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This essay discusses the evolution of food preparation, highlighting how advancements in technology have made it easier for individuals to access and prepare food. It underscores the availability of ingredients year-round, the convenience of modern cooking appliances like microwaves and ovens, and the importance of food labeling for health-conscious consumers. Overall, these changes have contributed to saving time and promoting healthier eating choices.
Food is any substance that, by absorption in the human body, contributes to the preservation of its homeostasis. Food in the narrow sense consists of the following ingredients: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, and Minerals. Food allows a person to perform daily activities. When we talk about food, we often divide it into food of animal and plant origin. In pre-industrial society, man grew his own food, and sometimes even sold it (markets have always existed), while today a smaller part of society is engaged in food production. Today are developed: meat industry, dairy industry, fishing industry, and bakery industry.
Nova Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 2016
Nowadays, modern technology utilization on food is widely practiced and as a result, there are good and bad impacts of this practice. How they impact the society and why we have to utilize them despite of their impacts? The objective of this article is to determine the good and bad impacts will human globally face when utilizing the modern technology on food. The investigation first focuses on history and evolution of food from ancient until now and the evaluation of the good and bad impact of them on food. The scope also covers on four main classification of food processing related to the use of modern technology; food packaging and storage, food coloring and flavoring, food preservation and food fortification. As such, they are still being used to cater the increasing population demand that need food for survival despite the impacts encountered. The investigation and evaluation methods used are qualitative approach which is conducted through journals, articles, books and literature.
International journal of Research and analytical reviews, 2022
Food history started with the imagination of life, the species of humans interacted and used nature according to their requirement, and explored to the extent to be finished, whether its food, water, or any other. In primitive times the biggest human need was survival because the man was having a fear to be in a situation, to be the food of another beast. During the time the man has developed himself and his food and completed the path of development from nature to culture, culture to society. He also made food available for the next meal and started its storage. The idea of cultivation of plants and other vegetation transformed into food choices, and these choices transformed into the preferences of vegetarian food over others food. Preferences progressively changed into food habits and became an integral part of the culture. There is one more unique incidence that happened to humans, due to food choice, which only found in humans is, "omnivore dilemma", it has shaped culture in a different way. Food and cultures of any society have an impact on traditions, taboos, beliefs, rituals, attitudes, and habitant culinary practices. The aim of this study is to analyze food in a socio-cultural context and to study the food from structural perspectives to present food in relation to nature, culture, and society.
Everyone wants fresh, healthy and delicious food on their table, and fruits and vegetables are the basis of such a menu. Thanks to the strong presence of nutrition, there has been a growing concern in recent years about the quality of the food which we consume. Many wonder if the food we consume is healthy because various pesticides is used in agricultural food production. The food we eat should meet the body's needs for different nutrients. Simply said, this would mean that we have to eat many different types of food every day.
I argue that a primary aim of philosophical reflections upon food and food practices should be to affirm their significance to and meaning for human life. The production, consumption, and appreciation of food enjoy a broader significance to human beings that ought not be reflectively disaggregated into separate ethical and aesthetic concerns. This claim is connected with complaints from various gastronomists and philosophers, who allege that certain deleterious contemporary attitudes towards food are partly consequences of our failure to appreciate the significance of food. I conclude that a key desideratum for any philosophy of food is its capacity to inspire and enable reflection upon the significance of food and food practices to human life.
Chapter One of Environment & Food, 2012
Keywords: Food; Health; Nutrition; Trade; Law We cannot live without food. The body draws nutrients from the food to build cells. Food gives us the energy we need to do the activity. With food we satisfies our physical and physiological needs. In addition, food has a strong emotional effect. We don't just eat food because we are hungry. Food gives us a sense of satisfaction, comfort and happiness. In order for end users to eat healthy, food manufacturers and sellers must, among other things, meet some of the economic demands placed on them by today's market.
According to Indian Philosophy, Anna or food is an aspect of Brahman. It is a gift from Paramatma. So, it should be treated with great respect. The physical body is called AnnamayaKosha, i.e. food body, because body nourished and grows by absorbing the energies from food. Food should be eaten for the survival and strength of the body, but not for pleasure. Fasting is another aspect of traditional food system. It is meant to purify the mind and the body. These traditional food concepts have been changed drastically in our society because of our contemporary lifestyle. The various aspects of traditional food system has been recorded in ancient scriptures, literature and as well as in oral narratives of folk. We may find special food items and many dietary varieties in Karnataka. These varieties have a number of little used; uncommon vegetables with perceived health benefits. Key traditional staple food and other food groups such as nuts, seeds, wild fruits and vegetables used in the diet are area specific. Traditional food system plays a significant role in maintaining the well-being and health of Indigenous People. Yet, evidence abounds showing that the traditional food base and knowledge of Indigenous People are being eroded. This has resulted in the use of fewer species, decreased dietary diversity due to household food insecurity and consequently poor health status. The knowledge of the traditional food system can change this scenario. Awareness created on traditional food system can contribute to create a healthy society to build strong nation. The traditional knowledge of food is considered to be the best for particular geographical condition. Changing food pattern can damage the good health of the society. So, it is vital to know the importance of good food habits of our own tradition and balanced diet. In this chapter, importance of traditional foods like staple, special, seasonal, region specific and their methods will be discussed.
