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2019, International journal of social sciences and humanities
7 pages
1 file
If the concept, of the university, has taken as a reference it can be affirmed, that it is the academic institution of higher education, research, and relationship with society. Which grants academic degrees in different disciplines, in order to make the economic and social development of the community professionally viable, and the contribution it offers is practically essential, especially as it relates to the link between the human resource that leaves and its influence on the local development of the society. A conscientious study has made the indicators that influence this interactive process of experiences, wisdom, and knowledge by development, work, stability, in the environment where they operate. There are factors that influence and determine that the development of a social conglomerate does not correspond to the number of professionals who graduate from university classrooms. To determine the development is growing or not, the possible causes generate it has analyzed and ...
Academic production, teaching profiles and the training of academic departments of normal schools (Atena Editora), 2024
Normal schools are higher education institutions since the Official Decree of the Federation: 03/23/1984, an agreement that establishes that Normal Education at its initial level and in any of its types and specialties will have the Academic Degree of a Bachelor's Degree; Even so, it has had serious difficulties in being recognized with that status, on the one hand, because academic production has been scarce, in some contexts almost non-existent, and, on the other hand, when there are programs of institutional interest, resistance to participating in them arises.; Such is the case of the Program for the Professional Development of Teachers, for the Higher Type (PRODEP), born in 1996, but which includes normal schools in 2009. Although in these schools there are teachers with the necessary training to research, research production It has not had the boom as other Universities that have qualified teachers with the desirable profile and Academic Departments have; From here this analysis is derived to the academic activity of a normal school that seems to maintain its culture, resists changing its culture.
The relevance of this study is due to significant changes in the field of modern education. In new aspects, the concepts of “equality” and “social justice” appeared on the background of the educational space. Modern society needs to build a qualitatively new system of training of a teacher, capable to solve fundamentally new tasks that meet the needs of the time. The psychological and pedagogical conditions of vocational training are based on a system of pedagogical actions that activate the creative, individual and personal abilities of students, ensuring the social and moral formation of the future generation. These actions are aimed at creating a cultural and educational space that forms the students' personal readiness to master a profession in the changing world of educational realities. The purpose of research is to work out a paradigm for the development of competence of pedagogical support of students in the course of multifunctional activity with its subsequent testing....
The role of the university in local development in a tourist city, the case of the training project in the institution: Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez, campus: Puerto Vallarta (Atena Editora), 2022
Este trabajo tiene por fin analizar la contribución de las residencias profesionales de los estudiantes de la Lic. en Turismo del Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez, campus Puerto Vallarta (ITJMMPyH), para generar desarrollo local a través de proyectos vinculados con el sector productivo en la región de Puerto Vallarta y sus municipios colindantes. El diseño metodológico es no experimental, con un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por los directivos de las empresas en que se desarrollaron residencias profesionales en el periodo de septiembre 2017 a enero 2021, siendo un total de 58, de los cuales se entrevistó por teléfono a 37 que fue la muestra del estudio. El instrumento que se utilizó para la recolección de información fue un cuestionario con preguntas en una escala de valores. Los resultados indican que se han elaborado diferentes tipos de proyectos de residencias profesionales, ninguno se ha implementado, tres han servido de referencia para proyectos similares, y la valoración de su contribución por los empleadores es en lo general buena en los indicadores analizados.
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020
The present study is a bibliographic investigation that sought to analyze how Professional and Technological Education (EPT, from the acronym in Portuguese) and understand the concept of integrated human formation. Thus, based on the contributions of Ramos (2009) and Ciavatta (2012), the concept of integrated human formation was analyzed, its main objectives and its importance for EPT to differ from a mere technical education still in force in our educational model. The methodology consisted of file and bibliographic review followed by content analysis. It was concluded that, due to the search for the understanding of a whole, integrality is necessary for Professional and Technological Education, so that it does not continue the reproduction of educational duality, in one of the two partialities of knowledge, not just general education and not just technical education, but the training of a complete man who has a professional qualification, an education that emancipates individuals, in a full understanding of the world. It seeks to free individuals from a fragmented worldview, forming them in all their fullness as a human being, a being who understands the importance of work, science, and culture. RESUMO O presente estudo é uma investigação de caráter bibliográfico que buscou analisar como a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) e compreender o conceito da formação humana integrada. Dessa forma, a partir das contribuições de Ramos (2009) e Ciavatta (2012) analisou-se a concepção da formação humana integrada, seus principais objetivos e sua importância para que a EPT se diferencie de uma mera educação tecnicista ainda vigente em nosso modelo educacional. A metodologia consistiu no fichamento e revisão bibliográfica seguida da análise de conteúdo. Concluiu-se que, devido à busca da compreensão de um todo, a integralidade se faz necessária à Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, para que a mesma não continue a reprodução da dualidade educacional, em uma das duas parcialidades de conhecimentos, não apenas uma educação geral e não apenas um ensino técnico, mais sim a formação de um homem completo e que tenha uma habilitação profissional, uma educação que emancipe os indivíduos, em toda uma plena compreensão do mundo. Busca-se libertar indivíduos de uma concepção de mundo fragmentada, formando-os em toda a sua plenitude como ser humano, um ser que compreende a importância do trabalho, da ciência e da cultura. Palavras-chave: EPT, formação humana integrada, educação, trabalho.
