Eco-City Development Position Papers

Eco-City Development Position Papers, by Florian Steinberg China’s Commitment to Mitigate Climate Change In 2015, China was one of the first Asian countries – besides Japan and South Korea – to come out strongly with a commitment to combat climate change, and to adapt to eventual future impacts. Context. With its population of about 1,300 million people, China is one of the world’s major emitters of green house gases (GHG), and at the same time it is also one of the most vulnerable countries to the negative impacts of climate change. Commitment. In preparation for the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Meeting (COP21) in Paris, the government of China has announced that its GHG emissions will peak in 2030. Equally, it is committed to reduce by 2030 by 60-65% the intensity of its carbon usage in relationship to its gross domestic product (GDP), compared to 2005 levels. It will take on the responsibility to increase substantially its forest cover, and will ensure that by 2030 some 20% of its energy requirements will be covered by renewable energy. Actions. The country’s measures will include mitigation of its contributions to GHG emissions, and it will introduce adaptations measures to cope with negative impacts of climate change in food production, protection of its population, and in climate-proof infrastructure. China aims at biding climate change agreements under the COP21. The international community sees the proposed measures as ambitious but achievable. Since several years, China has started with low-carbon development. Today it is working towards a full-fledged program of green development of its economy. Eco-Cities and Climate Change China’s activities to create eco-cities must be seen as part of its contributions to low-carbon development with aim to mitigate climate change. Among the various support mechanisms which exist, to support low-carbon development, the Ministry of Housing, and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD), is being supported by the European Union (EU) through the Europe-China Eco-Cities Link Project (EC Link). Background.The main objective of the EC Link project is to serve as a support mechanism to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to implement its sustainable low-carbon urbanisation agenda. The project will support the Ministry in 4 strategic areas: 1) Demonstrate best approaches to implement low carbon solutions by introducing appropriate urban planning tools. Best practice low carbon planning will be identified in both Europe and China and made available nation-wide to municipal governments. Advanced planning tools will be deployed at the local level with the support of the project, with a view to refining proposed low-carbon planning models and to scaling them up across Chinese provinces. 2) Serve as testing ground for innovations in specific low-carbon policies (e.g. energy performance labelling for buildings, intelligent transport systems, smart cities, GIS planning tools, eco city labelling schemes) and technologies (in the 9 sectors selected by the project: compact urban development, clean energy, green buildings, green transportation, water management, solid waste treatment, urban renewal and revitalization, municipal financing, green industries). 3) Improve Chinese Municipalities' potential to finance low carbon solutions and notably their ability to attract private sector financing in the form of public private partnerships. The EC Link will support MoHURD to define innovative financial schemes, support feasibility studies and the formulation of finance and investment proposals, better coordinate and leverage investments undertaken by European Union (EU) Member States, or to link projects to European financing institutions (e.g. European Investment Bank) and to European companies. 4) Establish knowledge networks and test the functionality of the support mechanism by leveraging, scaling up, and integrating transformative actions supported by the policy and technology tools developed under the project. The Knowledge Platform will demonstrate how strategic objectives have been translated at local level and how results have been integrated at national level for the definition of long-term best practices. Results will be shared via training and capacity building at local level, and via the knowledge platform set-up by the project at national and international level. The EC Link Position Papers. MoHURD and the EC Link Technical Assistance Team (TAT) have identified 9 specific sectors for the deployment of technology based tool boxes. In all of these, Europe has a lot of knowledge and best practice to contribute to support the deployment of these solutions in China. These 9 sectors include: Eco-City Development Position Papers 1. Compact Urban Development: 2. Clean Energy: 3. Green Buildings: 4. Green Transport: 5. Water Management: 6. Solid Waste Management: 7. Urban Renewal and Revitalization: 8. Municipal Finance: 9. Green Industries: Users and Target Groups of Position Papers. The EC Link Position Papers will be utilized by personnel of the cities which are covered by MoHURD’s eco-city programme. This covers technical and managerial staff of these cities. Additionally, at central government level, MoHURD and other ministries may also make use of these position papers for the purpose of staff training and briefing. Since these position papers are also going to be published in the EC Link website (, also the general public is invited to make use of these position papers. Content of Position papers Sector overview: The EC-Link position papers provide an overview of each thematic sector (compact urban development, clean energy, green buildings, green transportation, water management, solid waste treatment, urban renewal and revitalization, municipal financing, green industries). It begins with a state-of-the-art review of the sector, and presents sector challenges as development objectives. Sector policy analysis: As part of the sector overview, the EC-Link position papers provide sector policy analysis, and a comparison of EU and Chinese sector policies. Comparison of European and Chinese experiences: The comparison of real-life EU and Chinese project experiences are used to illustrate innovations and progress in the respective sector. Both for EU and Chinese cases, there is an overview of good practices, technologies and products, performance indicators, technical standards, verification methods, and lessons learnt from best eco-city practices. Position Paper - a living document: This position paper will be updated based on city-level real-life project experiences in the EC-Link pilot cities. Possible misconceptions: These position papers shall not be mistaken for ‘cook books’, or ‘how to do’-manuals like we know them from other subject fields (car repair, computer servicing, etc.). Urban development is too complex for such an approach. Upon request of MoHURD these position papers are addressing good practices and seek to provide tools for complex issues of urban planning and implementation. DISCLAIMER The illustration of EC Link Position Papers was only possible through the use of a wide range of published materials, most of these available online. The position papers’ authors have utilized illustrations which originate from internet sources, and these are reproduced here with proper citation and reference. The use of these materials is solely for the purpose of knowledge sharing, without any commercial use or intentions.

