A Modified Patch Propagation-based Image
Inpainting Using Patch Sparsity
Somayeh Hesabi1, Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri2
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Sharif University of Technology
Tehran, Iran
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract—We present a modified examplar-based
inpainting method in the framework of patch sparsity. In
the examplar-based algorithms, the unknown blocks of
target region are inpainted by the most similar blocks
extracted from the source region, using the available
information. Defining a priority term to decide the filling
order of missing pixels ensures the connectivity of the
object boundaries. In the exemplar-based patch sparsity
approach, a sparse representation of missing pixels is
considered to define a new priority term and the unknown
pixels of the fill-front patch is inpainted by a sparse
combination of the most similar patches. Here, we modify
this representation of the priority term and take a
measure to compute the similarities between fill-front and
candidate patches. Also, a new definition is proposed for
updating the confidence term to illustrate the amount of
the reliable information surrounding pixels. Comparative
reconstructed test images show the effectiveness of our
proposed approach in providing high quality inpainted
Keywords—Image inpainting; texture synthesis; patch
Restoring damaged regions of an image and
removing undesired objects are termed as image
inpainting. The basic idea is to fill in the lost or broken
parts of an image using the surrounding information in
such a way that the final restored result appears to be
natural to a not familiar observer.
The applications of image inpainting techniques
include removal of scratches in old photographs,
repairing of damaged regions of an image, removal of
undesired objects, and restoration of missing blocks of
transmitted images.
The user is to identify the missing or damaged areas
objectively, since these areas cannot be easily classified.
These specified regions are called inpainting domain or
target regions and the undamaged parts, whose
information is used to repair the target region, are called
source regions.
Recently, several image inpainting approaches have
been developed. They are roughly categorized into two
main types: PDE (Partial Differential Equation)-based
methods, and texture synthesis approaches. PDE-based
methods use partial differential equations, which
propagate edge information along isophote (i.e., a line
with all the points having the same gray value)
directions with diffusion techniques. Bertalmio et al. [1]
were first to introduce an image inpainting method.
Their PDE-based scheme propagated boundary
information of the inpainting domain along the isophote
directions. Inspired by the work in [1], two other PDEbased algorithms [2, 3] were proposed by Chan and
Shen. The Total Variational (TV) model [2] uses an
Euler-Lagrange equation coupled with an anisotropic
diffusion to preserve the direction of isophotes. This
method does not restore a single object well when its
disconnected remaining elements are separated far apart
within the target region. The Curvature Driven
Diffusion (CDD) model [3] considers geometric
information by defining the strength of isophotes. This
extended version of the TV approach can inpaint larger
damaged regions.
A simple inpainting algorithm based on prior models
was presented by Roth and Black [4]. They modified the
diffusion technique of denoising approaches to learn
image statistics from natural images and then applied it
to the target region. Noori et al. [22] proposed a method
based on bilateral filters which originally used for image
denoising. They iteratively convolved the damaged
image with a space variant kernel to restore the thin
In almost all PDE-based algorithms, blurring artifacts
may be produced when the missing regions are large
and textured. So, these methods perform well on images
with pure structures or thin target regions.
To fill in large regions with pure textures, the second
class of approaches, texture synthesis techniques, were
proposed. The common idea in these methods is to
duplicate the information on the source region into the
target region [5-10]; hence, the texture information is
Texture synthesis approaches are classified into pixelbased sampling [5-7] and patch-based sampling [8-10]
according to the sample texture size. Since the filling
process in pixel-based scheme is performed pixel by
pixels, the algorithm is very slow. However, the speed
of patch-based sampling was greatly improved by even
though filling in the target region is by blocks of pixels,
but discontinuous flaws between neighboring patches
still remains.
As natural images usually contain both structure and
texture components, Bertalmio et al. [11] decomposed
the input image into its structure and texture
components and then restored them separately. The final
outcome was the sum of two reconstructed components.
This method is not appropriate for repairing large and
thick damaged regions, because the PDE-based
approach being used to construct the structure
component often admits blurring artifacts. Criminisi et
al. [12] presented an examplar-based inpainting
technique to propagate the known patches (i.e.,
examplars) into the missing ones by ordering the
synthesizing process. They can remove large objects
from the image according to the defined patch priority
values assigned to the pixel. Constructing information
on both the structure and the texture characteristics for
large and thick damaged regions is a special feature of
this method.