Culture <html_ent glyph="@amp;" ascii="&"/> Agriculture, 1999
And also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor. (Ecclesiastes 3:13) Food matters above all because no one can live without it. Even those who have tried, for example, late medieval saints such as Catherine of Siena who ate little besides the Eucharistic wafer, testified to the tormenting importance of food. My concern in this article is that what people eat reflects their sense of who they are as well as the cultural meaning of food, ranging from preoccupation with health to the perceptions that other nations or classes eat differently. Personal likes and dislikes as well as food fashions have had a tremendous impact on how the world is organized. Whims and preferences have unplanned global side effects. The exponential increase in demand for sugar in seventeenth-century Europe was fueled by the trend for adding it to coffee, tea, and chocolate, all new beverages at the time. This created the economic basis for the African slave trade, most of whose victims were put to work in the sugar plantations and refineries of the Caribbean islands or Brazil. Sugar cane, a notoriously difficult crop to harvest and process, is an extreme case, but transforming any element of the natural world into food has always been labor-intensive, until recently requiring the mobilization of at least ninety percent of the world's population to directly engage with cultivation, hunting, herding, and fishing, followed by processing and cooking. Today there is a stark contrast between the ease with which the affluent or even ordinary consumer buys food versus the often-hidden labor that is still required to deliver it. The average European supermarket has over twenty thousand separate items, most of the edible items involving considerable toil and suffering to produce. The true costs are unknown to the consumer because only a tiny percentage of the population in well-off countries is employed in agriculture, and the ones that are employed in those sectors (such as crop harvesting and meat processing) are generally marginalized immigrants or racial minorities.
"There is no love sincerer than the love of food." It is true that we can't live without the nourishment of food. It is equally true that food can comfort a man or woman in distress. There is a special connection between man and the satisfaction of taste and level of satiety that brings about harmony in a man's life. People around the world are in craze when it comes to satiating their taste buds. Many TV shows, local and international, represents how much people are delighted when it comes to eating. In the Philippines, we have Biyahe Ni Drew, Jessica Soho, and, Motorcycle Diaries where the different popular delicacies of the provinces in our country are shown and showcased and, best of all, eaten by the host. Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown and Luke Nguyen's TLC TV Show, and many more are just some of the well-known personalities discovering food cultures and tastes all over the world. These shows, as well as other social media shows, does not only feature the love for eating but also the different types of food from a variety of culture from their own locality and from the other parts of the planet.
Zoarces viviparus was sampled in various sub-basins of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga, and Baltic Proper) by different biotopes (eurytherm, cold stenotherm, and their transition areas). The somatic growth rate, absolute fecundity, and number of vertebrae differed significantly between the biotopes suggesting the existence of different eelpout populations in the northeastern Baltic. Adaptation of the originally cold stenotherm eelpout enabled the fish to occupy the more productive eurytherm biotope and thus facilitated an increase in the abundance of the species. An important precondition for this was the existence of transitional abiotic conditions that promoted the break of the species through the temperature barrier, but also simultaneous or earlier adaptation of the cold stenotherm invertebrate prey complex to the eurytherm conditions. As a result of adaptations, the phenotype of the species has changed compared to the original (stenotherm) stock. Adaptation of the fish to new conditions has not caused changes in its intraovarian growth.
Materials Letters, 2011
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Longitudinal studies provide useful and unique data for social science research but are labor intensive and expensive. Key to conducting a successful longitudinal study is the ability to locate respondents in the follow-up effort. We conducted a 35-year longitudinal study among Mexican Americans in Los Angeles, California, and San Antonio, Texas. In this article, the authors describe (a) the individualized approach used in searching and (b) how recent technological developments have provided extensive sources of information that facilitated the searching process. The authors locate 79 percent of their sample. This study differs from previous longitudinal studies in that (a) the population is ethnic, urban, and working class; (b) more than 30 years had passed since the original study; (c) the authors built on a study not originally designed as a longitudinal effort; and (d) there had been no contact with respondents in the intervening period.
Perubahan SPL diketahui memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap variabilitas curah hujan dan diduga hal ini terkait dengan perubahan pola anomali SPL tersebut baik secara spasial maupun temporal. Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada keterkaitan yang cukup jelas antara fenomena SPL dengan kejadian hujan di suatu wilayah. Hendon (2003) menyatakan bahwa variabilitas SPL Nino 3.4 mempengaruhi 50% variasi curah hujan seluruh Indonesia sedangkan variabilitas SPL di Laut India 10-15%. Salah satu model untuk melakukan prediksi curah hujan yaitu menggunakan model statistik. Pendekatan statistik pada analisis deret waktu dilakukan dengan menggunakan modelmodel statistik untuk menjelaskan perilaku dinamis dari suatu deret waktu. Namun semakin panjang jangka waktu yang diprediksi maka kesalahan (error) model juga semakin besar. Dengan mengembangkan model yang tervalidasi (forecasting) diharapkan dapat menghasilkan informasi yang lebih akurat dalam waktu yang cepat serta mencakup wilayah yang lebih luas sehingga pemanfaatannya dapat lebih dirasakan oleh pengguna (Warsito et al 2008)
Weight-Shift Control Aircraft Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-5) by U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Weight-Shift Control Aircraft Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-5) by U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Journal of East African Natural History, 2009
Between March 2005 and February 2006 we surveyed the large and medium sized mammals (>5 kg) of Arawale National Reserve, NE Kenya. Twenty-three mammal species were counted during the period, using ground transects. This included eight species listed in the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Densities and biomass of the larger mammals in the Reserve were generally low as compared to other protected areas in East Africa. There were no seasonal differences in the number of mammals counted, but differences between habitats were highly significant. Despite the low mammal densities, Arawale National Reserve is important for the conservation of threatened species, especially hirola Beatragus hunteri and wild dog Lycaon pictus.