The aim of this article is to monitor the outcome of professional training courses programmed in the Veneto Region, the potential, positive repercussions on the labour market and, consequently, on the wellbeing of the community. By means of the human capital concept, it can be evaluated if those students, who successfully finished their professional training courses, were able to see if their training curriculum had been suitably valorised, which was achieved by being able to start work in line with their qualifications, both quickly and positively, they had obtained. Using the data derived from the widespread network of training agencies present in the Veneto, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the courses have been analysed, subsequently identifying the profiles of those who qualified and their outcome in gaining access to the labour market.
Andragoška spoznanja [Studies in Adult Education and Learning], 2018
In this paper we discuss the professionalisation of adult education and learning in the territory of former Yugoslavia. The rationale behind the paper is based on the presumption that the process of profession-alisation represents a reflection of social conditions, tradition, culture, development of higher education institutions, the scientific/knowledge base for a certain field on the main elements of the profession. Our aim is to critically discuss professionalisation in the field of adult education and learning with a threefold focus (on the profession, representing the sociological dimension, on professionalism, representing the philosophical/ethical dimension, and on professionalisation, representing the andragogical dimension). The findings indicate that in the territory of former Yugoslavia significant but insufficient progress has been made when it comes to shaping the field of professional practice and in the professional preparation of andragogues/adult educators at universities, including improvement in continuing professional development. On the other hand, when it comes to establishing professional associations, licensing, and the development of professional code(s) of ethics, the process of professionalisation has been very moderate and slow. Keywords: professionalisation, profession, professionalism, andragogy, professionalisation in the field of adult education PROFESIONALIZACIJA NA PODROČJU IZOBRAŽEVANJA IN UČENJA ODRASLIH NA OBMOČJU NEKDANJE JUGOSLAVIJE-POVZETEK V prispevku razpravljamo o profesionalizaciji izobraževanja in učenja odraslih na območju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Pri tem izhajamo iz predpostavke, da proces profesionalizacije odseva družbene razmere, tradicijo, kulturo, razvoj institucij visokošolskega izobraževanja, znanstvene/spoznavane temelje dolo-čenega področja na osrednjih elementih te stroke. Naš cilj je kritično razpravljati o profesionalizaciji na področju izobraževanja in učenja odraslih s poudarkom na treh elementih: stroki, ki predstavlja sociološko dimenzijo, profesionalizmu, ki predstavlja filozofsko/etično dimenzijo, in profesionalizaciji,
Review of European Studies, 2015
Socio-educational support in the process of education modernization should exhibit humanitarian nature, flexibility, non-violent and "non-intrusive" character of the educational process that can directly relate to the needs and interests of its members. The heightening attention to every member of the educational process marks the idea of socio-educational support of the specialist's professional development top-priority. In this regard we have identified and described the content of the socio-educational support of a future specialist professional development in higher school that involves creating favorable conditions for personal development, social self-determination and professional establishment of the subjects of education in particular organizational and pedagogical forms, as well as successful possessing necessary competencies in the process of teachers' and students' interaction. The submissions of the article can be valuable for the higher-education teaching personnel and advisors in the educational institutions of both higher and secondary professional education.
1999) Ética para el desarrollo de los pueblos (2000) y Ética y fe cristiana en un mundo plural (2005).
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 2013
This paper addresses education, particularly professional, scientific and technological education, in the context of local development, from the prism of productive local arrangements – PLAS. It highlights the effect of globalization on society´s transformations, the restructuring of the sectorial, institutional and organizational dynamics related to educational aspects, the territorial features of the said arrangements, and the actors that are part of them. We understand that this is a priority in the social construction and an incentive to the scientific education professional development, with regard to the ethical-political nature of individuals. We point out the need to foster interaction amongst educational institutions in order to mobilize territorial resources, aiming at local development. We conclude with a few pertinent discussions about the value of education, both in its integral feature and in its adherence to parallel harmonies.
Natural Hazards, 2013
The Himalayas are one of very active seismic regions in the world where devastating earthquakes of 1803 Bihar-Nepal, 1897 Shillong, 1905 Kangra, 1934 Bihar-Nepal, 1950 Assam and 2011 Sikkim were reported. Several researchers highlighted central seismic gap based on the stress accumulation in central part of Himalaya and the non-occurrence of earthquake between 1905 Kangra and 1934 Bihar-Nepal. The region has potential of producing great seismic event in the near future. As a result of this seismic gap, all regions which fall adjacent to the active Himalayan region are under high possible seismic hazard due to future earthquakes in the Himalayan region. In this study, the study area of the Lucknow urban centre which lies within 350 km from the central seismic gap has been considered for detailed assessment of seismic hazard. The city of Lucknow also lies close to Lucknow-Faizabad fault having a seismic gap of 350 years. Considering the possible seismic gap in the Himalayan region and also the seismic gap in Lucknow-Faizabad fault, the seismic hazard of Lucknow has been studied based on deterministic and the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Results obtained show that the northern and western parts of Lucknow are found to have a peak ground acceleration of 0.11-0.13 g, which is 1.6-to 2.0-fold higher than the seismic hazard compared to the other parts of Lucknow.
Neuroscience, 2008
Global Public Health, 2014
North American Journal of Aquaculture
Physica Status Solidi (a), 2004
Journal of Phycology, 2019
HS Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field
Archives of Virology, 1990
European Scientific Journal, ESJ
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2020
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2015