Other examplar-based schemes were also proposed
[13-15]. Comparing with the PDE-based approaches,
the examplar-based inpainting algorithms have
produced plausible results; however, they appear to fail
on repairing other types of structures, such as curves,
and are often faced with some artifacts in the output
Some approaches based on image sparse
representation were also introduced for the inpainting
problem [16-19]. In these methods, an image is
presented by a sparse combination of an overcomplete
set of transformations (e.g., wavelet, contourlet, DCT,
etc.), and then the missing pixels are inferred by
adaptively updating the sparse representation. In [16],
Elad et al. proposed an approach to separate the image
into cartoon (structure) and texture components, and
then represented the sparse combination of the two
obtained components by two incoherent over-complete
transformations. Although this approach can effectively
fill in the regions with structure and texture, it may fail
to repair the structure or might produce smoothing
deffects similar to the PDE-based approaches. Fadili et
al. [17] proposed a sparse representation-based iterative
algorithm for image inpainting. They used the
Expectation Maximization (EM) framework to consider
the missing
The proposed approach in [18]
considered a simple exemplar-based model via global
optimization. Hence, some problems associated with
progressive fill-ins were avoided. Xu and Sun [19]
presented an exemplar-based inpainting method using a
patch sparsity representation. They introduced the idea
of sparse representation under the assumption that the
missing patch could be represented by sparse linear
combinations of candidate patches. Then, a constrained
optimization model was proposed for the patch
inpainting. Nonetheless, at times the edges in the filled
regions are not connected properly.
Here, we intend to improve the patch sparsity image
inpainting scheme based on the patch propagation
scheme proposed in [19].
The remainder of our work is organized as follows.
In Section 2, we explain the patch sparsity-based image
inpainting. We present our proposed method in Section
3. Performance of our technique investigated in Section
4. Finally, Section 5 gives the concluding remarks.
We use the common notations being used in the
inpainting literature. The target region, i.e., the region to
be filled in, is shown by Ω, and its boundary is denoted
by δΩ . The source region, ϕ , which remains fixed
throughout the algorithm, supplies samples to fill in the
missing regions (refer to Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Notation diagram: The original image to
be filled with target region
, its
and the source region .
The conventional examplar-based method [12] is as
A conventional
Step 1: For each point
construct a patch
the patch.
on the boundary δΩ ,
, with in the center of
Step 2: Compute the patch priority ( ) : ( ) is
defined as the product of two terms: a
confidence term ( ), and a data term ( )
(see Fig. 2):
( ) = ( ). ( ),
( )=
( )
( )=
∇ ! ."
is the area of
, $ is a
normalization factor (e.g., $ = 255 for a
typical grey-level image), % is a unit vector
orthogonal to the boundary at the point ,
and ∇& is an isophote vector. ( ) lets
linear structures to be synthesized first, and
thus propagates securely into the target
region, ( ) illustrates the amount of the
reliable information surrounding the pixel
and is initialized to be ( ) = 0, ∀ ∈ Ω,
and ( ) = 1, ∀ ∉ Ω.
Figure 2. Given the patch
for image I, % is
the normal to the boundary at , and
∇+& is the isophote vector.
Step 3: Find the patch , with the highest priority
being filled in with the information
extracted from the source region ϕ (Fig. 3
Step 4: Make a global search on the whole image to
having the most similarity
find a patch
with , . Formally,
= arg min
where the distance 4 between two generic
patches is simply defined as the sum of
squared differences (SSDs) of the already
known pixels in the two patches (Fig. 3 (b)).
Step 5: Copy the value of each pixel to be filled in,
7 7
| ∈ ,∩9 , using its corresponding
position inside , (Fig. 3 (c)).
Step 6: Update the confidence term ( ) in the area
encircled by , as follows:
(:) = ( ; ), ∀: ∈
∩ Ω.
Figure 3. Algorithm 1: (a) The patch , with the highest priority is
found to be filled in, (b) The most similarity candidate
patches with , are determined, e.g. 7 and 77 , (c) The
best matching patch in the candidate set copied into the
position occupied by , , and thus partial filling of Ω is
Before discussing our improvement of the patch
sparsity inpainting method proposed in [19], below we
first explain the general steps of the algorithm.
