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This paper investigates Pakistani doctoral thesis acknowledgements from genre analysis perspective. A corpus of 235 PhD thesis acknowledgements written in English was taken from Pakistani doctoral theses collected from eight different disciplines. HEC Research Repository of Pakistan was used as a data sources. The theses written by Pakistani native PhD students, and submitted to Pakistani HEC recognized universities during the last five years, from 2008 to 2012, were selected for the collection of acknowledgements data. Swales’ (1990) conception of genre analysis in its modified form was followedfor the investigation of genre moves. In the initial stages, Hyland’s (2004b) coding scheme was utilized but due to broad socio-cultural differences between Hyland (2004b) and the present study, some other models such as Al-Ali (2010) were also sought for the coding of certain generic components. The analysis revealed seven moves along with certain sub-units or steps. These seven moves and their steps resulted from socio-cultural norms, academic traditions and institutional practices of acknowledgement writing in Pakistan.
Indian subcontinent by the Umayyad governor 'Amr al-Thaqafi, son of Muhammad bin Qasim al-Thaqafi, between 728-37 AD. It remained the principal Arab metropolis and a major center of trade and culture until its destruction by an earthquake in the 12 th century. Based on the hypothesis that al-Mansurah formed a nucleus of Islamic Culture in the entire Islamic world and particularly in the subcontinent, an analytical study of a few aspects of the Cultural Life of al-Mansurah was carried out by the writer on which he was awarded his PhD degree in the year 2004 and published as: "History of Islamic Art based on al-Mansurah Evidence". The earliest excavations on the site were carried out in the years 1852-56, followed by the 2 nd session in the year 1898 and from 1960-1998 several seasons of excavations on the site were carried out by the Department of Pakistan Archaeology. During his research for his PhD, Dr. Rajput found many interesting facts, which makes the site of al-Mansurah extremely important adding
Lifescience Global, 2016
The present study shows the bulk mineralogical composition of the Bara Formation from Lakhra anticline, near to Lakhra coalfield area of the Sindh province of Pakistan. The petrography, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractommeter were used for the detailed mineralogical investigations. Quartz, feldspars, hematite, gypsum, chlorite and goethite minerals were obtained from above methods. Quartz, feldspar and chlorite minerals indicated that the sediments were transported from igneous and metamorphic rocks and the hematite and goethite indicated the continental environment for the studied formation. Mineralogical investigation of the Bara Formation indicates that the sediments were supplied from the Igneous and metamorphic rock terrane. It can be said that the Bara formation sediments were supplied from the Igneous and metamorphic complex which is exposed in the southeastern part of the studied area.
Working in the Capacity of Principal Consultant at Marvel System as well as Vice President at Marvel System Investment Federation. Marvel System is a Consultancy firm that is owned by Niazi Group. Marvel System offers wide range of business services including Company Registration, Patents & Trade Marks, Curriculum Development, Graphics Designing, Branding & Packaging, Staffing & HR Development, Marketing Research, Business Promotion, Corporate Financing, Local and Int’l Franchising Licensing Programs, Professional Training, Research & Development, Corporate Digitizing, Re-Engineering and Globalizing. Marvel System has served many different sectors including Health & Fitness, Education & Training, Banking & Finance, Corporate & Social Insurance, Art, Cultural & Heritage, Government & Defense, Social Development, Area Payphone System, Telecom Solutions and Services, Automobile Manufacturers, Solar & Wind Power, Water Turbines & Bio Energies, Real Estate Developers, Public Transportation, Cargo and Logistics, Transit, TV, Radio and Press.
RED, 2009
Las nuevas tecnologías y los medios digitales plantean nuevas posibilidades educativas, dando paso a lo que se conoce como e-learning. Sin embargo, contar con estos medios no garantiza sin más el conseguir los mejores resultados de aprendizaje, pues también se requiere la implantación paralela de nuevos modelos pedagógicos. Estos modelos afectarán tanto al diseño de los materiales educativos en formato digital, como al modo de utilización de los mismos en el aula. Los objetos de aprendizaje son la principal opción a la hora de crear los materiales educativos. En este artículo se hace una breve introducción de los conceptos básicos sobre objetos de aprendizaje y sobre algunos principios metodológicos fundamentales a la hora de diseñar estos materiales educativos en formato digital contenidos en los objetos de aprendizaje. En el resto de los artículos de este monográfico se describen distintas experiencias reales a la hora de poner en práctica esta "digitalización" del aula, demandada por un nuevo modelo educativo en respuesta al uso de las nuevas tecnologías en el aula. Palabras clave e-learning, objetos de aprendizaje, diseño de materiales educativos, metodología de docencia
The author has granted a non-L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sel1 reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfiche/k, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author' s ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. I would like to thank my dissertation supervisor, T. Cuyler Young Jr., for his patience, encouragement, and guidance throughout the writing of this thesis. His insightful advice and invaluable discussions about lron Age Iran permeate every aspect of this work. I would also like to thank J.S. Holladay for al1 his help and encouragement throughout my graduate student career. Many thanks are due to Edward Banning for his friendship over the years, his many helpful comrnents about this dissertation, and for agreeing to give up his day off from excavation in order to serve on the defense committee by telephone from Jordan. Timothy Harrison is also to be thanked for stepping in as a member of my committee in the final year of the dissertation. Heartfelt acknowledgements are extended to Louis Levine and David Stronach for allowing me to use unpublished material from Jameh Shuran and Nush-i Jan, as well as for providing me with advice and encouragement in the early stages of the thesis. I would also like to thank William Sumner for his useful advice as the outside examiner, and Robert Maçon and William Pratt for their help with the illustrations. My parents and five siblings who have encouraged, advised, urged, teased, and laughed at and with me, have aided and abetted in the production of this work in countless ways. To Donald, Zoë, Oona, and Ayala I owe everything.
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