters and not exceeding 25 sq. meters in extent or a water tank not exceeding a height of 1.5 m. “residential building” means a building exclusively consisting of one dwelling unit or a number of dwelling units “building line” means the line up to which a building will be permitted to extend. “building works” includes erection or re-erection of a building or making additions or alterations to an existing building. “chairman” means the Chairman of the Urban Development Authority “dwelling house means a building or a part of a building consisting of a room or group or dwelling unit” of rooms forming a self contained living unit with independent sleeping, cooking and sanitary facilities. “development activity” has the same meaning as given in the Act. “existing lot” means a lot which was in existence before the Act come into operation. 27 “factory” includes a building or a part of building used for the manufacture, production or repair of an article. “flat” means a unit as defined by the in the Apartment ownership Law No.11 of 1973. “floor area” means the horizontal area of a floor of a building measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or in the case of a common wall separating two buildings from the centre line of such wall and shall include all the roof projections and balconies exceeding 1.0 meter in width and all areas having a roof and capable of being enclosed. “gross floor area” means the total of floor areas of every floor in the building. “floor area ratio” means the gross floor area of all buildings on a lot divided by the area of such lot. “floor space” means the horizontal area of a room or space in building measured from the interior face of the enclosing walls. “housing complex” means a group of dwelling units on a site which is permanently in common enjoyment and may include a block of flats. “industrial building” includes factories, workshops and warehouses “act” means the Urban Development Authority Law No.41 of 1978. “Local Authority” has the same meaning as in law. “Lot” in relation to land means the entirety of any land which has been demarcated by boundary marks or enclosed within boundary walls or fences where such land belongs to one single person or a set of coowners and approved as a lot by the Local Authority or the Authority. “Owner” includes the person for the time being receiving the rent for such premises, in connection with which the work is used whether in his own account or as an agent or trustee for any other person who would receive the same if such premises were let to a tenant. “Place of public assembly” means a place or building used whether regularly or occasionally for public congregation such as a theatre, cinema hall, public hall, concert room, lecture room or exhibition room or for similar purposes and includes a public building. 28 “Planning committee” means the committee appointed under Section 8B of the Law. “Public Building” includes any building used for the purpose of public worship, instruction, recreation or meeting and a medical institution or a nursing home or government building. “Public Street” means any street over which the public have a right of way and has become vested in under any Law or by operation of any Law and includes a drain or footway attached thereto. “Qualified person” in relation to a development activity means; a. where no building work is involved or any work involving site layout or sub-division exceeding 0.5 hectares a Chartered Town Planner of the Institute of Town Planners, Sri Lanka and a Licensed Surveyor in case of involving a site layout or sub-division not exceeding 0.5 hectares and Licensed Surveyor and Leveler; b. where building category “A” and „B‟ are involved a Registered or Chartered Architect of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects or Engineer of the Institute of Engineers of Sri Lanka or a person whose qualifications have been recognized by Government for employment as Architect or Engineer under government; and c. where building category “C” is involved any person acceptable to the Authority as such “Street” includes any road, footway, or passage used or intended to be used as a means of access to two or more dwelling units or sites whether or not the public has right of way over such street and includes all drains, pavements and the reservations at the site thereof. “Street line” means a line or lines defined on one or both sides of an existing street to show its future width or to show the width of a future street as determined by the Authority. “Warehouse” includes a building or a part of building mainly used for storing merchandise or articles for trade. 29