The method investigates the sparsity of image
patches and measures the confidence of the patch
located at the structure region by the sparseness of its
nonzero similarities to the neighbouring patches. The
patch with larger structure sparsity is assigned a higher
priority for further inpainting. The algorithm can be
presented in six steps. Steps 1, 3, 5, and 6 are quite
similar to the conventional examplar-based method
(Algorithm 1). The priority term in Step 2 is computed
in a different way. A sparse linear combination of
weighted candidate patches is also used to fill in the
missing patch instead of using a single best match in
Step 4. Therefore, the steps 2 and 4 of Algorithm 1 are
modified as follows:
Step 2: A new definition for patch priority, namely
structure sparsity, is proposed. For any
selected patch, a collection of neighbouring
patches with highest similarities is also
distributed in the same structure or texture.
Therefore, the confidence of structure for a
patch is measured by the sparseness of its
nonzero similarities to the neighbouring
patches. The patch with more sparsely
distributed nonzero similarities is laid on the
fill-front due to the high structure
For the patch , located at the fill-front δΩ,
a neighbourhood window <( ) , with the
center , is set (refer to Fig. 4 (a)). The
sparseness of similarities for the patch is
measured by
=( ) = >?
A CDE ( )
@ B, A F
|DE ( )|
|D( )|
where the patch A is located in the known
region centered at G , and @ , A refers to the
similarity between
and A (Fig. 4 (b)),
as defined by:
, A
I( )
exp M−
with 4 measuring the mean squared distance
of the already known pixels in the two
patches, Z( ) being a normalization
constant so that A CDE( ) @ , A = 1, and σ
being set to 5. Finally, <W ( ) is defined to
<W ( ) = X G :
∈ <( )and
⊂ Ω\. (7)
The patch priority (or structure sparsity)
term is defined as the product of the
transformed structure sparsity term and the
patch confidence term that is,
( ) = ]^_,H` 5=( )6. ( ),
where ]^_,H` is a linear transformation taking
=( ) into the interval ^a, 1` . This
transformation scales the structure sparsity
variations to be comparable with ( ).
Step 4: Contrary to the traditional examplar-based
method [19], in which the fill-front patch ,
is filled by the best match , , in the patch
sparsity inpainting method, , is inpainted
by the sparse combinations of multiple
examplars in the framework of sparse
representation. Indeed, from the source
region, the top < most similar patches are
selected as the set of candidates b
Therefore, the unknown pixels in patch ,
is approximated by linear combinations of
the b c dH , that is,
dH $
where the coefficient vector $e =
f$H , $B , … , $D h is obtained by solving a
constrained optimization problem in the
framework of a sparse representation (Fig.
4 (c)).
Figure 4. The patch sparsity inpainting method proposed in [19]: (a) The neighbourhood window <( ), with the center ,
located at the fill-front ij, (b) To measure the sparseness of similarities for
is set for the patch
and A , @ , A , is computed, (c) The unknown pixels in patch , , that has the highest
similarity between
priority, is filled by linear combinations of the top < most similar patches b
b$ c
obtained by solving an optimization problem.
This optimization problem minimizes the 0
norm of $e , i.e., the number of nonzero
elements in the vector $e, with the linearity
assumption of the combination.
Our proposed algorithm is given next. We modify
steps 2, 4 and 6 to attain better results.
Algorithm 2: A modified patch propagation-based
image inpainting using patch sparsity.
Step 1: For each point
on the boundary δΩ ,
construct a patch
is constructed, with
as the center of the patch (as in [12] and
Step 2: To compute the patch’s priority ( ), use a
stable definition is used as follows:
( ) = $]^_,H` 5=( )6 + l]^m,H`
( ( )), (10)
where the terms ]^_,H` 5=( )6 and ( ) are
the same as the ones defined in [19], and $
and l are the component weights with
0 ≤ $, l ≤ 1 and $ + l = 1. As illustrated
in [20], the confidence value rapidly drops to
zero as the filling process goes on. When the
dropping effect occurs, error continually
propagates to the central part of the
reconstructed image, causing noticeable
visual artifacts. Therefore, a regularizing
transformation is used to control the
decreasing rate of the confidence term. We
propose using a linear transformation ] 7 to
take ( ) into the interval ^o, 1`. Also, the
priority term is changed to an additive form
instead of a multiplicative form (because the
weighted by coefficients
numerical multiplication is effectively
sensitive to extreme values, while the
additive form has shown to be more robust
with respect to its input and hence more
Step 3: Find the patch , with the highest priority
to be filled in with the information extracted
from the source region ϕ (as in [12] and
Step 4: Perform a global search on the whole image
to find the < most similarity patches.
