Author declaration form

The authors who sign below expressly declare that: 1) We participated in the development of the investigation article ( ), short communication ( ), clinical case ( ), literature review ( ), as well as in the analysis of the data and writing of the above.

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Author declaration form (Mark with an X the appropriate box) The authors who sign below expressly declare that: 1) We participated in the development of the investigation article ( ), short communication ( ), clinical case ( ), literature review ( ), as well as in the analysis of the data and writing of the above. 2) The referenced article has never been published in whole or in part and has not been submitted to another magazine for publishing. 3) We respect the ethical standards relating to scientific publication. 4) The article is free from plagiarism and self-plagiarism. 5) We reported financial support or conflict of interest. 6) In case the article is published, we cede author rights to Journal MVZ Córdoba. 7) Information supplied in this form is true, as well as any information requested later by Journal MVZ Córdoba. Title of the article _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Author (s) Name _____________________________________________ Signature _________________ Name _____________________________________________ Signature __________________ Name _____________________________________________ Signature __________________ Name _____________________________________________ Signature __________________ Name _____________________________________________ Signature __________________ Name _____________________________________________ Signature __________________ Name of the corresponding author: _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________City ______________________ Country _____________________________________Cell phone ________________________ Telephone (s) ______________________________ Fax (s) ____________________________ Email (Institucional) ____________________________________________________________ Email (Personal) _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Monteria – Colombia