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Line organization structure is the oldest and simplest form of organization. In these organizations, a supervisor exercises direct supervision over a subordinate. Also, authority flows from the topmost person in the organization to the person in the lowest rung. This type of an organization is also called a military organization or a scalar-type organization. Advantages of a Line Organization • Simple to work • Economical and effective. It also allows quick decisions and efficient coordination. • Conforms to the scalar principle of organization. Further, it promotes the unity of command. • In a line organization, the responsibility for the performance of tasks is fixed upon definite individuals. Therefore, there is accountability of delegated tasks. • There is excellent discipline in a line organization due to unified control and undivided loyalties. • The overall cost of running the organization is low due to the non-involvement of staff personnel. • It is a stable form of organization. Disadvantages of a Line Organization • A line organization can suffer from a lack of specialization. This is because each department manager is concerned only with the activities of his own department. Therefore, employees are skilled in tasks pertaining to their departments alone.
The importance of this paper comes from the essential role is played by the organizational structure and departmentalization in any organization or businesses to grow and be profitable. This paper is addressing the relationships between the organization structure and staff performance, and draw distinctions between " hard " and " soft " performance criteria, by examining the direct and indirect influences of organizational structure and internal communication between the employees. This paper provides guidance to all employees by laying out the official reporting relationships that govern the workflow of the organization to provide a flexible and ready means for growth. The current paper aims to evaluate the relationship between organizational structure and continuous improvement and success in any organization and link it to the staff goals and area of responsibilities, and to know the impact of the Organizational Structure and departmentalization, and to determine the benefits of national and international organizations.
There shall be two papers in all, and each paper shall be of three hours duration and of 100 marks. Each paper shall consist of two parts. There shall be twenty multiple choice objective type questions one mark each in the first compulsory question. The second compulsory question will comprise ten questions of two marks each. These will be short answer questions. Answers should be of not more than twenty words. Marks may be deducted if the word limit is exceeded. This part of the question paper will be given maximum one hour duration and shall relate to all the three sections covering there by the entire course.
Academia Letters, 2022
This paper endeavors a new methodological technique for the study of constitutional rights: the usage of pentimenti reading on the analysis of intentions behind the production of constitutional norms. Pentimenti, or regrets in Italian, is a term usually applied to the study of art concerning the repented traces or sketches concealed by layers of paint. The study of those repents may help critics and scientists analyze and comprehend the artist's intentions, motives, and impulses, not only by the final piece but also and, more importantly, by the undesired results of its work. In this sense, examining the constitutional repents can help shed light on the values that have possibly sustained, corroborated, validated, and influenced the existence of constitutional norms. These changes made during the constitution-making process may reveal some aspects, such as the conjecture which a constitutional right is written. Furthermore, even the slightest alteration might unveil the intents and interests that have moved the constituents during the voting sections or behind the scenes of the constitution-making process. The examen of the pentimenti left during the constitution process focuses on searching and analyzing the alterations so toilfully and intentionally corrected under layers of paint and thus, for that reason, intended to be kept hidden. It is precisely this effort on hiding and concealing some unpleasant, undesired, and uninvited aspects of a constitutional norm that could indicate the reasons behind some of the alterations. As "everything that is visible hides something else that is invisible"[1], this technique may serve as a tool to highlight some aspects lost in the process of elaborating and voting a specific piece of constitutional law. In this sense, the proposed methodological approach intends to focus on sentences, expressions, or even single words erased from the final product. The fact that these terms have been avoided helps unravel intricated wordplay, almost unwritten
Bacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Ecosystems, 2011
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie III. Historia Medieval, 2024
Journal of School Leadership, 2023
Derleme Makale, 2020
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2023
Journal of Systems and Software, 2014
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2025
Additional Conferences (Device Packaging, HiTEC, HiTEN, and CICMT), 2012
Ecology of Iranian Forests
Sakarya İletişim, 2023
Eikón / Imago 14 (February 5, 2025) Monográfico, Heraldry. A system of Visual Communication in Renewal from the Middle Ages to the Present Day / Monographic theme, Miguel Metelo de Seixas ed., 2025