p = arg min ∈3 b45 , ,
+ 4qrsO 5
+ 4Otu 5
6c, (11)
where the distance 4 between two generic
patches is simply defined as the sum of
squared differences (SSDs) of the already
known pixels in the two patches.
As a patch may contain texture details, we
also include the gradient and divergence
differences ( 4qrsO and 4Otu , respectively)
between the already known pixels in the two
patches to attain more accuracy. Hence,
these added terms cause the preservation of
texture properties.
Step 5: Once the < most similar patches are found,
we use a linear combination of patches
b c dH to finally obtain the prediction of
the missing pixels in , (as in [19]).
Step 6: Let
dH $
Denote the unknown pixels in the patch , ,
by a matrix , filled by the corresponding
pixels in , :
As illustrated in [19], the coefficients
$e = f$H , $B , … , $D h are obtained by solving
the following constrained optimization
min v$evw
x. y. z { , − { , z | },
t $t
A ∈DE ( )
= 1.
, A
A ∈DE ( )
, A
t $t
• z | },
= 1,
∈ • ∩Ž c
. ( ; ), ∀: ∈
∩ Ω, (19)
where the numerator in the first term is
considered to be the number of known pixels
in the patch , .
By this definition, we make a difference
between the centered pixel, ; , and the pixels
recently filled in, 7 | 7 ∈ ,∩Ž ; the new
filled in pixels do not have information as
reliable as the centered pixel. Hence, we can
reduce the rate of error diffusion as the
filling proceeds.
Next, we present our experimental results.
We have implemented our proposed method and
compared the results with the ones obtained by a PDEbased technique [4], conventional approach [12], and the
patch sparsity method [19] on several different images.
To set up the same computing environment, we have
implemented Algorithm 2, the conventional approach in
[12], and the patch sparsity method in [19] using Matlab
7.10.0 instructions and executed the programs on a
laptop with CPU specifications: Intel® Core™ i5, 2.4
GHz, and 4GB of RAM. The results for the method in
[4] were obtained using the code provided by the first
author of [4].
As proposed in [12], we applied the conventional
method with the patch size (i.e., size of ) being equal
to 9×9 pixels. The parameters used in the patch sparsity
approach are the same as the ones given in [19].
In our proposed algorithm, the size of the patch window
was set to 7×7 pixels. For most cases in Fig. 1, the
size of the neighbourhood window, <( ), was set to
11×11 and the value of $ and l were set to 0.5 and 0.5,
respectively. Also, the number of candidate patches, <,
was fixed to be 21.
So, the optimization problem can be
formulated as
x. y. z
†Œ Š ‹ˆ †
(:) =
| },
Š ‹ˆ †
Step 7: Update the confidence term ( ) in the area
encircled by , as follows:
The local patch consistency constraint can
be rewritten in a compact form:
$e =
~ | },
The first and the second constraints concern
the local patch consistency. The first
constraint constrains the estimated patch ,
approximated by the target patch , over
the already known pixels, and the second
one forms the consistency between the
newly filled pixels and the neighboring
patches in appearance. It measures the
similarity between the estimated patch and
the weighted mean of the neighboring
patches over the missing pixels. The last
summation on the coefficients vector $e. This
constraint is used to achieve invariancy
while reconstructing the target patch from its
candidate patches. The
parameter } is to control the error tolerance,
l balances the strength of the two first
constraints, which is set to 0.25 in our
implementation (as in [19]), and @ , A is
defined to be as given in (6).
of ones. Then, we have a closed form
solution as
which can be solved in the same way as in
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) for data
reduction [21]. In our case, the Gramm
matrix is … = ( • †• − ‡)• ( • †• − ‡) ,
where X is a matrix with columns
c, and 1 is a column vector
Figure 5. The effect of new definition for the patch priority: (a)
Original image, (b) Degraded image, (c) Inpainted
image with the multiplicative form of ( ), and (d)
Inpainted image with the additive form of ( ).