Eco-City Development Position Papers, by Florian Steinberg China’s Commitment to Mitigate Climate Change In 2015, China was one of the first Asian countries – besides Japan and South Korea – to come out strongly with a commitment to combat climate change, and to adapt to eventual future impacts. Context. With its population of about 1,300 million people, China is one of the world’s major emitters of green house gases (GHG), and at the same time it is also one of the most vulnerable countries to the negative impacts of climate change. Commitment. In preparation for the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Meeting (COP21) in Paris, the government of China has announced that its GHG emissions will peak in 2030. Equally, it is committed to reduce by 2030 by 60-65% the intensity of its carbon usage in relationship to its gross domestic product (GDP), compared to 2005 levels. It will take on the responsibility to increase substantially its forest cover, and will ensure that by 2030 some 20% of its energy requirements will be covered by renewable energy. Actions. The country’s measures will include mitigation of its contributions to GHG emissions, and it will introduce adaptations measures to cope with negative impacts of climate change in food production, protection of its population, and in climate-proof infrastructure. China aims at biding climate change agreements under the COP21. The international community sees the proposed measures as ambitious but achievable. Since several years, China has started with low-carbon development. Today it is working towards a full-fledged program of green development of its economy. Eco-Cities and Climate Change China’s activities to create eco-cities must be seen as part of its contributions to low-carbon development with aim to mitigate climate change. Among the various support mechanisms which exist, to support low-carbon development, the Ministry of Housing, and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD), is being supported by the European Union (EU) through the Europe-China Eco-Cities Link Project (EC Link). Background.The main objective of the EC Link project is to serve as a support mechanism to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to implement its sustainable low-carbon urbanisation agenda. The project will support the Ministry in 4 strategic areas: Demonstrate best approaches to implement low carbon solutions by introducing appropriate urban planning tools. Best practice low carbon planning will be identified in both Europe and China and made available nation-wide to municipal governments. Advanced planning tools will be deployed at the local level with the support of the project, with a view to refining proposed low-carbon planning models and to scaling them up across Chinese provinces. Serve as testing ground for innovations in specific low-carbon policies (e.g. energy performance labelling for buildings, intelligent transport systems, smart cities, GIS planning tools, eco city labelling schemes) and technologies (in the 9 sectors selected by the project: compact urban development, clean energy, green buildings, green transportation, water management, solid waste treatment, urban renewal and revitalization, municipal financing, green industries). Improve Chinese Municipalities' potential to finance low carbon solutions and notably their ability to attract private sector financing in the form of public private partnerships. The EC Link will support MoHURD to define innovative financial schemes, support feasibility studies and the formulation of finance and investment proposals, better coordinate and leverage investments undertaken by European Union (EU) Member States, or to link projects to European financing institutions (e.g. European Investment Bank) and to European companies. Establish knowledge networks and test the functionality of the support mechanism by leveraging, scaling up, and integrating transformative actions supported by the policy and technology tools developed under the project. The Knowledge Platform will demonstrate how strategic objectives have been translated at local level and how results have been integrated at national level for the definition of long-term best practices. Results will be shared via training and capacity building at local level, and via the knowledge platform set-up by the project at national and international level. The EC Link Position Papers. MoHURD and the EC Link Technical Assistance Team (TAT) have identified 9 specific sectors for the deployment of technology based tool boxes. In all of these, Europe has a lot of knowledge and best practice to contribute to support the deployment of these solutions in China. These 9 sectors include: Eco-City Development Position Papers Compact Urban Development: Clean Energy: Green Buildings: Green Transport: Water Management: Solid Waste Management: Urban Renewal and Revitalization: Municipal Finance: Green Industries: Users and Target Groups of Position Papers. The EC Link Position Papers will be utilized by personnel of the cities which are covered by MoHURD’s eco-city programme. This covers technical and managerial staff of these cities. Additionally, at central government level, MoHURD and other ministries may also make use of these position papers for the purpose of staff training and briefing. Since these position papers are also going to be published in the EC Link website (, also the general public is invited to make use of these position papers. Content of Position papers Sector overview: The EC-Link position papers provide an overview of each thematic sector (compact urban development, clean energy, green buildings, green transportation, water management, solid waste treatment, urban renewal and revitalization, municipal financing, green industries). It begins with a state-of-the-art review of the sector, and presents sector challenges as development objectives. Sector policy analysis: As part of the sector overview, the EC-Link position papers provide sector policy analysis, and a comparison of EU and Chinese sector policies. Comparison of European and Chinese experiences: The comparison of real-life EU and Chinese project experiences are used to illustrate innovations and progress in the respective sector. Both for EU and Chinese cases, there is an overview of good practices, technologies and products, performance indicators, technical standards, verification methods, and lessons learnt from best eco-city practices. Position Paper - a living document: This position paper will be updated based on city-level real-life project experiences in the EC-Link pilot cities. Possible misconceptions: These position papers shall not be mistaken for ‘cook books’, or ‘how to do’-manuals like we know them from other subject fields (car repair, computer servicing, etc.). Urban development is too complex for such an approach. Upon request of MoHURD these position papers are addressing good practices and seek to provide tools for complex issues of urban planning and implementation. DISCLAIMER The illustration of EC Link Position Papers was only possible through the use of a wide range of published materials, most of these available online. The position papers’ authors have utilized illustrations which originate from internet sources, and these are reproduced here with proper citation and reference. The use of these materials is solely for the purpose of knowledge sharing, without any commercial use or intentions.