Fig. 5 shows the constancy definition for the patch
priority ( ) . As the numerical multiplication is
effectively sensitive to extreme values, the additive form
is more robust and more stable than the multiplicative
form. So, the obtained result for this new definition is
better than the result obtained by the conventional one.
Fig. 6 shows some results obtained by our method in
comparison with the proposed methods in [12] and [19]
for the application of object removal.
The first and second columns are the original and
degraded images, respectively, the third column
illustrates the results obtained from the conventional
algorithm, the fourth column shows the results of the
patch sparsity method, and the last two columns
demonstrate the results obtained by our proposed
algorithm using the conventional and the newly
proposed similarity metric, respectively.
As being observed in Fig. 6, the results of our proposed
algorithm are superior over the two other ones, even
using the conventional similarity metric. We visually
PSNR = 37.23 (dB)
SSIM = 0.994
PSNR = 42.22 (dB)
SSIM = 0.996
PSNR = 41.31 (dB)
SSIM = 0.991
PSNR = 43.0 (dB)
SSIM = 0.997
PSNR = 31.89 (dB)
SSIM = 0.967
PSNR = 34.94 (dB)
SSIM = 0.985
PSNR = 35.26 (dB)
SSIM = 0.979
PSNR = 35.56 (dB)
SSIM = 0.986
PSNR = 31.09 (dB)
SSIM = 0.980
PSNR = 42.59 (dB)
SSIM = 0.996
PSNR = 42.64 (dB)
SSIM = 0.992
PSNR = 43.11 (dB)
SSIM = 0.997
PSNR = 35.89 (dB)
SSIM = 0.980
PSNR = 35.15 (dB)
SSIM = 0.974
PSNR = 35.86 (dB)
SSIM = 0.976
PSNR = 36.52 (dB)
SSIM = 0.982
PSNR = 26.50 (dB)
SSIM = 0.933
PSNR = 33.02 (dB)
SSIM = 0.957
PSNR = 27.88 (dB)
SSIM = 0.941
PSNR = 26.07 (dB)
SSIM = 0.896
Figure 6. Results obtained by Algorithm 2 in comparison with the ones obtained by the methods in [12] and [19]: (a) Original image, (b)
Degraded image, (c) Inpainted image from [12], (d) Inpainted image from [19], (e) Inpainted image by Algorithm 2 using (3) as
similarity metric, and (f) Inpainted image by Algorithm 2 using the proposed similarity metric, (11).
similarity metric, i.e., (3), contain artifacts that are not
well suited for the neighborhood, whereas our metric,
i.e., (11), considering more properties between the
patches, selects more visually pleasant patches and
produces better results.
find out that the presented results in column (e) are more
acceptable than those illustrated in columns (c) and (d).
Also, robustness of the newly proposed similarity metric
is affirmed by comparing the fifth and sixth columns.
We notice that patches chosen with just the conventional
Figure 7. The effect of the new definition for confidence term, ( ): (a) Original images,
(b) Degraded images, (c) Inpainted images with the conventional definition for
( ), and (d) Inpainted images with the new definition for ( ).
The modification (19) for updating the confidence term
after filling in the unknown pixels reduces the error
propagation, since the rate of reliable information is
controlled by the difference of the centered pixel and the
newly filled ones. The effect of this new definition is
shown in Fig. 7. The first and second rows show the
original and degraded images, and the third and fourth
rows show the images obtained by our proposed method
using the conventional definition (4) and the newly
proposed one (19) for the confidence term, respectively.
As observed in Fig. 7, the result obtained by the new
confidence term is more plausible.
The original Images
The degraded Images
Results of PDE-based
algorithm [4]
PSNR = 36.64 (dB)
SSIM = 0.948
PSNR = 34.74 (dB)
SSIM = 0.959
PSNR = 32.69 (dB)
SSIM = 0.941
PSNR = 28.62 (dB)
SSIM = 0.882
PSNR = 28.15 (dB)
SSIM = 0.956
PSNR = 33.33 (dB)
SSIM = 0.942
PSNR = 37.55 (dB)
SSIM = 0.976
PSNR = 35.74 dB
SSIM = 0.979
PSNR = 39.47 (dB)
SSIM = 0.994
PSNR = 37.98 (dB)
SSIM = 0.981
PSNR = 37.06 (dB)
SSIM = 0.985
PSNR = 42.54 (dB)
SSIM = 0.996
Results of conventional
inpainting method [12]
Results of patch
sparsity approach [19]
Results of our
proposed algorithm
Figure 8. Results obtained by Algorithm 2 in comparison with the ones obtained by the methods in [4], [12] and [19]: First and second
rows are the original and degraded images, respectively. The third row shows the results of PDE-based technique [4], the
results of conventional inpainting method [12] are presented in the forth row, the results obtained by [19] are illustrated in
the fifth row, and the last row demonstrates the results of our proposed algorithm.
Fig. 8 presents more examples for the application of
text removal, scratch restoration and object removal.
The first and second rows show the original and
degraded images, and the third to the sixth rows
respectively show the images obtained by a PDE-based
technique [4], the conventional algorithm [12], the
patch sparsity method [19] and our proposed algorithm.
Roth and Black [4] used the prior models to restore the
image; the models have shown to be useful when
images have noise or uncertainty. They proposed a
framework for learning image priors. The prior model
used in their work was Markov random field (MRF),
which assumes an image to be the result of a random
process, described by an MRF.
For images in Fig. 8, the size of the patch window
was set to 7×7 pixels and the value of $ and l were set
to 0.5 and 0.5, respectively. The size of the
neighbourhood window, <( ), was set to 11×11, 19×19,
and 51×51 pixels for images (a), (b) and (c),
respectively. Also, the number of candidate patches, <,
was fixed to be 11, 3 and 25, correspondingly.
We have used the parameters of the approach in [4]
unchanged for all the examples considered here. This
scheme converted color image to YCbCr color model,
and the algorithm was independently applied to all 3
channels. We used a FoE prior with 8 filters of 3×3
pixels. The algorithm inpainted the missing areas by
iteratively propagating information. We set the number
of iterations to 200.
As seen in Fig. 8, the PDE-based method [4] performs
well on piecewise smooth image, Fig. 8 (a), but fails to
reconstruct areas containing texture with fine details and
tends to blur the inpainted image, Fig. 8 (b) and (c). The
conventional algorithm [12] cannot preserve the edge
continuity and the texture consistency, and thus produce
unpleasant artifacts. The patch sparsity algorithm [19]
produces more pleasant results; however, it fails to
reconstruct some edges properly.
In contrast, the results obtained by our algorithm appear
to be closer to the original image than the ones obtained
by the other three methods. Because of the improvement
in the priority term, high importance was given to the
structures in a more robust way. Also, the proposed
similarity metric encompasses more properties of the
patches and selects the most visually pleasant ones.
Furthermore, the modification in the confidence term
after filling in pixels helps reduce the error propagation.
For a quantitative comparison, we computed the peak
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity
(SSIM) values between the original and inpainted
images, also observing overally better obtained PSNR
and SSIM values by Algorithm 2.
However, similar to [19], our algorithm cannot properly
recover large missing areas consisting of structures
while the known region doesn’t contain any structure
cues. This is a limitation of our algorithm, which needs
to be investigated in a future work.
We presented a modified patch sparsity scheme for
inpainting degraded images. Addressing the patch
sparsity approach as a robust inpainting method, the
suggested modifications lead to an improvement in
producing better results. We applied the proposed
algorithm to several images and compared the obtained
result with the ones obtained by three other methods.
The high visual quality of the results obtained by our
approach affirmed the effectiveness of the proposed
In future, we will also investigate the effects of
varying patch sizes and try to select an optimal size.
Moreover, the number of sufficient candidate patches
would be explored since it has a direct impact on the
computational time of inpainting.
The authors sincerely thank Stefan Roth for
distributing the inpainting code and also Jian Sun for
providing the original and degraded images as well as
the results obtained by the patch sparsity method. The
second author also thanks Sharif University of
Technology for its support.
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